So the "Magnificient Seven" SDCC Exclusives are????

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Chief Defender of Faith
Sep 9, 2005
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So it was announced this week in the newsletter that there will be SEVEN exclusives available for purchase at SDCC this year. The official announcement will be made in the second week of April. I figured I'd post this thread in the Movie/TV general section because it deals with all of Sideshows lines. So... let the guesses begin!!!

There is definitely going to be a 12" Star Wars Exclusive. The prevailing guess has been a Sith Eyes Anakin (maybe with a little burnt clothing:D ). I thought that a Luke Endor Poncho would be a good exclusive but I was told that a Sideshow rep disclosed that the exclusive will not be a Luke or a Han.
Oh well.

I'm not sure that a PF from ANY line will be in the mix. I think the problems of storing all those PF at the show will be problematic (like with Luke last year) and I don't know if Sideshow will be too keen to foot the bill of shipping again. I think last year was special because of the big 12" Star Wars license announcement as well as the unveilling of all of the planned PFs and the Maul bust that they wanted SOMETHING of Star Wars to be available at the Con... So a PF Luke Excluisve seemed appropriate.

I would imagine that there will be a Buffy exclusive since there was one for the last two years running. Since the exclusives have been "game face" versions of characters (Angel and Oz), I would vote for Vampire Xander, since we already have a Vampire Willow for the same episode. If they did, I would probably go back and pick up a Vampire Willow to go with him. Another option they could do another vampire/demon (like a Der Kindestod) from a specific episode to be the exclusive. Wouldn't it be funny if Sideshow offered Giles as a demon BEFORE they offer a regular Giles?

Will there be an Angel excluisve as well? A Plygean Angel, maybe?

Will there be a 12" LOTR Exclusive? If they did I would vote for an Aragorn with an elvish cloak and the Gondorian gauntlets he got from Boromir. That would totally rock! But it might pissed off a few LOTR fans, offering such a wanted figure in a limited fashion.

A new zombie for The Dead line seems to be a shoe-in... seeing that a picture of a new boxed Zombie appeared recently.

Too bad that there won't be a POTA exclusive this year like the Bloody Lawgiver statue last year. Wouldn't it be great to have a Battle Caesar offered at the Con? He wouldn't be too hard to make, Sideshow. Is my bias showing?

Also I think that an Origins Kurgan would be a great shot in the arm for their Highlander line. Sales have been slow from this line, but I don't think that will be a probelm with this figure. If that did offer one, I would (like Vampire Willow) go back and pick up an origins Conner to go with him.

Last two years there has been a Hellboy exclusive. I don't think that will be the case this year. We will probably just have to wait for the sequel before we get anymore figures from this line. But if they did have one, I think a Liz figure would be great. But that would be too much of a main character to offer in such a limited fashion. Rasputian might be cool too.

The rest of the lines I'm not too familiar with....

Does anyone else care to guess?
I am guessing that there will be a Bond figure in the mix somewhere. Just a hunch with the movie coming up. Possibly a PF. The lawgiver box was just as big and bulky and heavy as Luke, and he wasn't a PF. I wouldn't assume that they won't do a large/heavy item.

So you have a Star Wars item, a LOTR item, a Marvel item, another Dead figure, a Bond item, I'll guess a Buffy figure (SDCC Giles, anyone?), and maybe something from a new ine or license. I don't know--the possibilities are endless. You can bet that there will be a variety of types of products (not just 12") and a variety of licenses. Knowing Sideshow, there will be a surprise or two. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us...
tomandshell said:
I am guessing that there will be a Bond figure in the mix somewhere. Just a hunch with the movie coming up. Possibly a PF. The lawgiver box was just as big and bulky and heavy as Luke, and he wasn't a PF. I wouldn't assume that they won't do a large/heavy item.

That Bloody Lawgiver was heavy... I had my brother carry him while I carried Luke (I just couldn't wait for him to be delivered). The only difference with the Lawgiver... there was only 90 or so of them at the show. So I don't think that piece posed any issue for Sideshow. However, coupled with the 400 Lukes and you got yourself an storage problem.:google
Wow, I think you guys are all "on", knowing SS as well you do.

Well, here's a few more guesses...

I agree there might be an SDCC 1/6 Giles from Buffy, those Buffy fans have clamoring for a Giles for years and a Buffy/Angel PF Fig as well

And I really think there will be a 1/6 Sarah Connor from T2

Star Wars, hmm, that's the biggie, I'll go with a Palpatine PF or 1/6 to start the Sith line, the 1/6 variant, if it's not Luke, I'll habg with a Sithy Anakin

May be too soon for a CR Bond, still shooting and no-one knows much about D Craig or the film. Iwould love to see SS do an Auric Goldfinger

And the big "blow me away" fig I think will be a PF Jaws, maybe Quint
I think there will be a 1/4 Frodo exclusive. It would explain his lack of one. Luke was the only SW without an exclusive and look what happened to his exclusive. I think Frodo wil have a similar issue.

I think:

12" SW exclusive (true, but who?)
12" The Dead exclusive (99% sure, but of what/)
1/4 LotR or possibly 12" (Frodo or Aragorn?)
12" Buffy/Angel exclusive

I can't think of anything else right off the bat except maybe another Hellboy figure? We've only gotten SDCC exlcusives from that line since it ended with Abe.
pjam said:
Wow, I think you guys are all "on", knowing SS as well as you do.

Well, here's a few more guesses...

I agree there might be an SDCC 1/6 Giles from Buffy, those Buffy fans have clamoring for a Giles for years and a new Buffy/Angel PF Fig as well

And I really think there will be a 1/6 Sarah Connor from T2

Star Wars, hmm, that's the biggie, I'll go with a Palpatine PF or 1/6 to start the Sith line, the 1/6 variant, if it's not Luke, I'll hang with a Sithy Anakin, maybe in Vader Gear w/ removeable helmet (although Medicom already did this) so it stands to reason a Sithy Anakin of some kind (they've been playing with the eyes to change color as in XF Excl Krychek w/ oily eyes so that's my best best guess) an Anakin variant with red eyes that change)

May be too soon for a CR Bond, still shooting and no-one knows much about D Craig or the film. Iwould love to see SS do an Auric Goldfinger

And the big "blow me away" fig I think will be a PF Jaws, maybe Quint

Forgot to mention a Ghostrider maybe, maquette?

But we are definitely due for another SW OT figure, so far we have only seen 2 1/6 OT figures, Luke and Han (out of 6) and we've seen the PF's done so that's why I think we'll see a new Sith PF
I'm thinkin that if there is a SW or LOTR sdcc exclusive it may very well be something we have not seen yet, remember there is still time to release more product before SDCC we will have to wait and see. How pissed would people be to see a 1/6 Qui-Gon with little anakin for an sdcc exclusive?
You have certainly thought this well through Protozaius, and I err towards your thoughts.

I haven't had much time to think of what may be, and the SDCC exclusives instill dread in me, so I will just make comment on your suggestions. This year I have been preparing for the event by acquiring a dsl connection and saving like crazy. Much to the detriment of my previous collecting habits of buying figures rather than saving the money.

Concerning Buffy, I think a "game face" Xander would be an appropriate choice. Not too big to cause ruckus from the fans, like Giles would, and certainly in keeping with what a SDCC exclusive should be. Giles, I believe will be, released at a later date, as sales would be in demand, across the globe, and is more appropriate for this figure. A demon Giles should be saved as an International exclusive.

A Dead line zombie seems on the cards, and any form of zombie is a good zombie to have in my collection.

Don't give up on the PotA. I reckon Sideshow would have had other figures in the line in pre-production, but cut their losses, and the SDCC would be the ideal place with which to reclaim some of that, otherwise, lost money. Any bloody figure would be most welcome. :monkey5 :D
As long as they make another Zombie I'm good. My last one was killed off for good.
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I don't see where they give the # they are doing for SDCC in this weeks newsletter.

On the SDCC page I see this.

As we do every year, we will announce several new Comic-Con Exclusives for the show, but keep in mind that it is a good idea to reserve your item prior to the show with our Collect-n-Go program.

I see several but not seven.

I think if a LOTR PF is done it will be Frodo with a light up Sting, 12" would make sense to be Aragorn with the Lothlorien Cloak and Gondorian Braces, SW 12" I think is gonna be Sith Eyes Anakin (aka Darth Vader). A SW PF I don't know if there will be one this year. I couldn't begin to guess for the other lines.
With the SDCC items they have to be here by July so I'm betting we're not getting a variant of something due the 4th quarter of this year (like a LotR PF). Vamp Xander would be perfect, I'm sure you're right about the Dead and they've all but admitted a variant of an already received SW 12". How about Bespin Luke? Now that would be a kick in the pants... So that's 3 12" - so the other 4 probably won't be. I'd tend to agree that they most likely steer away from big stuff because they set the precedent of offering to ship Luke last year, so no PFs or 1:1 busts.
That would leave an Marvel archive set and...? Wait, they don't do small things anymore. Could we dare hope for 6 12" figure exclusives? :monkey1
Yikes! I hope not!! Six 12" figures would be too many. Sideshow should offer a little something for everyone, and not just for the 12" collectors.

I agree that they won't offer an exclusive of something that won't be shipping until fourth quarter, like an exclusive version of the Frodo PF. He just wouldn't be ready in time. I could be wrong, however...

My hope is that they have been secretly working on a Star Wars PF and will surprise us with a new announcement that is already being produced and will be ready for pickup at SDCC. A secondary character would be cool. Things have been so quiet on the SW PF front lately--we need some news!!
Ok, Someone show me on the newsletter where it says this info as far as how many and when they will be announced.

I agree they can't do all 12" stuff. Which is why you'll probably see another weapons set.
Darklord Dave said:
With the SDCC items ... they've all but admitted a variant of an already received SW 12". How about Bespin Luke? Now that would be a kick in the pants... :monkey1

Didn't they say in the podcast that the variant would not be Han or Luke?
I'm probably wrong but I would think a Terminator variant would be a possibility for a 12" exclusive this time around. New license and it just seems to fit for SDCC.
I'd also be kind of surprised if they did a 12" Hellboy item this year or any other Hellboy item. Not much happening with Hellboy right now.
I wonder what the SDCC exclusive 12" SW figure will be? I really don't think it will be an important variant because we, well me at least, will be screaming bloody murder if it's something that's mostly unavailable to the broader group of collectors represented by the online community. Sith Eyes Annakin makes a certain amount of sense for a number of reasons so maybe that will be it.
I think maybe well see an Angel figure also rather than a Buffy this time in honor of the new license. I think it will be a variant on Faith or another character originally done in the Buffy line. Just guessing obviously but it makes sense.
Looks like we are going to see Zombie # 2. And if I'm wrong about a Terminator figure maybe an LotR SDCC exclusive 1/6th figure. I don't have much in the way of ideas on non 1/6th stuff at all. I'd think we'd see Marvel something, but statue or PF, who knows? LotR is pretty much the same thing, you know something is coming but who knows what.
It's not especially productive but it is fun sometimes to speculate.
jlcmsu said:
Ok, Someone show me on the newsletter where it says this info as far as how many and when they will be announced.

I agree they can't do all 12" stuff. Which is why you'll probably see another weapons set.

Sorry I wasn't more clear about this, jlcmsu. I clicked on the Comic Con link provided in this week's newsletter. That will take you to the 2006 Comic Con main page. On the right hand margin there is a clickable FAQ link. The answers you seek are there. Here is the link (hope it works):

And the day Sideshow announces the exclusives is on or around April 6th (not the 9th like I said before)

Hope this clears things up. :D
I think a Darth Vader (Sith eyes Anakin) seems to be a lock...With all the talk about I think SS has been listening and will do DV....but what I would really like to see an origins Kurgan....The license has not sold real well but I think a SDCC exc of origins Kurgan would do really well...other than that I have no real predictions....what ever SS does I think it will be great:D