The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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sasha needs to go a lot more than those named,

why kill carol or maggie or "Spoiler" when we still have walker bait like the priest, noah or Tara....

thats when the show starts to piss me off, taking out seasoned, core group members but leaving the weaklings

I think it's time for
Spoiler Spoiler:
to go IMO.

I dunno. I have a feeling they will use Daryl to replace the character of
Spoiler Spoiler:
from the comic books.

Along those lines, Any book readers think the actress who played Jessie seems a lot more like the comicbook version of Andrea?
I dunno. I have a feeling they will use Daryl to replace the character of
Spoiler Spoiler:
from the comic books.

Along those lines, Any book readers think the actress who played Jessie seems a lot more like the comicbook version of Andrea?

Spoiler Spoiler:
In the comics
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On the whole, I am pretty durn'd excited to see watch how it all plays out. :panic:
Along those lines, Any book readers think the actress who played Jessie seems a lot more like the comicbook version of Andrea?

I feel like Carol has taken over the role of Andrea from the books. Darryl simply takes over the role of whomever is Rick's right hand man in the books. He was more of Tyreese's role than even Tyreese was during that arc.
I feel like Carol has taken over the role of Andrea from the books. Darryl simply takes over the role of whomever is Rick's right hand man in the books. He was more of Tyreese's role than even Tyreese was during that arc.

Ummm... I have a hard time picturing
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I am curious though in what ways you feel like she has taken the role of Carol. Other than both being female and both being survivors I don't see it.
You mean the role of Andrea? Andrea in the books is Rick's right hand woman. There are some things that relate a bit even her lamenting over Dale brought an eyebrow up similar to Andrea lamenting over Dale when they get to Alexandria. Even if they go through the whole Carl event coming I could imagine Carol leaning over his bedside and comforting Rick, either her or Michonne, who has changed a bit from her comic counterpart as well. Even the whole "teacher" part with Andrea and talking about the first time she used a gun and how it was foreign, etc. That feels right up Carol's alley with her character progression again.
She's much more than Rick's "right hand" though.

Perhaps in a purely elemental way, I can see how Carol picked up some of the pieces left by Laurie and Sarah's characters leaving the show. But I never had a "wow, that is para-Andrea" moment until I saw this:


Jessie doesn't appear to me mere elements of Andrea. She seems like Andrea in just about every way but name. However, her character was only just introduced so granted I might change my mind as we get to know her better. But as for now, if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck.... etc....
I guess that's possible. It'd be interesting to see if they use Jessie to replace Andrea, I mean Carol is uncharted territory and seems more caretaker to Darryl to anything else but who knows.
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The comic gods demand it.

The former's pretty much a goner.

I say Carol's a goner and possibly Maggie

Maggie's practically got one foot in the grave. All she needs is a little push.

Yeah, I bet Carol dies. Something stupid and contrived is going to happen to her.

I think Carol's safe until next season.

I think it's time for
Spoiler Spoiler:
to go IMO.

Oh, the rioting that would ensue! :lol

sasha needs to go a lot more than those named,

Sasha may as well have "Just Kill Me" tattooed on her forehead.

The group will get a little fat and happy over the next couple of episodes and then we'll get a Hershel's farm type of mass culling where several members die.

If Eugene, Tara, Noah and/or Gabriel were to get the ax, their losses would be pretty much forgettable. But we'll probably lose a longtime cast member or two as well.
Comic Spoiler

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I stopped reading the comics after the fall of the prison, so...

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People would get over Daryl a week or two after his death, unless of course he expired in the season finale where there would be 8 months until the show returned. If I were the writers, I'd troll and do something just like that. I don't buy the "we'll riot" nonsense. People would still tune in, especially if you had a villainous character like Negan that offed Daryl in the first place. There would be a certain expectation to see that character "get his" from the Darlina fans. That'd be enough to ensnare them for atleast a couple of seasons.

They'll probably never do this though because they're putzes. They say every character is at risk and expendable, but I will never buy that unless they give Norman Reedus the axe. Daryl as a character was alright initially, but I think the character has outlived the story. He's got his arc, now the characterization is at a stagnant. There's no where else for him to go. He was the hick nobody liked, then we saw he had a heart when he went looking for Sophia. We got to see him in contrast to his brother Merle. He became Rick's right hand man, his "brother". We saw him paired up with Joe and his gang for further contrast in character, cementing Daryl as one of the "good guys". We've got plenty of background on him, his brother, his mom and his daddy issues and how it's ****ed him up psychologically. He's had plenty of bad ass moments and went from a random secondary character, to a full fledged show veteran. There's really no where else for him to go as a character in this story.
Darryl is the show. Say what you will but the amount of fanboys and girls for Darryl is astonishing. At Wizard World cons, people waiting four hours for him, the lines weren't even that long for Chris Hemsworth in Sacramento and the amount of booths that sell Darryl stuff there, at Walker Stalker, it's almost just printing cash. Given that he is a character created for the show itself and there isn't any worries of following anything, he can be put in the background and pulled out whenever needed. Rick, Darryl and Michonne. All three are safe as all three have massive collectible and merchandising appeal.

I wouldn't be shocked if someone else goes but those three will stay intact for a while. If they ever did decide to get rid of any of them down the line it'll be an event type thing that'll be a finale and allow it to really hit hard but I do firmly believe if Darryl Dixon were killed then viewership would drop.