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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

During JJ interview on the SW Show he said it was nice to get a shot in the arm reminder on what SW means to fans and that “it was desperately needed”

Ouch at that Rian/KK burn lol

JJ savage today :lol

Rose got another incredible reception during the SW Show. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

What ajp said. Most of what appears in RO is justified, but ironically everyone’s favourite scene was studio-engineered fan service that actually conflicted with the start of ANH (who hand-delivers Death Star plans anyway?)

Solo, on the other hand, was almost total fan service. Pretty much nothing that was mentioned in the OT was left to the imagination.

Which is a problem because if all of Han’s major milestones are covered in the space of one film, it doesn’t leave him much of a past.

That's like saying Forest Gump doesn't have much of a past because his life was covered in one movie, lol. ;) Solo spanned multiple years so it worked unlike the idiotic beginning of TLC (sorry a-dev) where literally every defining aspect of Indy's character was amassed in one dopey circus train.

And you're right of course about RO's events being perfectly justified, because they were. It didn't stop blanket criticisms of pandering fan service though. Just watch the Red Letter Media review for a reminder. The *one* stupid fan pandering moment was Walrusman and Dr. Evazan but that was it and was only a fleeting moment. Maybe 3PO and R2 but again we're talking fleeting seconds and nothing that consumed the narrative.

Yet people still throw the term around seemingly any time filmmakers actually honor any character or events that didn't originate in their own film. Just something I've noticed over the past few years and I find it quite odd.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Enjoyed the's certainly doing just that.

  • really like Rey's streamlined, well-tailored visit to her original look --now sleeveless, tailored neckline, hood, tighter crepe creases - looked sharp
  • is Jordan a stand-in for Jedha? Looked fantastic...
  • the red-tinged environment that Kylo s battling in - savage as ever
  • other folks have said it - who can resist Lando's jubilation? Sheer joy!
  • The skiff-like vehicle the heroes are racing on - looked very SW old-school - very cool

I will admit...JJ knows how to assemble a good-looking movie and this teaser he's dropped is a provocative one. But TFA had a decent teaser too, and I still can't watch that movie all the way through just falls apart.

The title? Who knows what JJ is really saying with it here. It's more marketable with the well-known Skywalker name in it, but how it works for the story remains to be seen.

A couple of things that were groan-inducing...the porg-droid, Kylo's helmet being re-assembled (why? ...and what craftsmen considering how truly smashed up it was in TLJ).

I still hold that JJ is not a visionary or genius director, he's a good factory worker that knows how to assemble something that looks pretty. It will be interesting to see if he really does try to wrap this up or if he just leaves us with more half-asked questions. But one has to admit...great ending......nothing adds the right seasoning like a well-place cackle from everyone's favorite Sith Daddy!
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

During JJ interview on the SW Show he said it was nice to get a shot in the arm reminder on what SW means to fans and that “it was desperately needed”

Ouch at that Rian/KK burn lol

JJ savage today :lol

He was clearly loving playing the crowd against TLJ/RJ/KK, lol.

Even things that RJ did that are often good things in other movies like splitting characters up.

"And in THIS movie I keep the heroes TOGETHER." *another thunderous roar from the crowd*

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Enjoyed the's certainly doing just that.

  • really like Rey's streamlined, well-tailored visit to her original look --now sleeveless, tailored neckline, hood, tighter crepe creases - looked sharp
  • is Jordan a stand-in for Jedha? Looked fantastic...
  • the red-tinged environment that Kylo s battling in - savage as ever
  • other folks have said it - who can resist Lando's jubilation? Sheer joy!
  • The skiff-like vehicle the heroes are racing on - looked very SW old-school - very cool

I will admit...JJ knows how to assemble a good-looking movie and this teaser he's dropped is a provocative one. But TFA had a decent teaser too, and I still can't watch that movie all the way through just falls apart.

The title? Who knows what JJ is really saying with it here. It's more marketable with the well-known Skywalker name in it, but how it works for the story remains to be seen.

A couple of things that were groan-inducing...the porg-droid, Kylo's helmet being re-assembled (why? ...and what craftsmen considering how truly smashed up it was in TLJ).

I still hold that JJ is not a visionary or genius director, he's a good factory worker that knows how to assemble something that looks pretty. It will be interesting to see if he really does try to wrap this up or if he just leaves us with more half-asked questions. But one has to admit...great ending......nothing adds the right seasoning like a well-place cackle from everyone's favorite Sith Daddy!

Do you think it was wrong to spoil the Emperor in the trailer?

He was clearly loving playing the crowd against TLJ/RJ/KK, lol.

Even things that RJ did that are often good things in other movies like splitting characters up.

"And in THIS movie I keep the heroes TOGETHER." *another thunderous roar from the crowd*


Go back to the PS4 launch post Xbox One launch.

JJ was the PS4 and Rian the Xbox One you know when Sony came on stage to embarrass and correct everything Microsoft got wrong in their console reveal it was savage I still watch that to this day. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Do you think it was wrong to spoil the Emperor in the trailer?

I think they were in the unenviable position of having to show more of their hand than they otherwise might have. Bringing in big Palps right off the bat to quell concerns about Kylo already being beaten by Rey plus having the title possibly imply Luke's character being redeemed.

Go back to the PS4 launch post Xbox One launch.

JJ was the PS4 and Rian the Xbox One you know when Sony came on stage to embarrass and correct everything Microsoft got wrong it was savage. :lol

I never saw that but it sounds awesome, lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Solo spanned multiple years

But all the events referenced in the OT occurred in the space of, what, a weekend?

Do you think it was wrong to spoil the Emperor in the trailer?

Imagine if he’s not even in the film and his cackle was just added for effect (like Vader’s breathing in the AOTC teaser!)
"The dark side of the force is a pathway to abilities that some consider to be...unnatural"

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, ROTS

Everything we need to know about how Palpatine's possible return in TROS is revealed in the Opera House scene in ROTS...all the seeds are there.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I think they were in the unenviable position of having to show more of their hand than they otherwise might have. Bringing in big Palps right off the bat to quell concerns about Kylo already being beaten by Rey plus having the title possibly imply Luke's character being redeemed.

I never saw that but it sounds awesome, lol.

Oh man the Rian shade continues, Daisy said “We’re feeling like we’re on the right track to a great film”

Read between the lines lol
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Wow, something that just occurred to me regarding bringing Palps back was a major issue I once had with ROTJ. For a time I was really put off by ROTJ and even went through an "it doesn't count!" phase (lol) after TPM came out and Gary Kurtz took the opportunity to spill the beans about what they were going to do for Episodes 7-9 before they got to ROTJ.

He said that George had an outline of Vader being defeated in ROTJ but not the Emperor and the Empire. That Leia would be crowned new ruler of the Rebellion and Luke (who was not related to her) would go off to find his Force sensitive sister (the "other" Yoda was referring to in Empire) and together they'd team up to defeat the Emperor himself over the span of three films in the ST.

Kurtz continued by saying that George then got famously burned out on the whole Saga and just wanted to wrap everything up in Episode VI so he ditched the idea of Luke's sister completely, made her Leia, and killed the Emperor off in the first film he's fully introduced. That actually kind of pissed me off and finally put a stamp on all the things that I felt were "off," half-baked, or contrived about the ridiculously convenient way ROTJ wrapped everything up.

But bringing Palps back, and having Luke and a girl other than Leia face him, holy crap if they nail this then it might might be the greatest reconciliation in cinema history for me, lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Oh man the Rian shade continues, Daisy said “We’re feeling like we’re on the right track to a great film”

Read between the lines lol

Oh man, not "well we feel like we're on the right track to living up to the awesomeness of the last one." Nope, just "we think THIS one might be great," lol.
Wow, something that just occurred to me regarding bringing Palps back was a major issue I once had with ROTJ. For a time I was really put off by ROTJ and even went through an "it doesn't count!" phase (lol) after TPM came out and Gary Kurtz took the opportunity to spill the beans about what they were going to do for Episodes 7-9 before they got to ROTJ.

He said that George had an outline of Vader being defeated in ROTJ but not the Emperor and the Empire. That Leia would be crowned new ruler of the Rebellion and Luke (who was not related to her) would go off to find his Force sensitive sister (the "other" Yoda was referring to in Empire) and together they'd team up to defeat the Emperor himself over the span of three films in the ST.

Kurtz continued by saying that George then got famously burned out on the whole Saga and just wanted to wrap everything up in Episode VI so he ditched the idea of Luke's sister completely, made her Leia, and killed the Emperor off in the first film he's fully introduced. That actually kind of pissed me off and finally put a stamp on all the things that I felt were "off," half-baked, or contrived about the ridiculously convenient way ROTJ wrapped everything up.

But bringing Palps back, and having Luke and a girl other than Leia face him, holy crap if they nail this then it might might be the greatest reconciliation in cinema history for me, lol.

Yeah that’s insane we might end up with the original 7-8-9 albeit once again condensed into a single movie although seeing Palpatine’s machinations will be fun.
I’m one of the few that don’t watch trailers!!! Why ruin the experience watching sound bites and clips from a movie that’s doesn’t need to sell you a seat at the theatres. On a side note I was in Disneyland Star Wars Launch Bay, here’s Chewbacca’s reaction to my to my question.....
