The Matrix 4

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Watched it tonight. I didn't hate it. Actually really enjoyed some aspects of it, namely:

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As for what I didn't like:

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6/10 for at least being entertaining. I'll think of it the same way I think of Alien: Resurrection -- a fun, non-canon take on this universe.
I wonder if this they'll make a 5th film. If they don't, I like that Neo and Trinity get a happy ending. If there's another one, where does this story go? Neo and Trinity can do anything it seems, so who or what is going to stop them? Are they going to be the bad guys? Is Smith going to be the villain again? If so, maybe they can get Hugo back. Maybe Keanu can shave and get a haircut. :lol
I wonder if this they'll make a 5th film. If they don't, I like that Neo and Trinity get a happy ending. If there's another one, where does this story go? Neo and Trinity can do anything it seems, so who or what is going to stop them? Are they going to be the bad guys? Is Smith going to be the villain again? If so, maybe they can get Hugo back. Maybe Keanu can shave and get a haircut. :lol
Yeah, I was pretty ok with the Jesus thing at the end of Revolutions. Even if Resurrections offers a more pleasant ending for the protagonists, robbing the previous one of its perfect finality is something I hate to see. Yet another reason I don't consider Alien: Resurrection canon.
Yeah, I was pretty ok with the Jesus thing at the end of Revolutions. Even if Resurrections offers a more pleasant ending for the protagonists, robbing the previous one of its perfect finality is something I hate to see. Yet another reason I don't consider Alien: Resurrection canon.
Well, Neo coming back to life doesn't change his sacrifice nor his achievement in Revolutions. Revolutions ended with Sati asking the Oracle if they'll see Neo again, and the Oracle said, yes, one day.

When I first saw Revolutions, I was disappointed that the machines hadn't been destroyed and that humanity was still enslaved. Many years later, I changed my mind when I rewatched the trilogy. For centuries, humanity and the machines had been in a constant state of war; the machines wanted absolute control, and humanity wanted its freedom, but neither side got what they wanted, and the conflict continued with no end in sight in an endless loop, leading to the destruction of countless humans and machines in a stalemate of the worst kind.

However, because of Neo, the cycle was broken, and both sides achieved harmony. Humanity finally got the freedom to live in either the Matrix or the real world. By the end of Revolutions, both machines and humanity are intertwined and dependent upon each other to survive. Thanks to Neo's sacrifice, they have a chance to work together in a symbiotic relationship that benefits both parties. That continues to be the case in Resurrections, except for the war between the machines that we don't know much about, but that doesn't ruin the ending of Revolutions, imo. I think the truce between humans and machines ended, but again, at the end of Revolutions the Architect asked the Oracle how long she thought the truce would last, and her response was, as long as it can, I guess meaning that an ending was inevitable.

To be fair, I didn't quite get the details of the new machine war and what is the current state of humans in the Matrix. At the end of Revolutions, the Architect said that those who wanted to be free, would get their freedom. Was that a one-time deal or for a certain amount of time? Because machines still needed humans, so the matrix was not going to go away. But now, machines are fighting each other for resources, so humans are kind of stuck in the middle of it.
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Well, Neo coming back to life doesn't change his sacrifice nor his achievement in Revolutions. Revolutions ended with Sati asking the Oracle if they'll see Neo again, and the Oracle said, yes, one day.
Yeah, but I just figured that was part of the Jesus thing.

I get what you're saying, Resurrections just feels tacked on. Even if it works on a technical level (which I'm not 100% convinced it does) and offers some entertainment, it doesn't need to exist. It'll always lose points for that in my book.
Yeah, but I just figured that was part of the Jesus thing.
OMG, he came back looking like G Zeus too. It works!! Se Khev, see Jye, the "John Wick" look has meaning after all!! 😭
I get what you're saying, Resurrections just feels tacked on. Even if it works on a technical level (which I'm not 100% convinced it does) and offers some entertainment, it doesn't need to exist. It'll always lose points for that in my book.

Yeah, this film doesn't need to exist. I think I'm glad it exists tho. If we could just get some good Matrix trilogy merchandise, it would give this film's existence some merit. 😒
Ok just finished the movie and... guess I have to join the "actually not all that bad" crowd. Yeah the action was pretty underwhelming and poorly choreographed, and the plot was a bit hard to follow at times, but I thought they did a good job continuing the story line and mythology of the previous films and the Analyst made for a cool villain. And ultimately the idea of Neo and Trinity having to find their way out of this "new Matrix" and back to each other was just enough to keep me engaged and make the movie kinda work.

So yeah, definitely not a great Matrix movie and I'd rank it far below the first two (haven't watched the third in ages so not sure how that might compare), but also not the complete travesty the reviews had me expecting. And in fact I think it works kinda well as an "epilogue" to the original trilogy.
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Got a question:

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OMG, he came back looking like G Zeus too. It works!! Se Khev, see Jye, the "John Wick" look has meaning after all!! 😭

Yeah, this film doesn't need to exist. I think I'm glad it exists tho. If we could just get some good Matrix trilogy merchandise, it would give this film's existence some merit. 😒
Exactly. Hot Toys wording says we are getting legendary characters.

It would be cool if they could make legacy versions of characters given they appear in this film from archive footage.
I watched yesterday, streamed it on... anyway, i didn't pay for it. Not that bad. It was too weird for me. Added with too many i remember that moments , bad dialogue, lacklustre action i liked the real world parts and familiar faces though.
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I don't think they put that much thought into it. Film needs a villain and Jonathan Groff did a good job as the villain.
I probably wouldn't have like it as much as I did if my expectations weren't already sooooo low.

Whoever said to just think of it as an "epilogue" said it best, cause that's what it felt like. I certainly have no desire to ever see a part 5.

And I suppose in the back of my mind, remembering the Oracle say that they'd see Neo again, somehow, in some form or another, left the door open all those years ago for making a movie like this.

Like I said before, the worst parts for me were the complete waste of Merovingian in an off-putting and totally pointless cameo, and the absolute volcano of immeasurable cringe that comes from hearing a ska cover band with a woman lead singer attempted a Rage song. Ugh. I still have douchechills from hearing that.
I probably wouldn't have like it as much as I did if my expectations weren't already sooooo low.

Whoever said to just think of it as an "epilogue" said it best, cause that's what it felt like. I certainly have no desire to ever see a part 5.

And I suppose in the back of my mind, remembering the Oracle say that they'd see Neo again, somehow, in some form or another, left the door open all those years ago for making a movie like this.

Like I said before, the worst parts for me were the complete waste of Merovingian in an off-putting and totally pointless cameo, and the absolute volcano of immeasurable cringe that comes from hearing a ska cover band with a woman lead singer attempted a Rage song. Ugh. I still have douchechills from hearing that.
Damn women singing songs, what will they do next, not make me a sandwich?
Women can sing songs. Some women can sing songs so well it'll make you cry like a baby.

But women can't sing Zack de la Rocha songs. Most men can't either. Zack de la Rocha is only person that can sing Zack de la Rocha's songs without coming across as a try-hard fine fellow.

I'm sorry, but it's just science.

Even the star-studded guest singers with Prophets of Rage just failed in face-palming misery when they try to emulate him. He's one of a kind.

I'm not saying the dude is some kind of god or anything, but there are certain artists that just have that one in a million voice. Does anyone ever sound as good as Johnny Cash when they try to sing his songs? Of course not.
The Matrix as explained by the architect in Reloaded is meant to repeat itself hence why the series can really continue forever which is why I don’t get the whole self aware mockery on display here since the original plot design calls for infinite sequels.

Architect stated Neo was an integral part of the Matrix and that he was version 6 and that his core purpose was to reboot the Matrix to correct fatal code hence the “Reloaded” title. Neo was the reboot to Smith’s blue screen of death remember those lol

Neo walked away from the architect only agreeing to sacrifice himself to save Trinity and yeah humanity also lol

What I never quite understood was Smith’s ultimate goal with destroying the Matrix and humanity was he also sacrificing himself or was he going to continue to exist as a rogue program within something completely different. Wouldn’t it just be the Matrix again just with a different name but how could Smith exist if he destroyed the machine world.

Ughh **** this convoluted series lol
Women can sing songs. Some women can sing songs so well it'll make you cry like a baby.

But women can't sing Zack de la Rocha songs. Most men can't either. Zack de la Rocha is only person that can sing Zack de la Rocha's songs without coming across as a try-hard *******.

I'm sorry, but it's just science.

Even the star-studded guest singers with Prophets of Rage just failed in face-palming misery when they try to emulate him. He's one of a kind.

I'm not saying the dude is some kind of god or anything, but there are certain artists that just have that one in a million voice. Does anyone ever sound as good as Johnny Cash when they try to sing his songs? Of course not.
Just like Celine Dion or Whitney Huston can’t be replicated.

Shockingly Journey’s Steve Perry was replicated quite successfully.
I can't believe this. This is a sick joke. All this time, wanting to like something, always saying how sad you are that nothing makes you happy... and THIS is what you choose!!!?

Something happened, you got drunk and clicked on the first Matrix instead. Something happened!

How can only you (and apparently Buffinator, but we'll get to that later) like this movie?

It's a strange Opposite Day once again for you! Finally you love a movie... and no one else does.
wait , did you see it Wor? I am not judging anything by reviews here. If there is one thing I have learned , my tolerance is way higher for films than most people here. I only care if it entertains for a few hours….

not every film has to be Jaws or The Godfather…..or the original Matrix for that matter.

And I cannot think of a sequel recently thats been anywhere near as good as the original film…..hell , look back 40 years and most sequels are popcorn fluff at best…