Terminator Salvation = Awesome

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Well, finally saw it yesterday evening and I imagine everyting has already been said hundreds of times in this thread but my two cents:

It felt more like a war film with a few Terminators thrown in, than an actual Terminator film. Which I had every expectation it would feel like, so, going into the film at the beginnning with this mindset helped. I very much enjoyed it.

One thing that I thought was going to niggle me was Yelchin playing a young Kyle Reese. Thought that was going to annoy me and sully the memories of Biehn, but he gave a solid performance as did, I felt, Sam Worthington.

A big annoyance for me was there was not enough actual Endo presence or action; it could have halped having a few more.

The CGI was tops throughout. Was apprehensive to the use of it for that certain cameo, but it looked VERY convincing.

Overall I enjoyed the film. Of course no way up with the majesty of T2 or T1, (which it was obviously not going to be, so i try not to compare it), but more solid overall and I prefer it to T3.

things that were lame

terminators that didnt kill anyone (i only counted one onscreen t600 kill)
star,totally pointless character
skynet hold reese hostage to trap connor,wtf skynet would just have killed him
connor rides a terminator bike!!its not made for us to ride on!!it wouldnt have handlebars or a throttle and clutch jesus how stupid was that
the arnold cgi.....
the musical score
the editing piss poor
no build up to action scenes they just suddenly happen
bale was terrible

the things i liked
the effects apart from arnie with flesh on were great
marcus was good
kyle reese was good
i'll just throw my 2 cents into the ring, but i have the same complaint everyone else does. no real cohesive story and wild editing really hurt this movie, but all in all its a decent popcorn movie. and if worthington does end up getting the role for GL, hopefully he can maintain an american accent.
i thought t3 was better!!!!

Blasphemy!!! T3 was arguable the worst film ever! TS is AWESOME! a solid 10/10 for me! And Skynet is a intricate machine, it would rather use Kyle as leverage to kill Connor. Also they were going to kill him, why would that T-600be strapping him down?
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10/10? ha ha ha ha ha ha. OH Man you're hilarious. Again you're allowed your own opinion but ha ha ha ha ha.

T3 took massive dump on this movie
things that were lame

connor rides a terminator bike!!its not made for us to ride on!!it wouldnt have handlebars or a throttle and clutch jesus how stupid was that

I remember that he did something with that motorcycle terminator, what made it return to the skynet base on automatic, with conner sitting on it.

So Conner wasnt steering or whatever, just sitting on it.
If i am going to see a "Terminator" movie then i would hope to see something/someone getting "terminated" but, this movie never had any of it.
If i am going to see a "Terminator" movie then i would hope to see something/someone getting "terminated" but, this movie never had any of it.

In my recollection, 1x Human was Terminated, 3x T-600's and 1x T-800.
I remember that he did something with that motorcycle terminator, what made it return to the skynet base on automatic, with conner sitting on it.

So Conner wasnt steering or whatever, just sitting on it.

he took the eye and id chip out of it,you see him use it in skynet later on to gain access to the building
he took the eye and id chip out of it,you see him use it in skynet later on to gain access to the building


But Conner also plugged in a wire or something into the bike, and then i remember something that made the bike go back to base.
This was not a war movie. I never got the feeling there were any epic battles going on.

But Conner also plugged in a wire or something into the bike, and then i remember something that made the bike go back to base.[/QUOTE

and he left his radio behind,how the f##k did he end up with that again??the earth was nuked...im gonna have to build a bomb shelter out of whatever that radio was made of because its nuke proof!!!!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
Where were all the skulls on the ground? All the blown up, wrecked cars? This movie did not look post apocalyptic to me at all.

And as for the lack of any humour at all, it really hurt the tone. Ok so the world has been destroyed but people would still joke around. Thats what being human is all about. The humans in this movie were more robotic than the T-600.