The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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I think you may be right. Geesh. This sucks. It's like I hit a plateau but I am no where near my goal and hating the way I look right now, though I have been trying so hard. I only cheat maybe once a week if that. :( It's getting freaking depressing.
Yeah this is my problem too. Right now I'm also concentrating on cutting down to 170ish. That is probably the perfect weight for my height because as it stands now I'm still pretty chubby looking.
Pics....... :wink1:
Besides a haircut this is my most recent pic:

Damn I hate this.

I am literally down two inches in my pants size... but shedding my gut and love handles is killing.

If I concentrate more on treadmill this may help right ?

But with only three days available a week for the gym, how do I not lose muscle mass or strength ? :(

Did you read my answer to your last post?:wave
I think you may be right. Geesh. This sucks. It's like I hit a plateau but I am no where near my goal and hating the way I look right now, though I have been trying so hard. I only cheat maybe once a week if that. :( It's getting freaking depressing.

Honestly bro, change your whole routine. I bet if you run 2 or 3 times a week for a month you will see a difference and then you can go back to lifting.

My secret is that I never do the same routine in a month. If I use dumbbells for arms one day, I won't use the same dumbbell routine again for at least a month. Instead, I will use barbells, resistance bands, machines or I will use dumbbells but none of the exercises I used previously.

Muscles adapt too quickly so make sure your routines are never the same. This way your muscles are always guessing and reacting.

Oh one last thing that hardly anyone does, STRETCH for 10 - 15 minutes after every workout. This loosens the muscles and allows for faster recovery. And get your whey protein and creatine in at no later than 20 minutes after your workout.
Honestly bro, change your whole routine. I bet if you run 2 or 3 times a week for a month you will see a difference and then you can go back to lifting.

My secret is that I never do the same routine in a month. If I use dumbbells for arms one day, I won't use the same dumbbell routine again for at least a month. Instead, I will use barbells, resistance bands, machines or I will use dumbbells but none of the exercises I used previously.

Muscles adapt too quickly so make sure your routines are never the same. This way your muscles are always guessing and reacting.

Oh one last thing that hardly anyone does, STRETCH for 10 - 15 minutes after every workout. This loosens the muscles and allows for faster recovery. And get your whey protein and creatine in at no later than 20 minutes after your workout.

:exactly: Change my routine every 2 weeks.

Hey Fellas!!

This is great advice! You have to change your routine often. It's the reason things like P90x work so well. A year or two ago I had hit a plateau that I couldn't seem to get out of. For the past year, I've joined the local "Monkey Bar Gym" and since then, I've dropped to a 30 inch waist for the first time since high school (I'm 38) and I usually hover between 160-165 lbs.(down from an all time high of 205). Seriously though, the key is changing up your routine and not letting your body get used to the same thing over and over again.

In another milestone for me, I held a handstand in class last night for 5 minutes.

Keep up the good work fellas!!
Honestly bro, change your whole routine. I bet if you run 2 or 3 times a week for a month you will see a difference and then you can go back to lifting.

My secret is that I never do the same routine in a month. If I use dumbbells for arms one day, I won't use the same dumbbell routine again for at least a month. Instead, I will use barbells, resistance bands, machines or I will use dumbbells but none of the exercises I used previously.

Muscles adapt too quickly so make sure your routines are never the same. This way your muscles are always guessing and reacting.

Oh one last thing that hardly anyone does, STRETCH for 10 - 15 minutes after every workout. This loosens the muscles and allows for faster recovery. And get your whey protein and creatine in at no later than 20 minutes after your workout.

Guess I will try it. Hopefully I can throw some off before the holidays and then trim down for summer. Just so damn depressing. :(
hi there to all you guys out there trying to loose weight :) heres somthing : Im 19 years old and like a year ago I weighed 105kgs :/ I could not find anything that looks good on me, I always ate never moved or exercised, when I ate instead of eating one meal I ate like 2 sometimes 3 and of course I ate a lot of junk. I remember the day like it was yesterday :p I went to watch Inglourious Basterds at the cinema and when I came out don't tell me why and how but I decided to go on diet. I started eating fruit, I jogged and the money I was spending on fatty food I've saved it for statues and dvds :p I jogged did loads of sit ups and push ups and stayed away from food. I began to spend more time out of the house with my friends and this helped a lot. today right now I weigh 79kg I still want to go down a little more but man I feel good. I went from an xl to an m in clothes. I feel good about myself I gained confidence and I am keeping fit. I do exceptions sometimes but I try to limit myself as much as possible. SO YOU ALL OUT THERE MY BROTHERS, HOLD ON, KEEP STRONG AND YOU LL DO IT BELIVE ME. I NEVER BELIEVED TILL I DID IT :)
I recently found a krav maga spot near my house.

What do you guys think of this as a supplement ?

Krav Maga is awesome!!! You'll get a great workout from it. I went to a free seminar at a place that was opening up in Tampa back in 2007. If they train like the guys I saw they incorporate a full body workout into their classes...Pushups, situps, pullups, and they had us partnering up and doing fireman carries.
Hey i need some advice ..i am on the skinney side and i need to bulk up a bit ..i am going to start going back to the gym ..haven't really been there since i left school 3 years ago.
The working out is all well and good, but i have a tendency to eat very slowly so i never really take large portions of anything or go for second helpings ..i think i may need a protein shake like this to go along with my workouts.
What do you think? this normal? ..will it work? ..or should i just stay clear from these types of fitness shakes?.

Also i'm told i have a high metabolism.
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