Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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Did you shut your brain off for half these films? Dude says when you looked at me you looked at me like no one else did. Again she beat the dude with a stick when they first met. But o yea that gets a pass. Lol

Ok so I went back and watched some of this over again.

Two things.

1. This is SW relationship building we are talking about.. You know where Luke see's Obi Wan as a father figure after knowing him for about a day :lol... "I just cant believe he's gone" So yeah.. I think they do a nice job with Rey and Finn

2. That first look.. If you want to be literal then that first look is when she sees him after BB8 points him out to her and not after getting his with a stick.. But what I think he is referring to is when they finally introduce themselves to each other. There is one point that he looks ashamed and is about to tell her he was a stormtrooper... That goes along with what he was saying about "never being looked at that way before" and he then says something about feeling ashamed.

Anyways.. Watching their scenes together... It just works they feel like friends they have chemistry. It starts out conflictive and funny.. I love the whole stop holding my hand and then she eventually offers hers to him.. you see them holding hands other times in the film. The scene of her pointing to the part she needs to fix the falcon but he cant find it.. Fun stuff.... She does not take credit for saving him for the squid creatures.. "that was lucky"

He then comes to save her and chewie tells her it was his idea to come for her and that ends up being one of my fav moments in the ST as you can see her gratefulness of knowing that someone came back for "her" after waiting all of her life for her parents to come back.. Finn risks everything to come for her.
And then they dont see each other after he is injured and then they hug at the end of TLJ and the face she makes.. That is what I mean by acting.. She looks like she is so glad to see him again..

So yep their relationship is one of the better ones IMO.. Not a romantic one but one I would rank up there with some of SW best and yep a lot of that has to do with Chemistry.. Kind of like the OT cast..

NOW... You want to join in a hate fest with me.. I was watching parts of TLJ also.. Pretty much the last 20 min... and man I just.. I just .. I cant stand so many things about that movie. That is the one with the corny dialogue "we are the spark that lights the flame for the rebellion" or something like that.. Rose "I saved you dummy" and the save what we love crap... He frumpy look. How she looks flying that stupid speeder.. Salt... That whole stupid useless battle. Leia's "I know what you are going to say.. I changed my hair" yuck.

I love Luke's wink at 3PO and that Chewie does some great flying of the falcon through the core of Crate. Take that Rey , that's how you fly the flacon ;)
Luke in general at the end is good.

But as a whole I feel its cringe more then anything else.. I then skipped back and saw DJ... OMG how I loath him.. Probably my least fav character in the entire saga. Even more then Haldo.. Then again I didnt rewatch any of her scenes.. Oh man wait it might be Rose... Whoever it is my three least fav in the saga are in this film.

I dont know.. I know Khev and jye like the look look of the movie.. But I don't even really like that all that much.. Really its Luke and a few choice moments in that film that I like. I dont even like Kylo as much in that one.

Watching scenes from TFA though.. Yeah I like that one more then I ever did.
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:lol :lol :lol
That is the one with the corny dialogue "we are the spark that lights the flame for the rebellion" or something like that..

:lol :lol

I love TLJ but you'll get no argument from me on that goofy ass phrase that is first mentioned in the opening crawl and then repeated not once but twice in the actual film, lol.
Imagine if RJ wrote ANH.

"Help me Obi-Wan, you're the spark that will start the flame that will burn the match that ignites the torch that will one day--"

"What happened? Where's the rest, play back the entire message!"

"I'm sorry but R2 says that her long winded metaphor filled his entire memory bank and got cut off."
Reporter: "Would you like to come back to Star Wars?"

Daisy Ridley: "Nah my character's arc was perfect and so satisfying, there's nothing to be improved upon."


Yeah so perfect that's why nobody wants to hire her post TROS.
Imagine if RJ wrote ANH.

"Help me Obi-Wan, you're the spark that will start the flame that will burn the match that ignites the torch that will one day--"

"What happened? Where's the rest, play back the entire message!"

"I'm sorry but R2 says that her long winded metaphor filled his entire memory bank and got cut off."

Imagine 1980 the audience are about to get shocked with the big iconic reveal and they get this instead:

ESB Vader: No...I am the man who abandoned his kids who will grow up to discover on a platform one day that I am his father which could potentially light the spark of my own salvation.
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Imagine if RJ wrote ANH.

"Help me Obi-Wan, you're the spark that will start the flame that will burn the match that ignites the torch that will one day--"

"What happened? Where's the rest, play back the entire message!"

"I'm sorry but R2 says that her long winded metaphor filled his entire memory bank and got cut off."

:lol :lol :lol
Guys, I've just had one of those deja vu moments like in the Matrix when Neo sees the black cat twice. I think we might all be time locked in a perpetual cycle of ST versus PT, the (master)debate of our time:

I've documented the formula below:

Step 1 - Aggressive Negotiations

Someone will chime in with either:

(a) I was re-watching the ST the other day because (I love Disney SW and seeing my OT heroes back together (almost) again / I am a glutton for punishment) and I was struck by this new (but in this case new does not have it's conventional meaning) revelation about said movie(s) and (basically the ST is soooooo much better than the PT / it turns out that ST is even worse than I previously realised and it should be retconned or never mentioned again); or

(b) I was re-watching the PT the other day because (I love Lucas' SW / I am a glutton for punishment) and (it suddenly come to me that the ST is awful in every way, you could say that it has a low 'm' count / have I ever told you the tale of George Lucas the Wise, well he had too much creative freedom and the PT was awful); or

(c) I was watching the Mandalorian and (the PT sucks / the ST sucks).

Step 2 - Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong

Someone will take issue with the initial statement and will respond with "How dare you insult the ST / PT, the movies that you like are inferior, the PT / ST has the high ground".

Step 3 - I hate sand

ST and PT fans will amass on their chosen lines and throw the same arguments at each other again and again, no side gaining ground. Darth DoomKhev with his Apprentice JyeMaul with the entertaining Jaw Jaw Binks on the side of the ST. With Admiral Ducko and Captain Wezma20 some of the most vocal supporters of the PT (and I count myself, Bravo Nass, amongst their distinguished number). All with AayDee-EeeVee laughing at both sides with scorn for both the ST and PT.

Step 4 - I am the Senate

The battle intensifies until one of the PT'ers becomes exacerbated by the antics of DoomKhev and JyeMaul and slips up, throwing out a statement alleging that a subjective (and undeniably correct) opinion about the ST is objective fact. This will in turn summon the AJP who will stomp into the thread like the cave troll in Fellowship and proceed to lay waste to all with this wordy but well thought out comments on both series.

Step 5 - To be angry is to be human

The battle splutters out like the final instalment of the ST with both sides failing to convince the other of the merits of their argument.

Step 6 - We?re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

Step 6 is Step 1 and the discussion continues anew. It's like poetry it kind of rhymes.

If you read to the end thanks and please don't take offence, I'm only poking a little fun at all of us in here. I would like to end by saying thanks for all the banter and discussions this year. 2020 has been rubbish but being able to come here to read and take part in this passionate (haha!) Star Wars conversation has been a great distraction (even if half of you are as wrong as Maz Kanata's eyes).
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:lol :lol :lol :clap

Bravomite the Brilliant.

Yeah, I mean look, at least we all had an excuse to be repetitive sad bastards this year....well...I suppose a few pushups wouldn't have gone amiss on my part instead.....
Guys, I've just had one of those deja vu moments like in the Matrix when Neo sees the black cat twice. I think we might all be time locked in a perpetual cycle of ST versus PT, the (master)debate of our time:

I've documented the formula below:

Step 1 - Aggressive Negotiations

Someone will chime in with either:

(a) I was re-watching the ST the other day because (I love Disney SW and seeing my OT heroes back together (almost) again / I am a glutton for punishment) and I was struck by this new (but in this case new does not have it's conventional meaning) revelation about said movie(s) and (basically the ST is soooooo much better than the PT / it turns out that ST is even worse than I previously realised and it should be retconned or never mentioned again); or

(b) I was re-watching the PT the other day because (I love Lucas' SW / I am a glutton for punishment) and (it suddenly come to me that the ST is awful in every way, you could say that it has a low 'm' count / have I ever told you the tale of George Lucas the Wise, well he had too much creative freedom and the PT was awful); or

(c) I was watching the Mandalorian and (the PT sucks / the ST sucks).

Step 2 - Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong

Someone will take issue with the initial statement and will respond with "How dare you insult the ST / PT, the movies that you like are inferior, the PT / ST has the high ground".

Step 3 - I hate sand

ST and PT fans will amass on their chosen lines and throw the same arguments at each other again and again, no side gaining ground. Darth DoomKhev with his Apprentice JyeMaul with the entertaining Jaw Jaw Binks on the side of the ST. With Admiral Ducko and Captain Wezma20 some of the most vocal supporters of the PT (and I count myself, Bravo Nass, amongst their distinguished number). All with AayDee-EeeVee laughing at both sides with scorn for both the ST and PT.

Step 4 - I am the Senate

The battle intensifies until one of the PT'ers becomes exacerbated by the antics of DoomKhev and JyeMaul and slips up, throwing out a statement alleging that a subjective (and undeniably correct) opinion about the ST is objective fact. This will in turn summon the AJP who will stomp into the thread like the cave troll in Fellowship and proceed to lay waste to all with this wordy but well thought out comments on both series.

Step 5 - To be angry is to be human

The battle splutters out like the final instalment of the ST with both sides failing to convince the other of the merits of their argument.

Step 6 - We?re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

Step 6 is Step 1 and the discussion continues anew. It's like poetry it kind of rhymes.

If you read to the end thanks and please don't take offence, I'm only poking a little fun at all of us in here. I would like to end by saying thanks for all the banter and discussions this year. 2020 has been rubbish but being able to come here to read and take part in this passionate (haha!) Star Wars conversation has been a great distraction (even if half of you are as wrong as Maz Kanata's eyes).

:rotfl :rotfl

:clap .... Post of the year.. :)

I've avoided this thread and haven't visited for quite some time. So glad I revisited at the perfect time and was able to read this...

Gah "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bravomite again."

Oh well *Bravo* Bravomite. Just the titles of each step had me laughing out loud. :rotfl

Your assessment is so true (mostly ;)) and yet I wouldn't have it any other way. Looking forward to rounds 10, 11, 12, 13, etc., of the same old same old year after year, lol. :duff
Can you guys agree that this is one of the worst utterances in all of Star Wars...?

We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

What are some of your favorite worsts?
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