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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Anyone else watch the live stream and have to turn it off because it was so cringe inducing?
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

My gut feeling is that 10 years from now we’ll all be able to skip TLJ without missing a beat when we sit down to watch this series of movies. I think that’s what people mean when talking about them undoing or ignoring what happened in TLJ. But that’s just the sense I get from the trailer.

Yes, exactly. I still love the Luke parts of TLJ but I see very little point in watching an inferior Hoth battle and inferior throne room sequence. I can just watch the OT for the real deal. TLJ does give us the one and only movie with old Luke and Hamill at the top of his acting game. But if TROS gives us Hamill delivering another top tier performance where I like the direction they go with his character and has a more substantial duel than just faking out Kylo Ren then the last elements that justify TLJ's existence will probably fade once and for all for me.

I don't need Canto Bight, I don't need copies of major OT moments, so if TROS gives us new stuff with good Luke scenes then that will be the final nail in TLJ's coffin.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I was thinking the title didn't really need the "the".

Then I realised eight of the nine films have "the" in the title.

Also, I can feel a poll coming on for "best movie with rise/rises in the title".

JJ -"Have we started a fire?"

KK - " The Skywalker rises!"
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah, I suppose you're going to be proven correct about this since the overwhelming sentiment here seems aligned with your interpretation. LFL and Disney better hope that you are indeed correct, because if TROS doubles down on "anyone can use the force and be a Jedi/Skywalker" and keeps Rey's lineage as it was in TLJ, there's going to be a lot of the same sort of angry criticisms because of unmet expectations.

Reading posts here today gives me the sense that fans are pouring gunpowder down by assuming a lot of things. If it doesn't go their way, it'll be an explosion.

Is anyone really gushing over the trailer though to the point that there will be an explosion of anger if expectations aren't met? Seems more like just a healthy dose of cautious optimism to me. And that's just for those who are excited, obviously from the reactions here a lot of people have still written off the ST and this teaser changed nothing for them.

But even if TROS *does* make TLJ superfluous in spirit there's nothing stopping TLJ from remaining your favorite Disney flick. :duff Like I said TPM is pretty disconnected from AOTC/ROTS and it's still my favorite PT flick by far. :)
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I generally have an aversion to fan events - the actor worship, cosplay and general nerdity. I might be a SW geek but other SW geeks embarrass me! :lol

I was surprised at how well the actors came off though. Billy D. owned the stage and even the younger crew (Isaac, Ridley, even Boyega) came off as quite likable and endearing. I thought they might be jaded by the backlash and have an air of "can we just get this over with please" but was pleasantly surprised.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I was surprised at how well the actors came off though. Billy D. owned the stage and even the younger crew (Isaac, Ridley, even Boyega) came off as quite likable and endearing. I thought they might be jaded by the backlash and have an air of "can we just get this over with please" but was pleasantly surprised.

Yes, the Q&A panels are a necessary part of these events and most actors conduct themselves well. Still not this grumpy old fan’s scene tho.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

But even if TROS *does* make TLJ superfluous in spirit there's nothing stopping TLJ from remaining your favorite Disney flick. :duff Like I said TPM is pretty disconnected from AOTC/ROTS and it's still my favorite PT flick by far. :)

Trust me, I'm perfectly content with TLJ being available for me to watch and enjoy whenever I feel like it. I don't need (or even want) TROS to seem like TLJ Part 2. I'd prefer if the majority of fans can embrace the final installment. The only way for that to happen is if TROS makes a complete pivot and redirection. I'm not convinced it will, but it'd be better for the franchise if it did. I got the kind of film I wanted from Disney, now it's time for everyone else to get one too. :) If unashamed fan service, predictability, and derivative retreading of old narratives is what'll please the masses, then that's what I hope TROS will deliver. As long as it all gets done with good acting and cinematography: bring it on for me too. :lol
Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah, I suppose you're going to be proven correct about this since the overwhelming sentiment here seems aligned with your interpretation. LFL and Disney better hope that you are indeed correct, because if TROS doubles down on "anyone can use the force and be a Jedi/Skywalker" and keeps Rey's lineage as it was in TLJ, there's going to be a lot of the same sort of angry criticisms because of unmet expectations.

Reading posts here today gives me the sense that fans are pouring gunpowder down by assuming a lot of things. If it doesn't go their way, it'll be an explosion.

I still can’t believe people are trying to figure these movies out?..

Did you not learn from the last movie?

Even if they say they’re going rectify things in fans favor, these movies are still going to disappoint fans that are trying to “figure” them out.

They didn’t give you what you wanted last time because they read all of your online minds and instead made fun the whole thing and made it a joke Marvel movie in order for you to not guess what was coming. Yeah, we didn’t see that coming alright. Lol.

Now they’re giving you what you want and raising the dead to it. What do you think will be the reaction? It will be too little too late.

That said, It can only be good if they go down the dark path. Make the force what it once was. Get rid all these new characters they made. Start over. Reboot. Bring back the magic. No joking with the force. Kyle Katarn that mother! [emoji23]

But these films they screwed up, are done.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019


Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

My gut feeling is that 10 years from now we’ll all be able to skip TLJ without missing a beat when we sit down to watch this series of movies. I think that’s what people mean when talking about them undoing or ignoring what happened in TLJ. But that’s just the sense I get from the trailer. And from having watched TLJ before, lol.

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Has always been my plan if this last one turns out right.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Another thought: “Rise of Skywalker” may simply refer to Palpatine creating Anakin and setting off the Skywalker lineage - as finally confirmed in this last instalment.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

If unashamed fan service, predictability, and derivative retreading of old narratives is what'll please the masses, then that's what I hope TROS will deliver.

I find it interesting that using established characters in satisfying ways has become synonymous with the now derogatory term "fan service." Was it fan service in ESB to have Han, Luke, Leia, and Vader back and better than ever? Apparently so. As far as predictable and derivative retreading of old narratives how does TLJ *not* exemplify that to a "T"? Middle chapter where Force novice goes off to learn from an exiled Jedi Master while Star Destroyers chase the ship that Leia is on through space, AT-AT's attack fleeing rebels on a desolate white planet capped off with the main two Force users trying to turn the other one in front of the bad guy on his throne until the "bad" one turns on him and kills him. Oh yeah and a sauve scoundrel betrays the heroes when the bad guys show up in overwhelming numbers.

I don't see how throwing in Force projection out of the blue or making Rey a "nobody" somehow undoes two and a half hours of familiar retread.

Whereas I don't see anyone praising TROS because it looks like a copy of any OT film. In fact I'd be surprised if anyone could seriously "predict" what's going to happen in the new film based on the teaser trailer alone. It really looks like we're finally seeing some new stuff.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

This looks like The Force Awakens Director's Cut. Oh boy.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I do agree that the teaser feels like an extension of TFA but I'd love to hear how anyone could think that a single scene feels like it would have been taken *from* TFA.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Odds that one of the characters shoehorns the phrase “the rise of Skywalker” in at some point? Or was that just a Rian Johnson thing.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I do agree that the teaser feels like an extension of TFA but I'd love to hear how anyone could think that a single scene feels like it would have been taken *from* TFA.

The scene with Rey hugging Carrie is literally taken from TFA.