SPECTRE - Bond 24

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What a disappointing movie. Apart from the opening sequence there is nothing exciting in here. It plods along at snails pace, the plot is very thin, at no point is there any sense of urgency or danger. It lacks a proper villain. Waltz just does his usual shtick and is severly underused. Once again they used the whole Bond goes rogue stuff that they've been doing since Die Another Day. The female character is seriously underdeveloped, which makes a particular scene later in the movie fall compeletly flat. The henchman guy that was so touted as a return to the old films is totally forgetable. He could have been replaced by any other generic thug and it would make no difference. The score by Newman is overbearing, drowning out the dialog and sound effects plus it sounds like some rejected Hans Zimmer demo tape.
I don't remember ever walking out of a Bond movie completely bored, but this was the case here sadly. Craig's weakest outing.

So you liked it then. :p
Saw it. It's ok, if a bit forgettable. The song is awful. Waltz was hammy and phoned it in, it is a very slow film. Lea Seydoux is hawwtt though.
His entrance is straight out of Game Of Thrones.

He is part of a nice From Russia with Love call-back.

Good, I think.

What a disappointing movie. Apart from the opening sequence there is nothing exciting in here. It plods along at snails pace, the plot is very thin, at no point is there any sense of urgency or danger. It lacks a proper villain. Waltz just does his usual shtick and is severly underused. Once again they used the whole Bond goes rogue stuff that they've been doing since Die Another Day. The female character is seriously underdeveloped, which makes a particular scene later in the movie fall compeletly flat. The henchman guy that was so touted as a return to the old films is totally forgetable. He could have been replaced by any other generic thug and it would make no difference. The score by Newman is overbearing, drowning out the dialog and sound effects plus it sounds like some rejected Hans Zimmer demo tape.
I don't remember ever walking out of a Bond movie completely bored, but this was the case here sadly. Craig's weakest outing.

Bad. Very, very bad.

Slower than Skyfall? Oh no....
Hmm.... Expectations lowered. I'm getting the heck out of here. See you all November 7.
Just got back.

I absolutely ****ing loved it.

The most I have felt genuine danger in a Craig bond film.

It has moments like the old films while still feeling modern. Hinx is the strong silent type. He only says one word in the entire film. The meeting scene was genuinely creepy. Waltz is underused, as is Madeleine. As underused as waltz is, he is by far the best Craig Bond villain so far. Madeleine's connection with bond felt a little fake.

It ties all Craig's films together nicely and the ending left it open for him to either return or end it with this film. Pretty good ending in that regard.
It's not perfect. It is slow in parts and I think unless you are a die hard bond fan like myself, then you will find these parts boring, but for me the story with Quantom and spectre etc was enough to keep me from being bored.

I get why people have an issue with it, I'm still kind of processing it all in my head. But right now I love it and am currently placing it joint second best with skyfall for Craig's films

One thing this film does establish is that casino royale will never be beaten :lol
Hmm.... Expectations lowered. I'm getting the heck out of here. See you all November 7.

Really! I'm about to leave right after you.

Makes no sense there looks like there is so much carnage in the trailer and yet I've always thought the Craig Bond films were guilty of showing too much of the action/plot in the trailers and I really can't picture this one not delivering that. From the Day of the Dead and the helicopter scene, and the car chase, and the snow scenes, and the train fight against batista, and the finale. I don't know if SkyFall necessarily had more action scenes and I still say SkyFall is Craig's best one.

But lowered expectations will only help me have a better chance at enjoying it so it is probably the best time to leave this thread.
When it comes to Bond slow does not bother me.

Good to hear that you enjoyed it.

Wor-Gar will not be sucking his thumb tonight afterall. :lol

2+ hours? Great!

Thanks man. I did really enjoy it. I just don't think it appeals to casual viewers as much as skyfall. Hence some negative reviews.
Just got back.

I absolutely ****ing loved it.

The most I have felt genuine danger in a Craig bond film.

It has moments like the old films while still feeling modern. Hinx is the strong silent type. He only says one word in the entire film. The meeting scene was genuinely creepy. Waltz is underused, as is Madeleine. As underused as waltz is, he is by far the best Craig Bond villain so far. Madeleine's connection with bond felt a little fake.

It ties all Craig's films together nicely and the ending left it open for him to either return or end it with this film. Pretty good ending in that regard.
It's not perfect. It is slow in parts and I think unless you are a die hard bond fan like myself, then you will find these parts boring, but for me the story with Quantom and spectre etc was enough to keep me from being bored.

I get why people have an issue with it, I'm still kind of processing it all in my head. But right now I love it and am currently placing it joint second best with skyfall for Craig's films

One thing this film does establish is that casino royale will never be beaten :lol

That's more hopeful.

Wor-Gar will not be sucking his thumb tonight afterall. :lol

I might, I'm scared. Hold me.
Really! I'm about to leave right after you.

Makes no sense there looks like there is so much carnage in the trailer and yet I've always thought the Craig Bond films were guilty of showing too much of the action/plot in the trailers and I really can't picture this one not delivering that. From the Day of the Dead and the helicopter scene, and the car chase, and the snow scenes, and the train fight against batista, and the finale. I don't know if SkyFall necessarily had more action scenes and I still say SkyFall is Craig's best one

Yeah. Most people consider Casino Royale Craig's best film, and he spent most of the time in that film playing cards. Then again, I don't play poker, so I had no idea what was going on during the game. :lol
Did they destroy the DB10 ???
Ouch if they did and how ?
Spoiler Spoiler:
No way is Waltz better than Mads Mikkelsen. He beat Bond's bollocks with a rope! Waltz was just wasted in this film. This is the guy that won two Oscars for amazing performances and he is reduced to cookie cutter explain my plan in a lair pastiche formula blah blah blah villain ********.

Mads for the win!
No way is Waltz better than Mads Mikkelsen. He beat Bond's bollocks with a rope! Waltz was just wasted in this film. This is the guy that won two Oscars for amazing performances and he is reduced to cookie cutter explain my plan in a lair pastiche formula blah blah blah villain ********.

Mads for the win!

To be fair, the rope scene was right out of the book, not the dialogue as much, but the torture scene was there. It's tough to beat Fleming. I wonder if Waltz might be more a victim of the writing than performance. All this mixed review stuff is a bit worrying; hoping I'm going to like it because it's good, not just because I really want to. Weird how Nov. 7th feels farther away than December 18th. :confused:
I did like le chiffre. I just thought waltz was more chilling.

I never paid any attention to the negative reviews. I was kind of expecting them. Especially after skyfall. I think things become that popular that people start to dislike them on purpose, almost.

I came out of this relieved, thinking 'how could anyone think that was a bad film?'
Spoiler Spoiler:

Ouch !!!! Yeah I heard about the ejector seat.
Any other cool gadgets ?
Just got back.

I absolutely ****ing loved it.

The most I have felt genuine danger in a Craig bond film.

It has moments like the old films while still feeling modern. Hinx is the strong silent type. He only says one word in the entire film. The meeting scene was genuinely creepy. Waltz is underused, as is Madeleine. As underused as waltz is, he is by far the best Craig Bond villain so far. Madeleine's connection with bond felt a little fake.

It ties all Craig's films together nicely and the ending left it open for him to either return or end it with this film. Pretty good ending in that regard.
It's not perfect. It is slow in parts and I think unless you are a die hard bond fan like myself, then you will find these parts boring, but for me the story with Quantom and spectre etc was enough to keep me from being bored.

I get why people have an issue with it, I'm still kind of processing it all in my head. But right now I love it and am currently placing it joint second best with skyfall for Craig's films

One thing this film does establish is that casino royale will never be beaten :lol

I never watched a Bond movie before Craig, but everyone here making customs of Craig when Casino Royale came out got me interested and I really liked it and have followed them since. I try to watch the older movies and I just can't get into them, my mind wants them to be like the Craig films where most people want the Craig films to be more like the old ones.

Right now I rank them 1 Skyfall, 2 Casino Royale and Quantum in third, but we'll see how this fairs with me. I definitely consider myself a causal Bond fan but a pretty big Craig fan.

When it comes to Bond slow does not bother me.

Good to hear that you enjoyed it.

Wor-Gar will not be sucking his thumb tonight afterall. :lol

I've read comparisons to Skyfall's pacing in a negative light. I personally had no issues with Skyfall in this regard so I imagine I'll be content here.