This is everything wrong with this hobby in one photo.

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"It's not exactly a traditional Fetus" beats it.


It's really quite simple,

Allow me to explain:

A Beeaaautiful Butterfly...

Born from a story of Love...




and Voilà!


Ripley will always be a better character.

So this has turned into a film discussion now ? :dunno.
Carrotbun, piece of advice. Just because you CAN post pics/gifs now, there's no need to spam the place with them...mmmmkay :lecture

I can't be bothered going back and catching up with this thread. As Willow would say.....Bored now!!
x :wave
So this has turned into a film discussion now ? :dunno.
Carrotbun, piece of advice. Just because you CAN post pics/gifs now, there's no need to spam the place with them...mmmmkay :lecture

I can't be bothered going back and catching up with this thread. As Willow would say.....Bored now!!
x :wave

I really have to say, that this is the scariest thread that I've ever seen on SSF. I'm not even kidding. Even though I haven't posted here a lot, I think a lot of people feel that way too, and that's why it has evolved into a movie discussion. No one wants to go back... and rightly so :monkey1.
I really have to say, that this is the scariest thread that I've ever seen on SSF. I'm not even kidding. Even though I haven't posted here a lot, I think a lot of people feel that way too, and that's why it has evolved into a movie discussion. No one wants to go back... and rightly so :monkey1.

Scary? Nah. Douchiest? Maybe. And to think I helped contribute.

I don't know. The last few pages worth of gifs have been fairly disturbing (which segued without a hitch from the pillorying of femininity, and masculinity by implication, that spawned the whole mess to begin with).
i'd blame Prometheus too, if Noomi's career goes to the crapper.


now this movie, though its a WTF experience. has an ace performance by Noomi.

who's reincarnate is CarrotBun? :lol
I am the only me
i'd blame Prometheus too, if Noomi's career goes to the crapper.

Now you're just trying to get a rise out of me see
She's been cast in many things since like Prometheus 2, Tom Hardy movie, De Palma movie, offered to star in Transcendence with Johnny Depp, a bunch of other things
and starred in the Rolling Stones return album vidya after nearly a decade

so more like the opposite :w

You'd be better off holding up signs in the street saying Phantom Menace will ruin Natalie Portman/Liam Neeson's career!
try to pull one over on me willya.

also, if you think that video is inappropriate you're a sexist.
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Uh...who's been conspicuously absent lately? :monkey1

blackmask is now crow. so he/she is out. :lol


I am the only me

Now you're just trying to get a rise out of me see
She's been cast in many things since like Prometheus 2, Tom Hardy movie, De Palma movie, offered to star in Transcendence with Johnny Depp, a bunch of other things
and starred in the Rolling Stones return album vidya after nearly a decade

more like the opposite -=-

You'd be better off holding up signs in the street saying Phantom Menace will ruin Natalie Portman/Liam Neeson's career!
try to pull one over on me willya.

also if you think that video is inappropriate you're a sexist

seriously, if Noomi really gets that BIG.

Prometheus will be like her....Bill Murray's Garfield.

i'm more surprised with that video....she has the habit of getting fakked in most of her projects(Prometheus included).

i'm surprised she didnt get fakked in that one.:monkey1

does that make me a sexist?

The Phantom Menace did ruin Jake Lloyd's LIFE/career. who's Jake Lloyd? precisely.
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