Star Trek Beyond

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Kit, I am only in this instance. You really can't compare the movies to the series, especially after all this time. TV series are filmed differently and the stories have to be different. Different pacing, etc. A series is slower. They have 25 shows in a year. A movie has 2 hours every 3 years.

Unless you put the focus where it needs to be. On the characters and dialogue and not on the action. Make it more of a drama with action lightly peppered in instead of the opposite. You could have significantly cut down on the action scenes (did we really need almost a half an hour on the crew fighting a giant cgi cloud?) to put in more cerebral moments that really define what gives Star Trek its identity.
I just overheard someone describe this as ''not as good as Into Darkness''...oh dear oh dear :lol

There are a lot of fans who liked Into Darkness the most of the 3. I honestly liked it better the second time I've seen it and I've seen it many times now. Though I like all three, my favorite is still the first, with Beyond second. I can't believe how many like Cumberbatch as Khan. :ohbfrank:

I just ignore that. :lol
Cumberbatch overacted so badly on that film. He choked on every line. I loved Beyond, Elba was a great villain.
Finally saw this and, while better than expected, I'd still rate it below the first two Abramsverse (sorry, "Kelvin Timeline") efforts.

There were many moments that recalled Generations or Insurrection, and the whole attack on Yorktown/final battle with Krall was very reminiscent of STID's attack on SF/final battle with Khan.
Thought I'd go see this today, but it's already gone from my local theatres. Movies don't hang around on screens long these days.
Thought I'd go see this today, but it's already gone from my local theatres. Movies don't hang around on screens long these days.

I've noticed that too, even the ones that are playing fairly well. I was told it was partly due to so many movies coming out in 3D.

It's still at one of my theaters.
It must be rereboot time

I doubt the next one will be made based on the numbers this one did...look at the numbers in each country it has been released in- wow very poor....TV may be the answer from here on.....
I had this great idea for another reboot - young Picard, young Worf, young....errr, Data. The Borg go back in time to **** Picard's ***t up!
I doubt the next one will be made based on the numbers this one did...look at the numbers in each country it has been released in- wow very poor....TV may be the answer from here on.....

It's already in the works. They need to stick to a May opening. I figure China will bring in around 30 mill and Japan, 8 mill. There are other countries yet too.

Actually, comparing it to Into Darkness, it's not that far off.

It's too bad they can't bring in Peter Jackson to direct the next one. At least then I'll know I'll get 3 more. :lol
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I was curious how this was doing since it opened on September 2nd in China.

I just saw this on Wiki:
It opened in China on September 2, and earned an estimated $9.3 million on its opening day, including $370,000 in midnight preview showings which is 160% larger than the opening day of Star Trek Into Darkness[71] and $21.8 million in two days.[72] In total, it had an opening weekend of $31.3 million, the biggest Star Trek debut in country.[73] China Film Insider projects the film will end its run there around $105 million

Sounds promising!
Saw it last weekend, I enjoyed it. I like the entire cast and crew for this. Bones & Spock dynamic is hilarious like always.
Saw this again last night at the drive-in.

It is the best of the new cast's efforts. It plays more like a TV episode ( I mean that as a compliment). The cast has found their groove...the effects were if they could only get a script for the next one that didn't reek of "benn there, done that", it could really be something.

Really loved a lot of the design work here too...the Yorktown station looked like something out of some old ""Astounding Stories" pulp cover....very cool.
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