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The Emperor would have been a nice surprise to hold back. But, since they screwed the pooch with their lack of creativity, they need to sell you on nostalgia Emperor.
I can't stand all the TOXICITY.

It's like...really TOXIC in here, guys.

Seeing people think for themselves and not behave like they're told to makes me uncomfortable. I can't handle it. It must be TOXIC.

I like to pop in here from time to time. I find the toxicity quite soothing actually. Good job fellas.
And then TLJ ends with Leia saying "we have all we need." What I take away from that is that surviving the encounter on Crait was the critical thing (what Luke allowed them to do!). Now, those few in the Falcon can go to other parts of the New Republic and point out what Starkiller Base did to five planets.

Do you really think it would be that hard to win recruits to help the Resistance when the FO built something to destroy entire planets, and then went through with it!?

I think a year is enough time for the legendary Leia Organa to convince others to help her stop the FO and preserve the Republic. Those ships in the trailer will be the way Leia's "we have all we need" proves correct.

Not to mention the rumors of Luke taking on the entire invading army by himself.

Thats what 90% of the fans misinterpreted with ?broom boy?. They were too thick to realize a metaphor when they see one. He was simply the ONE example of repressed people being given hope and rising up from the example being set.

Audiences today need to be spoon fed.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
It *looks cool* but nothing else about it sits right.

I watched the trailer once and for some reason it doesn't feel like Star Wars to me. TFA actually did. I can't remember TLJ. But this feels like something else.

Not impressed to be honest -- now I know I've been down on this trilogy since TLJ but something really feels off here to me.

JJ just tweeted this as explanation...



Seriously, how did we get from this...

to this...

To be fair, when you have OT ships and SW visuals at your disposal it's hard to make a bad trailer, but I did like several shots (the blackade runner over the forest was cool.)

The horses galloping along the exterior deck of a star destroyer is a somewhat strange idea though, and the duel against the stormy sea is odd partly because it's such an epic backdrop for two pretty weak characters who aren't even known for amazing sword skills (I think Kylo is 0/3 against Rey, and she's really had no training.)

And then... not only did Palps survive a fall down a bottomless shaft, and the explosion of the DSII like an hour later, his throne room survived along with his CHAIR? That to me crosses from wtf to just plain laughable.

There's still UNBROKEN PANES OF GLASS in Palps' window - though they did do some "battle damage" to his throne.:slap:lol




How much reality do you expect from your space wizards..

Or superhero?s?

Ehm, Captain Marvel finding TS in the vastness of space and personally flying them home?

All the Avengers surviving the damn building falling on them?

Reality is subjective in MCU and DSW....

Like most sci fi fantasy....if you want reality go watch 2001.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
JJ just tweeted this as explanation...



Seriously, how did we get from this...

to this...


I know I am just explaining stuff to people who really want to hate this....
Look at the wreckage from Challanger and Columbia.

There are alway pieces left over in what seems like a massive disintegrating fireball....

Oh why bother....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....