The Official "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" movie thread *SPOILERS*

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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

The only Extended scene I don't like is Gandalf facing the Witch-king. I really was looking forward to seeing it play out like it did in the book, and then when I saw Gandalf's staff broken and being taken out so easy, I was wishing it was left on the cutting room floor. I fast forward that part now.

I forgot about that part! :gah:

Are you guys trying to talk me out of ROTK being my favorite?! :panic: :lol

Yeah, but if it played out the other way we wouldn't have gotten such a kewl "Girl Power!" scene. :monkey1

:dunno The scene with Eowyn and the Witch King is one of my favorite moments in the book and the movies.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I'm glad that PJ didn't simply throw sequential images from the novels on screen and call it a day in the name of staying "true to the books." That's what the first two HP films did and they are greatly lacking compared to the later movies.

Not all storytelling conventions translate equally.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Regarding Eowyn, I did like her showdown with the WK but I hate to say it (since I trumpet ROTK as my favorite film of all time) but her scream when she stabbed him did seem a bit corny to me.

"I am no man," was borderline cheesy enough but the scream just put it over the top. :lol
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Regarding Eowyn, I did like her showdown with the WK but I hate to say it (since I trumpet ROTK as my favorite film of all time) but her scream when she stabbed him did seem a bit corny to me.

"I am no man," was borderline cheesy enough but the scream just put it over the top. :lol

At least she didn't scream "NOOOoooooooooo!" :lol
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

True. :lol

Maybe PJ can go back and have the WK scream "Nooooo" as he's stabbed. I always wondered what he was thinking and if he was okay with dying just then. :duh

Maybe the Eye at the top of the tower can scream no as its collapsing too.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

True. :lol

Maybe PJ can go back and have the WK scream "Nooooo" as he's stabbed. I always wondered what he was thinking and if he was okay with dying just then. :duh

Maybe the Eye at the top of the tower can scream no as its collapsing too.

Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Maybe the ring can scream when Bilbo puts the envelope on the mantle. :lol
:dunno The scene with Eowyn and the Witch King is one of my favorite moments in the book and the movies.

I don't have a problem with the event itself, just the way it plays in the film. As Khev said, that line (and the way she delivers it) and the scream reek of cheeseball. These films are so well-crafted and well-acted for the most part that moments like that really stick out poorly, IMHO.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

While on the subject of what sticks out, i'll bring one up that's not in the story/character department but in the visual effects department.

During the Battle of Pelennor Fields, when the large stone is flung onto the field, as the huge stone is approaching the ground, just look at how bad the CGI is of the field and the soldiers.

It's just one big flat cgi plate, looks like something from a N64 game :lol

But man, if that's the only thing I can pick out in 12 hours worth of awesome visual effects, that's a testament to just how freaking amazing the visual effects are in these 3 spectacular movies. :clap
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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Hmm. JRR-T looks like someone from this forum:


Let me remove the mustache:

Josh! :panic:

Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I thought the worst part of the ROTK EE was showing the ghosts coming out of the hill to attack the ships. Totally obliterated the awesome tension of when the ships show up at Minas Tirith and the ghosts turn the tide.

It *really* should have ended at "What say you!" as it did in the theatrical version.

Gandalf similarly (but not as badly) spoils the great moment of the Ents deciding to attack Isengard by announcing their involvement in the TT EE. Extra scenes are great for character development but spoiling some of the most dramatic scenes in the movie ahead of time can be real deal breakers.

As was said that's how it plays out in the books and how they actually get the ships to get to Minas Tirith. Its a nice nod that he included that for those of us who have read the books. Can't say I agree either on the Ents stuff.

Yeah, I agree. IMHO, that Oscar should belong to FOTR. It also has a great tone (particularly in the first Act) and is perfectly paced and edited. Unfortunately, all of that goes out the window with the EE. :( I can understand why fans of the book prefer the EE (more content), but on a technical level the Theatrical version of FOTR is just a much better film.

TWO TOWERS, on the other hand, is really improved with the EE.

My personal favorites:

1. FOTR (Theatrical)
2. ROTK (Theatrical)
3. TTT (EE)
4. ROTK (EE)
5. FOTR (EE)
6. TTT (Theatrical)

It all goes out the window? :lol The TE of FOTR is amazing but the EE is even more so. There is even more life in the EE of each film than the theatrical versions as why each EE is better than its TE.

Yeah, but if it played out the other way we wouldn't have gotten such a kewl "Girl Power!" scene. :monkey1

Having Gandalf defeat the witch king would be been a MAJOR departure from the books and ruined really a lot of what was done.

Regarding Eowyn, I did like her showdown with the WK but I hate to say it (since I trumpet ROTK as my favorite film of all time) but her scream when she stabbed him did seem a bit corny to me.

"I am no man," was borderline cheesy enough but the scream just put it over the top. :lol

Well, the "I am no man" line is in the book so you can thank Tolkien I guess. Also while cheesy its a very important line as to how the Witch King can be defeated.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Yeah, that was fun. I had a couple of pretty decent matches but several that didn't come out so well. Of course we will. :rock
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I don't have a problem with the event itself, just the way it plays in the film. As Khev said, that line (and the way she delivers it) and the scream reek of cheeseball. These films are so well-crafted and well-acted for the most part that moments like that really stick out poorly, IMHO.

Yep, and once again for the Joshes out there (;)) I don't *dislike* the scene or the use of dialogue from the novel, its just the delivery and the "hiyaaah" at the end that go a little too far.

It was obviously set up to be an epic Shakespearean moment that is almost eye-rolling in its delivery at the end.

Speaking of Shakespeare, our first child was a girl and our second was a boy who was breech and had to be removed via c-section a month early. My wife wasn't nearly as impressed as me when I announced how sweet it was that our daughter can kill the Witch King and our son can take care of Macbeth. :rock
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

While on the subject of what sticks out, i'll bring one up that's not in the story/character department but in the visual effects department.

During the Battle of Pelennor Fields, when the large stone is flung onto the field, as the huge stone is approaching the ground, just look at how bad the CGI is of the field and the soldiers.

It's just one big flat cgi plate, looks like something from a N64 game :lol

But man, if that's the only thing I can pick out in 12 hours worth of awesome visual effects, that's a testament to just how freaking amazing the visual effects are in these 3 spectacular movies. :clap

Yeah, its kind of funny when movies achieve this level of greatness how some of the weaker elements seem more pronounced. I remember being briefly taken out of ROTK when Gandalf said to Aragorn, "What does your heart tell you?" Please, the last thing I want when watching LOTR is to be reminded of Shmi Skywalker. :lol

The pillars of Moria were pretty wince inducing as well. The music and Sam's "well there's an eye opener" indicate this awesomely grand sight and its probably the weakest visual in the whole film.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

It all goes out the window? :lol
Not "all" as in the film itself, just the tone and pacing... particularly in the first Act. I love that immediately after the Prologue the Theatrical version of FOTR opens with Frodo reading a book under a tree in the shire. It's brilliant, and a perfect visual metaphor for what the viewer is about to embark on as well. Then Gandalf arrives moments later. There is such charm to these scenes, and having them right at the beginning really plunges the viewer (particularly those not familiar with the books, which, let's face it... is most of the audience) into the story and warms them to the characters right off the bat. In the EE, by the time we get to these moments much more has happened (including stuff with Bilbo in the shire) that it just feels completely different. And I like the TE better and think it works much better as a film. And I have a feeling that after THE HOBBIT the early Bilbo scenes in the EE of FOTR will feel even more superfluous to me. Film is such a different medium than prose (obviously) and many times less is more in cinema. In books, it's always good to pack as much detail as possible and then let the reader conjure the world in his/her mind. But film is different. It's not just about story & detail. It's about imagery, sound/music, pacing, emotions, and so many other things. I really think FOTR is a good example of this.

Having Gandalf defeat the witch king would be been a MAJOR departure from the books and ruined really a lot of what was done.
I'm not advocating that.

Well, the "I am no man" line is in the book so you can thank Tolkien I guess. Also while cheesy its a very important line as to how the Witch King can be defeated.
Again, no real problem with the line itself... just how she says it and how it plays on screen. It's not a horrible scene as it is. It just feels off to me compared to the near pitch-perfect elements of most of the rest of the films.