ThreeZero Game of Thrones!

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I like Stannis. He's my choice for king. Tywin maybe, but he prefers being the hand... and there's that other issue.
I think before everything is said and done Stannis will sit on the Iron least for a little while.

Its a pity about show Stannis, because some of his dialogue in the book has me rolling.

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I really like Stannis in both the tv series and the books. He's composed and fully believes he is entitled to the throne. They've obviously based him on Oliver Cromwell, from the puritanical, religious warrior perspective. Even down to the styling of his armies helmets, which are similiar to the helmets the Roundheads wore.
The problem with Stannis is that he can hire as many mercenaries as he wants, but people will never like him enough to follow him without being paid. He inspires no devotion other than from that one smuggler guy with the cut off fingers. He'd be much better as a general than a king. The way Melisandre was looking at Jon Snow last week, I wonder if she's about to start backing a new horse.

I hope the show ends with Danaerys sitting on the Iron Throne, with Tyrion as one of her advisors.
I hope the show doesn't end. It would be nice to watch a new season with my grand kids someday. Hey, if it can work for daytime soaps...
The problem with Stannis is that he can hire as many mercenaries as he wants, but people will never like him enough to follow him without being paid. He inspires no devotion other than from that one smuggler guy with the cut off fingers. He'd be much better as a general than a king. The way Melisandre was looking at Jon Snow last week, I wonder if she's about to start backing a new horse.

I hope the show ends with Danaerys sitting on the Iron Throne, with Tyrion as one of her advisors.

man that would be a terrible ending....danny should be nowhere near the iron throne.
We're getting 7 seasons tops.

Pretty sure they're talking about 8 to 9 seasons in total. I think that was the latest quote from the producing team. There will be seven books (someday!) and they already split book 3 into two seasons. So that would be a minimum of 8. They've said they're not going to stretch out books 4 and 5 into more than a season each (Though they are likely to blend those two books over the next two seasons, since the timelines overlap.)

Who knows what happens when we eventually get to book 6 or 7 ...

Really seems inevitable that the show will finish before he gets book 7 out, though. He claims he's talked them through the ending of the story, so they can continue even if he hasn't published yet. We'll see ...
Pretty sure they're talking about 8 to 9 seasons in total. I think that was the latest quote from the producing team. There will be seven books (someday!) and they already split book 3 into two seasons. So that would be a minimum of 8. They've said they're not going to stretch out books 4 and 5 into more than a season each (Though they are likely to blend those two books over the next two seasons, since the timelines overlap.)

Who knows what happens when we eventually get to book 6 or 7 ...

Really seems inevitable that the show will finish before he gets book 7 out, though. He claims he's talked them through the ending of the story, so they can continue even if he hasn't published yet. We'll see ...

So will he be adapting the series as books by the time we get to book 8? So the books will just be novelizations of the series.

And poo poo whoever doesn't want Dany on the throne.
I guess everyone is overlooking the fact Winter is Coming and the Iron Throne will be pretty much irrelevant if the horde isn't stopped… ;)
So will he be adapting the series as books by the time we get to book 8? So the books will just be novelizations of the series.

And poo poo whoever doesn't want Dany on the throne.

Yeah, kinda. :lol He claims it's going to be seven books total. I think he'll get book six done before they get to it, but unless he's got a big chunk of seven done right now ... I just don't see him beating the train that's bearing down on him. But he's supposedly told the show's producers the whole outline for the end of the story. But who knows! He could always change his mind and change the story once they finish their version!

Which ever way the series wraps up, I have a feeling the last episode won't end with the characters eating meat pies at an inn surrounded by sketchy-looking types. Cut to black. Somebody starts playing Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" on a lute. :lol
The show may very well will do its own thing for the end. A few things they've never touched on in the show like the three headed dragon prophecy, the clues to who is Jon Snows mother etc. These things help help give a view how this thing may possibly end.

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They really skimmed over the children of the forest and the whole greenseers stuff that makes brans story more intriguing

I suppose you have to lose most of the in depth fleshing that goes on in the books otherwise the show would be a hard watch, but they seem to have dropped some major and minor details that help lure the viewer down the correct path for certain characters

Personally I feel If you don't have the knowledge of where they are trying to take said characters individual story arch some or them are becoming a bit like odd and alien to the current position of the shows story

Not knocking the show at all, it's probably the best TV in my opinion, but having watched the show before reading the books and going back to read the books, you notice just how much is missing. Plus whenever I read the books now I can only see the characters as the TV series characters, which is interesting, it's like an extended cut version of the TV show. I just red the first book again on vacation.

Can't wait for Eddard :yess
Man...not that this thread is totally off course, but man, what the hell is 3Zero doing? As I'm reading you guys postings about how fast this thing could possibly wrap up, I'm thinking 3Z is waaayyyyyy behind the 8 ball here. There's already been 4 seasons produced and aired with no real high quality collectibles made of the characters and I would think that they would be pushing hard to get this going before the train is so far down the tracks, they barely have an audience to support their efforts.

I would hate for this to be a few figure run and leave out some of the heavy hitters.

...seems like they have the same strategy for Walking Dead as well...the slow as molasses strategy.
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