Which unreleased figures would you buy multiples of?

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Super Freak
Apr 14, 2015
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Lately I have gotten into the bad and expensive habit of buying multiples of the same figure. I bought doubles of Hot toys r2, krennic, dx rotj luke and Endor leia. I also preordered 2 mando death troopers to hang with krennic.
Since I am avoiding the mandalorian line, I can justify this, from a certain point of view. Also, I need an intervention.
So who is unreleased or upcoming that you would buy multiples of? Some are realistic and some are pipe dreams. With some reveals coming next week, I hope I hit on some, although I bet they don?t reveal any I want.
C3PO 2
Tusken at least 3
Death Star trooper (rip) maybe 4 at this point
Han bespin 2 so I can have one as either Vader or jabbas prisoner without the jacket
Hoth rebel at least 3
Scout trooper at least 3
Speeder bikes 2
Tantive trooper 3
Han Endor 2 with and without the duster
If they do another chewie I would get 2 if it came out great
Anyone else doubling up? Who did I forget?
Any trooper builders or deluxe figures that could be shown with multiple looks.

Tusken Raiders, Scout Troopers & Speeder bikes (currently thinking of ordering a second of the Mando variety) from your list.

I'm not really into doubles (probably not even singles) of any of the hero troopers from the rebel side. Their looks aren't nearly as interesting and I doubt they'd make multiple different faces to vary them.
I'm not an army builder, though I have 3 ANH Stormtroopers, 2 ROTJ ones, 2 Snowtroopers, 2 Sandies, 2 Royal Guards etc. I would buy one or two Scouts and a speederbike, a Death Star Trooper, a white pauldron Sandie and any other OT Imperial not made so far
I used to army-build but no longer. My 1/6 collecting has slowed to a crawl -- I'm semi-retired.

If Hot Toys ever released a *completely screen accurate* OT stormtrooper or sandtrooper -- and really their last unlikely chance is ESB -- I would buy multiples. But they're married to their inaccurate helmets so I'm safe.

I think their Rogue One helmet came closest to being on-model. It's still softer and friendlier than the screen-used prop, and although it's not OT it's OT *era* ... but anyway, it gets the job done very well for the most part. I suppose they nailed the other RO troops but they're not part of my example.

Next is their Sandtrooper bucket -- still off but looks good for the scale if you can overlook it.

When they eventually release ESB stormtroopers they'll almost certainly re-paint their ANH buckets, or if it *is* a new sculpt, come up with something that's also wrong.

I don't expect every single asymmetry to be replicated and I'm not sure if Disney would even allow that, but they don't even get the general proportions correct. Because they don't care, because they want to keep us hooked and buying aspirationally, because they're incompetent...I don't know...it's just something I accept. Customs are the only way to go now.

My philosophy on doubles in general is as follows: there are figures I'd *like* to have a back-up for, but in all my years collecting I've never actually needed a back-up. If something ever happens, I can almost certainly locate it on the aftermarket, and generally speaking I'll expect to pay between double or double plus half the original value, if I want it bad enough, which I might not anyway at that point.

So I guess I'd rather gamble on my single copy remaining safe as long as I have it. Now...if you want to display figures in different configurations that's a different story, but I've never really wanted to do that either.
Probably none tbh, maybe if they showed off some Clone Commandos I would buy a couple.
I could be tempted by any imperial era trooper. Teased Mudtrooper, Shoretrooper, Range Trooper, Death Star trooper, Mimban Stormtrooper would be a good start.
Yeah I'd buy doubles of OT Troopers, of which only the Scout Trooper remains really I guess? I passed on the Sandtrooper before and not paying extra for that now. I might buy 2 Death Star Troopers, especially with the panel for some dio pieces. The only hero I have two of is the Jedi Luke because of HT's double dipping.
Two Geonosian warriors to flank Dooku, two Death Star troopers to flank Tarkin. Because there is nothing cooler than two troopers flanking main character (2 stormies with Vader, 2 royal guards with Palp, two DT with Krennic, ...).
If we are talking figures there have been actual proto's of, I'd love two Mimban troopers and Range Troopers. But my days of double troopers may be numbered with the prices they are reaching. The RotJ regulars were just on the threshold that made two doable.

If they did a DX ESB Han which had both regular and hoth snowgear (like with the Solo Han Solo DX fig) I would have to get two for both looks (or go a second separate headsculpt and put it on the SS Hoth Han because it had great tailoring and the onscreen accurate blue if you have the right version :monkey3).

Personally I don't see Hot Toys doing a better Tuskin than the SS one already out there. HT would most likely base it off the Madalorian version which was a hot pile of bantha poodoo. The SS version (minor quibles aside) is extremely nice and SS at the top of their game.
Scout Troopers-2
Death Star Troopers-2
Gamorrean Guards-2
Tusken Raiders-2
2 battle droids to pair with Dooku. If they released a super battledroid and droideka first, I would buy more regular battle droids to fill out a Separatist display shelf.
2 to 3 range troopers
2 mimban stormtroopers
1 to 3 shore troopers depending on the available configurations (there were two additional versions previewed that have been unreleased; I have one of the prior release)
1 to 2 RotJ Scouts. I have not yet ordered any mando scouts. Will at least get one w/ the bike, but waiting to see if any rotj scouts are previewed before these are available.
1 tank commander who would join one of my many shelves of single variant imperial troopers or support staff, but I would buy an additional tank driver and a gunner without the commander markings and give all three a smaller shelf to themselves.
2 Death Star troopers
2 death trooper specialists (ones without the rangefinder on the helmet - this would be in addition to the 2 I already have)
I am still on the fence if I am going to order 1 or 3 mando death troopers. This rerelease will join the 1 standard death trooper I have. Yes, I would fully consider owning up to 8 total death troopers to split between my rogue one and Mandalorian displays.

Multiples I have: 2 royal guards, 2 ANH stormtroopers, 3 snow troopers (+ 1 SS snow commander), 2 deluxe rotj stormtroopers, 2 clean R1 stormtroopers, 2 jedha patrol stormtroopers w/non-removable backpack, 2 wine cooler variant jedha patrol stormtroopers, 2 death trooper specialists + 1 death trooper, and two remnant stormtroopers on pre-order. 2 krennics, one display with hair and cape next to Tarkin and Vader, one displayed with hat and rain poncho next to death troopers. Most other empire figures I have, just single copies of. I did not buy the weird stormtrooper recolors.

I will not buy multiple of the same clone and will probably only buy Cody and Rex. I have almost no first order troopers. The first order troopers I have bought and would consider buying are ONLY because I enjoyed playing as them in EA’s Battlefront 2: Phasma, BB-9E, Sith Trooper. I might buy one more FO to round out the shelf.
I mainly collect Imperials so have multiple troopers and pilots. Aliens, bounty hunters and droids as well. Only heroes I have are ANH Chewbacca, Leia, R2 (which I just picked up), K-2S0 (Imperial Security droid in my collection) and the other 2 guys are in Stormtrooper disguise and also an X-wing outfit. I guess that justifies the multiple troopers? :dunno
Tuskens ... Jawas... have a few Krennic?s, 2 for display and another for a custom officer. Wish I picked up more than one Tarkin! Used to only buy one or two troopers until last year. Now when there?s a trooper I like I just buy more instead of going through secondary market prices which have seemed to more than double the past couple years.
Current preorders Mudtroopers, Deathtroopers and a Mando Scout and Bike. I would take 2 DSTs and if they release the Mimban trooper I would pick up one of those.
Death Star Troopers, 312th generic clone troopers and Battle Droids (all as shown prototype - x2 each at least for each).
Yeah I really don?t buy multiples. Even with Troopers I tend to buy only buy one of each. I do kind of regret only getting on Royal Guard though.