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I?m just gonna put this here. This just says it all to where Star Wars is right now.

The ST be like...

Wow. Even the "fresh" tomatoes are basically "it could have been worse " or "it was okay I guess "

The branding is complete.
Spoiler Spoiler:

It will open big, but we'll see if the public dives in full tilt or gives it a dark fate....
Did you just jump into my brain and extrapolate my exact wording/feeling about going to the movies these days? :)

Same here. If I could pay triple and watch it in the comfort of my own home without waiting for the digital release, I'd seriously consider it. I only venture to the theater for Star Wars, Marvel and maybe a movie my wife forces me to go see. Otherwise, I'm content to wait for the home release.
I was thinking about this whole PT, OT, ST thing this morning and have a curious question that probably can't be answered yet. First some background: I was 8 when ANH came out and the OT was a huge part of my childhood and stayed with me through adulthood. My oldest son was 5 when we went to see TPM and he grew up on the PT and still loves those characters and movies, along with the OT. I also like the PT and think there are some great characters (Maul, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Mace, etc, etc). Neither of us love the ST as we were both into adulthood when we first saw it. My question is for kids who were say 5 to 10 years old when TFA came out, how will they feel about the ST? For those who see it as bad is it more because of the OT and even PT lens they came to the ST with, or is it just bad bad?

For what it's worth, I've reviewed all the spoilers because I just didn't want to go in a get sideswiped by stuff that I didn't like and while that may be a weird perspective, it's how I decided to go into TROS. I'm going to enjoy whatever elements of the film I can and not let any elements I don't like ruin the overall experience.
Honestly, the reviews for this film will be worthless.

Like Politics, people have their minds made up before they even see it. We have plenty of members ready to crucify it on leaks alone.

I will reserve judgement till after I see it and not take cues from Youtube or RT or any ?critic?.

If I enjoy it.....then good film. If its stupid then so be it.

My judgement of films these days is pretty forgiving if its at least watchable.

I attempted to watch Bumblebee yesterday and turned it off 20 minutes in due to the banality of it.

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Ya know....way back when, we were promised by the Carrie Fisher estate that there would be "no CGI Leia" in Episode 9.

Sounds to me like they must have come to an understanding, cause based on the amount of scenes/dialogue she has in all the leaks, there's no way they could have cobbled that together with unused footage of her hugging people in TFA. They must have made a CGI Leia. Wonder if it looks as bad as the other CGI humans in movies, or if they actually used DeepFake technology which can be pretty damn convincing if you take the time to do it right.
There's stuff on youtube that looks so convincing it makes the digital puppets in Rogue One look like a joke.

Like any new technology, the potential to use it for evil purposes is staggering.
This is weird, because all of the negative critic reviews I have seen are complaining that TROS is not like TLJ, which they loved, and is too fan oriented. And then I keep seeing all the hardcore fan reviews complaining that it almost doubles down on all the crazy crap from The Last Jedi. What in the Wide World of Sports is going on with this film?
It's the perfect storm of "terrible" that everyone can agree to hate it?


Super duper mega ultra NOT click!!!

Spoiler Spoiler:
Currently at 55% on Rotten Tomatoes. Not even the shill media like it. All the leaks on reddit turned out to be true. This movie is a complete dumpster fire as I said it would be. Kennedy had unlimited money to make a film trilogy using one of the most valuable brands on the planet and ended up killing the franchise. How do you **** up so badly? Her incompetence is God tier.
Dude. Criticize away. Type until your fingers bleed if it makes you feel better. It's not gonna change how much I like Star Wars and dislike Disney one iota, but nobody is stopping you.

Nobody is trying to change anything. Just simply pointing out your hypocrisy due to your overly sensitive emotional attachment to your dear childhood.

Actually, I didn’t point it out; you did.