Tupuxuara - Pterodactyl

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I received #16 today, and am very impressed with it. I believe mine looks to have a paint job equal to that of the prototype. I honestly cannot see much of a difference. The guano on the base looks very nice aswell.

Pics will be up sometime tomorrow. ;)
I just got # 135 a minute ago.

The paint job is def a little duller than the box shows..he does have detail..as much as the previous Blanco piece..but not as much as I would have liked in a mature individual especially about the crest.

The droppings on the base look ok, very widespread..but not really runny like a birds. It looks like it was just painted on there with no sculpting of chunks or other bits seen in avian or even bat droppings.

All in all though it's not bad, especially considering the cost. The paint work def could have been better though...it's only slightly above the paint job on new Collecta Hatzegopteryx . I'll try and do a comparison pic of the two later.
Oops, you're right, Jorge didn't do that one. So maybe Adrian is just compensating by exaggerating detail? Did he do the Carnotaurus?
Adrian did the T.rex VS Trike dio, Carnotaurus maquette, Deinosuchus VS Parasaurolophus dio, Protoceratops VS Velociraptor dio, and most (probably all) of the exclusive version skulls.

He probably did help with the detailing of other pieces even though they were primarily sculpted by other artists.
I don't see that Adrian's compensating for anything..his pieces so far has been fine sculpt-wise.

I'm not sure he assisted on any of the other artist's pieces I know he didn't help Krentz or McVey..I don't know if he works in the same area as Blanco but it's possible...I could ask I guess.

Blanco's drawings are really nice and detailed :



It's just the same thing isn't coming through as well on his sculpts it seems.
Btw, just got finished reading the first half of Delgado's PT interview. I'm ecstatic to hear that we will be seeing plenty more Age of Reptiles stories, coming from this man. Can't believe the guy got cut off in traffic, by Clint Eastwood. This man has some interesting stories. :lol

He really does... ;D

I'm a bit disappointed he thinks so little of his early work though..artists grow..your past work is nothing to be ashamed of. It's merely a stepping stone on your current path..allowing you to progress that much further. I loved his earlier works and actually missed some of the elements in this current one.

Is the new AoR stories he's working on called The Body and Ancient Egyptians ? It was pretty vague and I think he's comparing human actors to dinosaurs if so. An Egyptian Dinosaur story based on Yojimbo / A fistful of Dollars eh ? Could be cool..and Spinosaurus HAS to be in it.

No mention of his work on Reign of the Dinosaurs either...and I wonder how Dark House will package this short story of his coming this year ?
Blanco's Giganotosaurus always looks like the Carnegie one. I'd love to see him do one for Sideshow.



When I say "compensating", I mean that he could be more aware of the loss of detail that occurs during factory production, so exaggerating the detail could be a way of compensating for this loss. Not a commentary on artistic ability by any means. I believe David mentioned using a similar technique for Shapeways.
Maybe the mods will crack down on us, saying "This is not the species you are supposed to be discussing in this thread! Species-specific discussions only!"

Awesome shots. Was the bird thing intentional, or happy coincidence?
Blanco's Giganotosaurus always looks like the Carnegie one. I'd love to see him do one for Sideshow.



When I say "compensating", I mean that he could be more aware of the loss of detail that occurs during factory production, so exaggerating the detail could be a way of compensating for this loss. Not a commentary on artistic ability by any means. I believe David mentioned using a similar technique for Shapeways.

Ah, I get ya now. Maybe I should mention it to Jorge could improve his final product..I have told him how great it would be to have a Giga or any Carcharodontosaur really..we have Rex and Spiney..might as well have the BIG 3. Giga would be the most popular I suppose though.

Maybe the mods will crack down on us, saying "This is not the species you are supposed to be discussing in this thread! Species-specific discussions only!"

Awesome shots. Was the bird thing intentional, or happy coincidence?

Jeremy gets some great coincidences..like the dragonfly in Sarah's pics..that was an awesome one.

Did you ever get that smoke pot for your pictures Jeremy ?
Great pics as always. I especially like the one from behind with the Tupux looking out over the water.


Perfect song, yes?
A little pot might not hurt. ;)

Chris, I totally forgot about those. I'd definitely like to get one or two. They could add a little more atmosphere to my pics. :D

A little never hurts..just don't make it a habit.. lol

Yeah they def would I think..imagine if your Tupu pics had been done at sunrise with a little " fog " rolling in through the images... ;D

Great song choice Dan.. lol but what are you going to do when they make a flying pterosaur eh ? ;)
What makes the smoke, though? I think I'd be worried about vapor affecting the paint or something.