Unaltered OT Appreciation Thread

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Meh. I won't be happy until I see Jar-Jar in Empire, Watto in ANH saying to Luke in Mos Eisley "You looka like somebody I usta know....little ani?", every stormtrooper with their helmets removed all looking like adjusted versions of Morrison, Ziro in Jabba's palace and Ashoka Tano and a mess of younglings all surrounding Obi-Wan (who will be replaced by Ewan McGregor's likeness), Yoda (again CGI'd), Mace Windu and Hayden Christenson all standing smiling back at Luke during the celebration scene in ROTJ.

(Sarcasm meter rising yet?)


And that's without even mentioning the candy-coated Stormtroopers or replacing all the Vaders with the girlyman Hayden one.
If Lucas was smart, he'd go in, digitally replace Hayden with a CG'd younger Shaw and undo the BS turd of a scene at the end of ROTJ to match. :lol

We have The Force Unleased games for that. :monkey1

There was an interview with Lucas where he did talk about with current technology being able to go in and color coat the Stormtroopers to make it better match up with the Prequels. I don't remember where I saw it though. :(
One of the things that gets me about the SE's (including the 2004 versions) is that they just swapped out some dated yet charming special effects for dated CGI, but without the charm. If you're going to update, wait until you can go photoreal, or don't bother.

That said, my preference for an SE, IF one had to be done, would be the same approach Peter Jackson and WETA used when filming their own version of the insect attack scene cut from the original King Kong. Use only the tools and technology available at the time, but with an unlimited (so to speak budget).

I wouldn't even be opposed to them using FX filming techniques circa 1983 to insert into ANH. That way every thing would still "feel" and basically look like classic SW, but without the financial limits and time pressure they were under at the time.

I still think the ROTJ space battle looks the coolest out of all SIX films, and I'd be fine if certain shots in ANH (like the original DS battle and earlier shots of the Falcon eluding Star Destroyer's and TIE Fighters) were along those lines.

The Special Editions, as they stand now, just need to be scrapped.... Lucas tried to push the SEs as a definitive version of the films, which is just silly because they're utterly horrible. I don't mind touch ups using CGI or even re-shooting miniature scenes that didn't turn out all that well due to financial restraints or technology levels during the filming of Star Wars, but that's about it. But even then, always (ALWAYS) include the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL VERSIONS in their original ratio with all DVD and Blu Ray releases. Then, as was done a few years ago, the fan can pick and choose which he or she prefers to watch....

If Lucas feels there's really any kind of need to keep the SEs with the cut footage he should consider doing them over because as they stand it's done nothing but take the OT down to the level of the PT in terms of overall poor story telling....
But even then, always (ALWAYS) include the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL VERSIONS in their original ratio with all DVD and Blu Ray releases. .

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

Such a simple thing to do, and there would forever be ZERO controversy over these epic, epic films. People laughed at the changes and bad CGI in the E.T. SE, but since Spielberg included an anamorphic (and nicely restored) version of the original on a second disc when it hit DVD, no one really cared.
:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

Such a simple thing to do, and there would forever be ZERO controversy over these epic, epic films. People laughed at the changes and bad CGI in the E.T. SE, but since Spielberg included an anamorphic (and nicely restored) version of the original on a second disc when it hit DVD, no one really cared.

Trying to FORCE the SEs as a definitive, end all version was wrong.
Trying to FORCE the SEs as a definitive, end all version was wrong.

That is my beef with it as well... let fans decide which they prefer.

I was stoked to see the SE when they were released, but that shine wore off real quick.
That is my beef with it as well... let fans decide which they prefer.

I was stoked to see the SE when they were released, but that shine wore off real quick.

I remember pipe dream rumors that claimed we'd get Original versions, SE versions and even blue screen versions of the OT on DVD ten years ago.... :slap Some kind of all inclusive mega DVD combo pack. :lol

The originals are still, without a doubt, my favorite films. I love them! :1-1:
SE ruin Mos Eisley, used to think it was a real ruin down town where only the scum would go but in SE its a real busy where everyone walking about in the super hot cg filled town where when sandtroopers stop you a real bad cg ronto walks past though the scene for like a second.

Just give me a town with only with a few drunk jawa hundled together in the shade bathed in that great sunlight from a setting sun.
SE ruin Mos Eisley, used to think it was a real ruin down town where only the scum would go but in SE its a real busy where everyone walking about in the super hot cg filled town where when sandtroopers stop you a real bad cg ronto walks past though the scene for like a second.

Just give me a town with only with a few drunk jawa hundled together in the shade bathed in that great sunlight from a setting sun.

I hate the SE Mos Eisley. As you said, in the original version it looks like a run down ____hole where you would imagine only pirates, outlaws and scumbags would hangout. In the SE it's this bright, bustling city. :monkey4 The less said about the whole Jabba sequence the better.
Wait, you guys didn't think it was cute and funny how Han stepped on CG Jabba's tail?

No one would have blinked an eye if that had happened in the prequels.
Wait, you guys didn't think it was cute and funny how Han stepped on CG Jabba's tail?

No one would have blinked an eye if that had happened in the prequels.

It was cool to see Jabba and Boba, but how it came off, I just didn't buy the CG. Jabba looked awful and Han's rise and fall looked fake.

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