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Didn't I post early that MaryAnn was a Manead? Since she causes the insane debauchery (for Bacchus (another name for Dionysus)).

Anyway - anyone else notice that the makeup seems very different now? Sookie is positively glowing. Paquin is attractive, but she was nearly luminescient in this episode. And it really contrasts with how sallow and pale the vamps are. Maybe I'm just noticing, but it really stood out.
Didn't I post early that MaryAnn was a Manead? Since she causes the insane debauchery (for Bacchus (another name for Dionysus)).

Anyway - anyone else notice that the makeup seems very different now? Sookie is positively glowing. Paquin is attractive, but she was nearly luminescient in this episode. And it really contrasts with how sallow and pale the vamps are. Maybe I'm just noticing, but it really stood out.

I noticed something to that effect. Don't know if it's just the makeup, but she looks a LOT tanner then she used to be. Like you said, to show the differences between her and bill.
...Anyway - anyone else notice that the makeup seems very different now? Sookie is positively glowing. Paquin is attractive, but she was nearly luminescient in this episode. And it really contrasts with how sallow and pale the vamps are. Maybe I'm just noticing, but it really stood out.
Yes she did look positively radiant in that yellow dress, especially when she was sitting in bed after Bill took off to talk to Eric.

Before this show I didn't really find her all that attractive, I can't believe I ever felt that way, she's gorgeous.
Didn't I post early that MaryAnn was a Manead? Since she causes the insane debauchery (for Bacchus (another name for Dionysus)).

Anyway - anyone else notice that the makeup seems very different now? Sookie is positively glowing. Paquin is attractive, but she was nearly luminescient in this episode. And it really contrasts with how sallow and pale the vamps are. Maybe I'm just noticing, but it really stood out.

Yeah, that was the first thing my wife noticed. Bill looked much paler then he used to be.
Wow!! I was wondering who it could be when they mentioned something about a Queen.

Yeah, that's cool.

I like their hierarchy in the show.

An overall area, maybe a county or something has a sheriff and then they move on to a king or queen.

Damn, if Eric is 1000 years old and he is only the sheriff, then a king or queen is way old!!!!

I wonder if they will bring some more cool mythology of vampires into it when they explain ERW as the Queen of Louisiana??!!
Loved the latest episode... each episode seems to be better than the last. Definitely near the top of my "must watch" list.
Anyone else hear Eric say "I have to fly" when he left Lafayette's house? And then he showed up at Bill and Sookie's apartment? In a very early episode when Eric was leaving looked like he was gliding. Can Eric fly?? first I thought Eric was totally evil. Now it seems that he is actually pretty down to earth in terms of super powerful vampires go lol. He killed that one redneck...but if someone stabbed you in the eye wouldnt YOU want to rip him apart too? :lol
I think he can fly cause of how he showed up so fast. Now I hope they don't show him fly because I don't know how they'd pull that off without it looking horrible. :lol

And yeah I really like Eric. He has all this power,not just physical but political (among the vamp world) and yet hes very respectful. I like how he doesn't throw his weight around. Like he could kill Bill and take Sookie if he wanted or just make Bill give her to him but he doesn't. I think He and Bill's relationship is hillarious how they don't like each other but have a common respect for each other. Very cool.
I think he can fly cause of how he showed up so fast. Now I hope they don't show him fly because I don't know how they'd pull that off without it looking horrible. :lol

And yeah I really like Eric. He has all this power,not just physical but political (among the vamp world) and yet hes very respectful. I like how he doesn't throw his weight around. Like he could kill Bill and take Sookie if he wanted or just make Bill give her to him but he doesn't. I think He and Bill's relationship is hillarious how they don't like each other but have a common respect for each other. Very cool.

I wouldnt mind seeing him take off. Like he is just standing there and then starts floating out of the frame. Definately don't want to see him fly though!

Yeah exactly. He does say "remember we are not equals" but he lets Bill stand his ground and all. I think at the beginning they didnt like each other...but as the show goes on it is seeming more and more like they are becoming friends. Almost unwillingly actually.
Eric is actually my favorite character in the show.

While Sookie, Bill, Jason, Sam & Tara seem to be the main characters, I do like Eric's depth, for all the reasons people have mentioned above. Bill really doesn't seem to have that same depth, to me at least.

I did like Bill's "tortured vampire" joke from the last episode though. lulz
Pretty much sums it up

I thought it was a craack up how sookie took off after that guy at the end. :lol was very funny. and who couldnt help but laugh at lafeyette jumpin' and dancing all over the place :lol
I thought it was a craack up how sookie took off after that guy at the end. :lol was very funny. and who couldnt help but laugh at lafeyette jumpin' and dancing all over the place :lol
I would run after them too if they had the same ability as me!

I was laughing my ass off at Lafayette, especially when Eric smacked him away for drinking too much of his blood. :lol