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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I’ve never considered fan service to merely be reuse of characters - that’s a necessary part of any ongoing saga.

(Except Lando. Not really sure what’s the point of bringing him back.)

Fan service to me is the constant (and almost always unnecessary) reference to objects and events from previous films (or the fandom overall).

It reached its peak with Solo and its laundry list of OT references and artifacts.

Except that "fan service" was thrown around left and right with regard to all the events during the finale of RO despite it being perfectly logical for Vader and Tarkin to appear, Red and Gold Leaders to lead their respective squadrons, Leia actually getting the plans that she'll need to be in position of in the very next film, etc.

Somewhere along the way having films actually sync up continuity-wise with prior films (Solo being yet another example) or beloved characters returned to do cool things has become the "wrong" way to tell an entertaining story.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Watched the teaser again.

Three takeaways:

1. I really liked Rey's detached arm sleeves in the previous films but her bare toned arms are sexy as hell, lol.

2. I noticed that the person saudering Kylo's mask together has arms with long black hair, almost like a wookiee.

3. I freaking *love* Lando's jubilation. What a great and hearty laugh!

My top 3 moments:

1. Breathtaking opening shot of Rey in breathtaking environment
2. Lando Jubilation / Chewie in Falcon arm in the air jubilation
3. The characters getting shot at on a speeder looked very much OT
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What's the deal with Kylo clotheslining that guy, while he's carrying an ignited lightsaber?

Still excited.

I have a feeling the Leia hug is a flashback or vision or memory, basically not happening within the current timeline of the movie.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

My top 3 moments:

1.Kylo welding his helmet back together is a metaphor for JJ trying to piece back together his Star Wars saga after TLJ destroyed it.
2.They used Lando's cape to cover up the wheelchair.
3.Rey will die by trying to jump over the Tie fighter like Anakin trying to jump over Obi-Wan in ROTS, Kylo has the high ground.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I find it interesting that using established characters in satisfying ways has become synonymous with the now derogatory term "fan service."

It hasn't. Fan service means (at least for me) tailoring a story to include things that would hit the right notes with fan sentimentality, expectations, or preferences *without being necessary for exposition, or any other legitimate story reason.* I see it as pandering to the audience for a cheap thrill. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, btw.

The opposite of fan service would be telling an organic story, written and filmed to do nothing more than project the true vision of the filmmaker onto the screen. If it's not what people expect or hope for, so be it. As long as there's an authenticity with the filmmaker's vision. And I don't mean to suggest that this is a "better" way of making a SW film. Just what I prefer, that's all.

Was it fan service in ESB to have Han, Luke, Leia, and Vader back and better than ever? Apparently so.

No. It they were all there to tell a whole new story. They didn't bring back any extraneous or superfluous ANH elements that didn't need to be there just so fans could feel warm and fuzzy. ESB had nothing but integrity in that respect. It wasn't out to give fans what they wanted. Luke losing to Vader, Han being taken by Fett, and no happy resolution wasn't fan service. It was the opposite. And it was amazing. No gimmicks. No pandering. And not worried about giving people what they wanted/expected that would be overtly similar to ANH.

As far as predictable and derivative retreading of old narratives how does TLJ *not* exemplify that to a "T"? Middle chapter where Force novice goes off to learn from an exiled Jedi Master while Star Destroyers chase the ship that Leia is on through space, AT-AT's attack fleeing rebels on a desolate white planet capped off with the main two Force users trying to turn the other one in front of the bad guy on his throne until the "bad" one turns on him and kills him. Oh yeah and a sauve scoundrel betrays the heroes when the bad guys show up in overwhelming numbers.

The Force novice going off to learn from an exiled Jedi Master was the setup from TFA. :lol But it didn't end up going that way. That's even what one of the repeated objections was, as a matter of fact. Star Destroyers chasing a ship happened in the OT, yes, but that's almost like complaining about lightsaber battles being derivative. Some elements will be repeated in these films, almost out of necessity. The AT-AT's on Crait was indeed derivative, but mostly from an aesthetic and stylized perspective. It was to set up the perceived "Luke versus a whole column of AT-AT's," but always intended to culminate in something other than it seemed. Hence, "subversion."

Even the throne room scene and the "scoundrel" was done to invoke past narratives, but ultimately change the outcome. Compare that to some of TFA's derivative narratives that not only had the same aesthetics and setups, but also played out the same way. Starkiller Base being the most obvious example: massive super weapon (aesthetics), destroys planet(s) (setup), and gets destroyed by rebels who were outmatched and against heavy odds (outcome). A complete ripoff, with no substantive change to the narrative.

In fact I'd be surprised if anyone could seriously "predict" what's going to happen in the new film based on the teaser trailer alone.

We'll see. :)

I do agree that the teaser feels like an extension of TFA but I'd love to hear how anyone could think that a single scene feels like it would have been taken *from* TFA.

:rotfl You mean like seeing wreckage from the Old Empire (Death Star instead of Star Destroyer)? Maybe like heroes going to a distant planet looking for a savior (MacGuffin instead of Luke) to take back to help them win? Like a low-flying starship zipping across sandy plains?


I’ve never considered fan service to merely be reuse of characters - that’s a necessary part of any ongoing saga.

(Except Lando. Not really sure what’s the point of bringing him back.)

Fan service to me is the constant (and almost always unnecessary) reference to objects and events from previous films (or the fandom overall).

It reached its peak with Solo and its laundry list of OT references and artifacts.

:exactly: I agree with everything you stated here. But, I forgive the Lando thing. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

It should've been Kathleen Kennedy laughing at the end since she has trolled fans from TFA on.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

My top 3 moments:

1. Breathtaking opening shot of Rey in breathtaking environment
2. Lando Jubilation / Chewie in Falcon arm in the air jubilation
3. The characters getting shot at on a speeder looked very much OT

:exactly: :rock

The first few shots have me rethinking that Daisy/Portman comparison. Damn she looked freaking awesome, lol.

What's the deal with Kylo clotheslining that guy, while he's carrying an ignited lightsaber?

Still excited.

To me it looks like Kylo is using the ignited crossguard of his saber to impale the guy and throw him down.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Damn she looked freaking awesome, lol.

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What's the deal with Kylo clotheslining that guy, while he's carrying an ignited lightsaber?

Still excited.

I have a feeling the Leia hug is a flashback or vision or memory, basically not happening within the current timeline of the movie.

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I got tears seeing Rey hugging her....again lol

What Khev said the guy was impaled by the crossguard...thingy :lol

Lando jubilation. :lol

Sometimes Jye is so easily pleased.

C’mon man it’s Lando Calrizzzzzian :lol

:exactly: :rock

The first few shots have me rethinking that Daisy/Portman comparison. Damn she looked freaking awesome, lol.

To me it looks like Kylo is using the ignited crossguard of his saber to impale the guy and throw him down.



:lol :lol

:lol :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Not for nothing but all things considered Rose actually came out a winner today lol

What an awesome reception she received.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Somewhere along the way having films actually sync up continuity-wise with prior films (Solo being yet another example) or beloved characters returned to do cool things has become the "wrong" way to tell an entertaining story.

It hasn't. Fan service means (at least for me) tailoring a story to include things that would hit the right notes with fan sentimentality, expectations, or preferences *without being necessary for exposition, or any other legitimate story reason.*

What ajp said. Most of what appears in RO is justified, but ironically everyone’s favourite scene was studio-engineered fan service that actually conflicted with the start of ANH (who hand-delivers Death Star plans anyway?)

Solo, on the other hand, was almost total fan service. Pretty much nothing that was mentioned in the OT was left to the imagination.

Which is a problem because if all of Han’s major milestones are covered in the space of one film, it doesn’t leave him much of a past.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019



What are the odds this will always be noticed :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Solo, on the other hand, was almost total fan service. Pretty much nothing that was mentioned in the OT was left to the imagination.

All the way down to Han's last name being explained within the story! His friggin' last name!!! :rotfl
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What Khev said the guy was impaled by the crossguard...thingy :lol

Crossguard thingy, yep, lol. Kylo is in desperate need of an RO Vader moment after TLJ so hopefully that forest battle has him slicing and dicing rebels left and right.

And agreed on the Leia/Rey hug, so glad it's a legit on screen huh that they got to use. Rey probably goes back to her TFA hairdo for the entire movie just so that they could seamlessly insert the hug, lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Not for nothing but all things considered Rose actually came out a winner today lol

What an awesome reception she received.

She'll be in the background of some attack sequence running around with a 80's ice cream maker in Ep. 9.