Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Lol. Mary Sue indeed!

I didn't like how the Rey/Kylo Ren battle played out. The fighting was well choreographed but I didn't like how it played out. Kylo Ren's supposed to be this badass Sith knight (or whatever it is below Sith Lord) but he gets schooled by Rey! Shouldn't have happened. At most, Rey's non-jedi staff fighting skills combined with her new found force sensitivity should have allowed her to survive the encounter with Kylo Ren. Not whoop his ass. The ass whooping should have been reserved for part 2 after her Jedi training.

As it stands, she is indeed the beeping Neo of Star Wars complete with a "I Know Kung Fu" moment when she discovers mind control and her ability to mortally wound the badddest ass in the movie. Neo at least had some training though.

All we need now is for Kylo Ren to learn how to multiply himself with the force! Lol.

That's only because she's written as a Mary Sue. She's the ****ing Neo of the Star Wars universe.

Also, I never want to see people criticize prequel Anakin while putting Kylo Ren on a pedestal. The similarities between those two are huge. He's emo Anakin 2.0 How you could kill kids or your pops is beyond me. The Dark Side makes no sense. I bet I know what music Kylo listens to.
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What if Rey turns out to be Luke and Leia's Lovechild. After all she was abandoned.

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"If she'd only had the abortion like I told her to."
I wish Poe was Force sensitive :monkey2 Maybe he is? Maybe that's what make him such a great pilot...maybe that's how he
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That was explained, he said

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Yeah, the way Ren was marketed in the trailers, toys, posters and such was just a facade. Once the mask came off, we saw the real dude. He's basically a poser, like cmiller said. He's been described as a Vader fanboy since the beginning, not a badass, ruthless warlord.

I thought it was clever actually. A nice spin on the "villain". Like I said, one of my favorite moments is when Kylo is acting like a whiny ***** and the troopers just turn their backs on him and ignore his rants.
Feeling catty this morning. How could....

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Says the women who won't post a pic of herself
Saw it earlier today and was completely underwhelmed.

So many things felt forced or convenient to move the story forward in my opinion. Almost none of it felt natural. JJ did a horrible job directing the emotional scenes in the movie, and some stuff just didn't make sense to me at all.

I thought the movie did do some things right, Harrison Ford was the best I've seen him in years, finally he wasn't playing an old grumpy man, every time he was on screen I only saw Han Solo, I liked most of the new characters, Finn and Kylo Renn being the standouts in my opinion. Both of them might have given the best performances in the entire franchise so far, and I guess because so many things were either plot holes, or left out purposely to be unanswered later on that I am looking forward to episode 8 to get answers.

I can see my opinion changing on this movie if some things are explained, or fixed in episode 8.

All in all, it wasn't horrible, but extremely underwhelming, as of right now I think the movie is a 6/10. I'm a casual Star Wars fan, so based on all the reviews I wasn't going into this one for nostalgia reasons, I just wanted to see a great movie, and based on reviews I thought that's what this was going to be.

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I saw this tonight. Overall I enjoyed it quite a bit. Yes, it was incredibly derivative and full of plenty of winks and nods to the original trilogy. But it was still a well told story, with good acting and direction, good drama and action, likable characters, and it seems to be setting up a very interesting story to come. I thought that Finn may be the most relatable character from any Star Wars movie yet.

Without spending several hours dissecting the details, things that I didn't like so much was the cheesy looking CG evil emperor guy, Phasma treated like a chump, and the major threat being the Death Star 3.0.

Han got more screen time than I expected going in, and I think Ford did a very good job. BB-8 was pretty cool. And I thought Kylo was really, really good, as was Dameron. It was a curious decision to have Rey kick Kylo's ass out the gate in the first film. But I'm sure there is a plan in place. And if it worked out the other way, then Rey's journey would have been that much more similar to Luke's arc, and I'm guessing they'll want to throw some twists in here. Maybe have her more legitimately tempted by the dark side, and have Kylo eventually pull her back? We'll see.

Like I said, one of my favorite moments is when Kylo is acting like a whiny ***** and the troopers just turn their backs on him and ignore his rants.
When did this happen? When he was destroying Rey's chair? My impression was that they were backing away out of fear, and in a funny kind of way.
The way I see it, the Empire was the third Reich, The Emperor was Hitler, Vader was Herman Göring, Tarkin was Joseph Goebbels, and Snoke and the First Order are Henry Gibson and his Illinois Nazis who the Blues Brothers almost ran over.:lol

Lol. Mary Sue indeed!

I didn't like how the Rey/Kylo Ren battle played out. The fighting was well choreographed but I didn't like how it played out. Kylo Ren's supposed to be this badass Sith knight (or whatever it is below Sith Lord) but he gets schooled by Rey! Shouldn't have happened. At most, Rey's non-jedi staff fighting skills combined with her new found force sensitivity should have allowed her to survive the encounter with Kylo Ren. Not whoop his ass. The ass whooping should have been reserved for part 2 after her Jedi training.

As it stands, she is indeed the beeping Neo of Star Wars complete with a "I Know Kung Fu" moment when she discovers mind control and her ability to mortally wound the badddest ass in the movie. Neo at least had some training though.

All we need now is for Kylo Ren to learn how to multiply himself with the force! Lol.

Yeah, the way Ren was marketed in the trailers, toys, posters and such was just a facade. Once the mask came off, we saw the real dude. He's basically a poser, like cmiller said. He's been described as a Vader fanboy since the beginning, not a badass, ruthless warlord.

I thought it was clever actually. A nice spin on the "villain". Like I said, one of my favorite moments is when Kylo is acting like a whiny ***** and the troopers just turn their backs on him and ignore his rants.

All true. He's far from being at Knight status. Snoke said himself, that he must complete his training. Also to be fair to him, he did take a blast to the hip from Chewie (after we witnessed Ren murder Han), and appeared to be profusely bleeding. You can see it in the way he was walking, hunkering over, trying to tolerate the pain.
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jye and a-dev, did you guys give TFA thumbs up or thumbs down? I'd ask DiFabio the same but in the BvS thread he said he considers ANH and ESB to be the only real SW film so I suppose that answers that.

A provisional thumbs up from me after first viewing. Things can change of course.