Yavin Luke image thread

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galactiboy said:
I've been wondering if I could confirm my suspicions about DecDave being the opposite of Josh when it comes to figures... but yet somehow just as stubborn.

I think I found my answer:

Somebody said CF already held that coveted title but I would be honored to take it but first, you have to spell it right.
nash said:
im not diggin this 1/6 luke either. in no way does that look good, from clothing to sculpt, to paint. go fanboys.:rock:rock
It's only the paint job that's off for me. The sculpt looked great on the prototype, and the costume is about as good as you could expect for that scale and price point.

dekadentdave said:
I can accept the fact that Hot Toys doesn't always get the rights to a particular actors' likeness which is more than made up for by the incredible quality and detail of their figures which have all smoked anything that SSC has ever done.
So HT gets a pass when it has an off sculpt but SS doesn't? I only own a few HT figures and the likenesses are generally off: Superman due to the sculpt and Ripley due to the paint job. On the whole SS has the better record on likenesses (look no further than Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Arnie, Angel etc).
Sure, HT bodies and costumes might be better, but you're paying two to three times as much for them.
Just thought I would contribute my pic to this thread. It is in no way near as good as alot of the pictures we have seen in this thread, but I just thought I'd toss my hat into the ring as well.

pixletwin said:
thought I'd toss my hat into the ring as well.

Nice picture Pix, and it really is a ring in here at times, Dave and Josh going 15 rounds, "I must break you."
MaulFan said:
Nice picture Pix, and it really is a ring in here at times, Dave and Josh going 15 rounds, "I must break you."


Thanks you two. I appreciate the kind words n stuff. :eek:
As much as I love Andy B. and regard him as probably the best sculptor SS ever had, his Obi-Wan was off. The beard was too thick and the hairline was off as well. I won't even get into the factory paint foul up. I think Darren improved Andy's sculpt tenfold.

Ripley looks EXACTLY like Sigourney with a minor repaint of the hair and eyes as Les has shown, the sculpt is perfect, the paint is not. FOX doesn't want to pay royalties to Sigourney for her likeness so they had to paint it a different shade just enough so that Sigourney couldn't sue.

I will GLADLY pay twice as much to SS if they would improve A. The bodies B. the factory paints and C. The sculpts. I'm not saying all of SS's sculpts are bad. Loved Trevor's Linda sculpt and Andy's Terminator's rocked, but uh, Fathead Han, Anakin and Luke leave much to be desired at that price. Time to step it up in terms of quality when Hot Toys is taking them to school with every product release.
Pix your photo looks like a pump fake in basketball, he lunges forward with the saber, but catches you off guard with a shot from his blaster :) I fear you are underestimating the sneakiness.
pixletwin said:
Just thought I would contribute my pic to this thread. It is in no way near as good as alot of the pictures we have seen in this thread, but I just thought I'd toss my hat into the ring as well.


Dude! I have that exact same Kurt Cobain figure sitting right next to my monitor too. Freaky.
Dave, you make some good points. But I guess with the different price points they're going after different markets. I'm only willing to shell out for the occasional HT piece, but I'll probably buy all the SW ones cos they're more affordable.
I was glad when Hasbro subcontracted the 12" license to SS. All I ever wanted was a better job than Hasbro did, and so far SS has delivered in spades. Maybe that's setting the bar too low, but I'm just glad 12" SW figures are still a going concern, cos the future wasn't looking so bright for a while there.

P.S. Do you have a link to Les's Ripley repaint? I don't wanna wade through the massive Aliens thread...
The question of Sideshow's quality in the Star Wars line all comes doen to perspective and everyone will have their own take. Some will judge every single 1/6 figure in the world against others in the scale, some will judge Sideshow Star Wars 1/6 to other Sideshow 1/6, there's all sorts of ways to look at it. For me, I wager Sideshow's Star Wars line against other Star Wars products on the market, which really is just Hasbro for 1/6 figures, so for me, Sideshow is producing the best Star Wars merchandise I've ever seen and I'm very happy with it all and enjoy every new thing that comes, and really, I don't think you could wager superiority of say Hot Toys without both making the exact same figure and being able to compare side by side, and so far, Jedi Luke from Medicom and SSC are the only instance of that in the high end 1/6 world, and other than the cloak, Medicom falls very short compared to SSC for me, but everyone is entitled to view things how they like, just as long as criticism is productive and constructive and people aren't taking jabs at one another.
I've waited 30 years for a quality Star Wars line. Most of what SS has done as been good, but giving a little bit more of a effort and attention to detail and they would be outstanding.

You want cheap figures, stay with hasblow. I want the best quality possible and not shortcuts.
MaulFan said:
The question of Sideshow's quality in the Star Wars line all comes doen to perspective and everyone will have their own take.

Perspective, hmmmm.(places hand on chin in a thoughtful manner) So it all really does boil down to which glasses you wear. The poopy ones or the rosy ones...interesting.
Cocoboloboy said:
Perspective, hmmmm.(places hand on chin in a thoughtful manner) So it all really does boil down to which glasses you wear. The poopy ones or the rosy ones...interesting.

And there would be the cheap jabs that aren't necessary.
OK, sorry to sound like I'm complaining, but I REALLY was PUMPED to get this Luke. Is this the same sculpt as what we were shown? Are the brown edged eyes REALLY throwing it off that bad?

Here's what I see:

I wonder what the Tatooine Luke head will look like? MaulFan, I hope you don't mind me using your Yavin Luke pics. If there is a problem, I will remove them.
