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But it's it's completely missing the forest for the trees. While there are specific things with the Sideshow as mentioned, like the crotch and mic tips which really stand out, its superior build quality cannot be discounted. The softer details on the Marmit should not and cannot be ignored. Look at the movies and you'll see there's plenty of variation in the costumes and actors wearing them, so while I think the Marmit leg length is not well proportioned to the whole figure, I can accept it because it can fit with the variations in the movies.

At the end of the day, the Marmit may get some small details closer to some specific on-screen troopers, the Sideshow is overall the much better figure in every other conceivable way. This is reflected in the aftermarket pricing as well, with Sideshow often costing at least 2x the price of the Marmits - both new in box. To any visitor, both are instantly recognizable as iconic Stormtroopers and I'd challenge any non-detail geek to find anything off with either of them in isolation - the odd Marmit pose and armor placement above notwithstanding.

I want to have both in my collection because I like them for different reasons, and they're the only two brands of collectible troopers I want to have at this time. But when and if Sideshow decide to revisit the classic Stormtrooper, I'm all over it.

BTW, you know who doesn't have an eye for detail? Lucas. Sure, he's got this obsessive control issue, but that doesn't make for attention to detail. And any attention to detail is completely wasted if you don't also have attention to the big picture - only both together are a gift, otherwise it's more of a curse and nuisance.

Do not forget a few things: Marmit was made about a decade ago. They must have had some insight knowledge comparable to prop companies due to the accuracy of most of their figures. I also have both Marmit and SS 1:6 in my collection and I easily sold one of my Sideshow Stormtroopers because it simply wasn't what I wanted - please don't make me enumerate the SS Stormtrooper flaws again...

Many people don't even know about Marmits initially (IIRC you were one of those), but many recognize their quality when they go a bit deeper in the collecting game. Of course you need to assemble the Marmit, but the SS Stormie is far from perfect out of the box either. I'm glad some Marmit figures go for lower price than SS, this way people can buy them more easily, me included.

The thing is people can enjoy what they want, personally I think there is no comparison between a Marmit Stormtrooper and a SS one. I still want a perfect 1:6 Stormtrooper figure, one to use the Marmit helmet and armor design, but with the ABS materials from SS, and also the thermal detonator and blaster from SS. One day maybe someone will make it...
"in essence" doesn't mean "to sum up" - so while I'm not trying to pick anything, if that's what you mean, then that's what you should write, otherwise anyone reading is going to understand something very different. What I got from it is "the feeling" - something un-quantitative.

You keep coming back to the same old line with this, which is "some won't see the nuances / differences" - which is fine if you're adding to the point I made about the average joe looking at each figure in isolation. But not fine if you mean to imply that myself or others on the forum who would choose Sideshow do so because we don't see the differences. I'd match my attention to detail against anyone on the planet, let alone people in this forum. I see all the subtle differences, all the time.

What I'm saying is that you can't pick and choose for someone else what to look at and what to ignore. All things considered, owning both, having both in hand, having posed both, having had months of time to reflect on this, the choice is Sideshow. I'm sorry if that doesn't jive with some kind of sensibility about on-screen accuracy. The Marmit has at least as many faults as Sideshow, to which I have to question someone's attention to detail if they don't see them. If instead they are simply being ignored or better, accepted, then that's entirely something else. That's a personal preference and I can certainly respect that. My personal preference goes the other way this time.

I'm not even sure why I'm spending time with this, because there's no right or wrong or really anything to prove at all - the only thing I'm actually doing is clarifying my preference, my choice. At the end of the day however, since I'm able to have both, that's what I've done.
G-zus.. :monkey4

You're constantly not getting the gist of certain things I write.. when others seem to understand just fine.

Why pick at the inconsequential parts of my posts ALL THE ****ING TIME, when you can see EXACTLY what I'm saying.

You're the only one here that does it. :lol

Forest for the trees indeed.
?! Seriously? You're mostly writing one or two lines at most, while I'm writing paragraphs. Honestly I was ready to say the exact same thing about missing the point to you.
?! Seriously? You're mostly writing one or two lines at most, while I'm writing paragraphs. Honestly I was ready to say the exact same thing about missing the point to you.
I think there's definitely a middle ground for you & I.. somewhere. :lol

This is the trouble with the internet - whether we're meticulous with constructing our comments or otherwise, context gets lost sometimes.

I'm not knocking your 'eye' - I of course was referring to casual fans who don't get caught up with the nitty gritty. I appreciate your position on things - it's all good. I just find it frustrating, when I'm pretty clear with what I'm conveying, & you seem obsessed with semantics.
I thought it was clear that I agree with your position regarding the on-screen accuracy of the larger details of one figure versus the other, so from my perspective, this whole thing has really been about the reaction I received when I stated that I'd choose Sideshow over Marmit if I had to have only one brand. Trying to explain my choice if you will.

Imagine the horror any time I say in the Batman DX12 thread that I'm not interested in changing capes, mouth pieces or anything else on that figure? Wow. ;)
Having a fine eye for detail is a great thing. :wink1:

Mmm. Me saying the legs look fine doesn't mean I don't see what everyone is talking about.

I guess it really comes down to the character. While many are very happy with the DX11 head and say its "perfect " it doesn't fully satisfy for me. I dig it, I own it but it's not perfect. So ill go another avenue for a Joker head. Same with Boba Fett. Some people love the SSC version with no complaints. I like the Medi. There's things that I care about that I want done right.

Now I love Stormtroopers. I have dozens and dozens of of the little Hasbro figures. Nearly every time I see one I feel compelled to buy it. But I'm not compelled to pour over pictures and pick out nuances of this and that, funny enough. Weird but there it is. I like both the Marmit and the SSC and ill take either one but prefer the SSC.

Some people are like this no matter who the character is. I'm glad I'm not like that. I think it would drive me nuts. :lol

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
^ :lol It's cool Barry.

Imagine the horror any time I say in the Batman DX12 thread that I'm not interested in changing capes, mouth pieces or anything else on that figure? Wow. ;)
I imagine most - if not all of us, are like that with certain faves of ours, or just pieces we quite like but aren't overly concerned about.

Just to clarify regarding the Marmits; I know what you're saying about the other bits & pieces like the mic tips & belt detonator piece - that's fair enough. However, it's the actual helmet & armour sculpt, I'm praising for the most part.
Mmm. Me saying the legs look fine doesn't mean I don't see what everyone is talking about.

I guess it really comes down to the character. While many are very happy with the DX11 head and say its "perfect " it doesn't fully satisfy for me. I dig it, I own it but it's not perfect. So ill go another avenue for a Joker head. Same with Boba Fett. Some people love the SSC version with no complaints. I like the Medi. There's things that I care about that I want done right.

Now I love Stormtroopers. I have dozens and dozens of of the little Hasbro figures. Nearly every time I see one I feel compelled to buy it. But I'm not compelled to pour over pictures and pick out nuances of this and that, funny enough. Weird but there it is. I like both the Marmit and the SSC and ill take either one but prefer the SSC.

Some people are like this no matter who the character is. I'm glad I'm not like that. I think it would drive me nuts. :lol

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
I kinda said what you did there, right after you. :lol
My photography skills clearly suck because in person, the Marmit captures the "on screen" appearance perfectly. The Sideshow version looks clumsy and nowhere near as authentic looking. When I looked at them standing side by side, the Marmit was the winner by a mile.

Yes, the Sideshow is sharper but I actually think it's too sharp. The original suits were vac formed and the details were not as sharp as Sideshow's interpretation (particularly the recessed squares on the forearms for example).

The belt, holster, thermal detonator, hands and blaster are better on the Sideshow figure for sure. I did try the SS codpiece / ab plate and belt with the rest of the Marmit armor but the tiny codpiece really messed up the look so I just opted to use all of the Marmit armor instead.

It's good that everyone likes different things though and I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's opinion. If you prefer the Sideshow figure - good for you. I just prefer the Marmit, that's all.

My photography skills clearly suck because in person, the Marmit captures the "on screen" appearance perfectly. The Sideshow version looks clumsy and nowhere near as authentic looking. When I looked at them standing side by side, the Marmit was the winner by a mile.

Yes, the Sideshow is sharper but I actually think it's too sharp. The original suits were vac formed and the details were not as sharp as Sideshow's interpretation (particularly the recessed squares on the forearms for example).

The belt, holster, thermal detonator, hands and blaster are better on the Sideshow figure for sure. I did try the SS codpiece / ab plate and belt with the rest of the Marmit armor but the tiny codpiece really messed up the look so I just opted to use all of the Marmit armor instead.

It's good that everyone likes different things though and I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's opinion. If you prefer the Sideshow figure - good for you. I just prefer the Marmit, that's all.


I like Marmits too Chris. Try to replace the rigid PVC holster with a custom leather one and attach the belt boxes with small garters, it would really make the figure life like. :)
Great discussion, hope everyone has hugged.:1-1:

On a side note, I am working behind the scenes to improve my custom Marmits. Trying to sharpen the edges on the armor, increase the forearm size and working a new helmet, as screen accurate as I can get. I'll keep you posted.

I also prefer the Marmits, but I do remember when I was initially comparing, the sharpness and quality of the SS won me over to acquire them first, but that was before I could identify the inadequacies.

I see the inadequacies on both, but I can tolerate the Marmits more than I can sideshow, but the Sideshow holds a place in my heart. Also, their backpacks, hands, pouches and blasters are far and away superior. A blend is needed.

My photography skills clearly suck because in person, the Marmit captures the "on screen" appearance perfectly. The Sideshow version looks clumsy and nowhere near as authentic looking. When I looked at them standing side by side, the Marmit was the winner by a mile.

Yes, the Sideshow is sharper but I actually think it's too sharp. The original suits were vac formed and the details were not as sharp as Sideshow's interpretation (particularly the recessed squares on the forearms for example).

The belt, holster, thermal detonator, hands and blaster are better on the Sideshow figure for sure. I did try the SS codpiece / ab plate and belt with the rest of the Marmit armor but the tiny codpiece really messed up the look so I just opted to use all of the Marmit armor instead.

It's good that everyone likes different things though and I'm certainly not trying to change anyone's opinion. If you prefer the Sideshow figure - good for you. I just prefer the Marmit, that's all.


Hi Chris,

I replied to your pm yesterday. Did you get it? If not, your inbox may be full. Let me know and I'll resend my reply.

Wow, no one bought that Marmit! I see people complaining (in here) that Marmits are so expensive, and here's one for $115 shipped and no bids. Wow.

I just posted a nice image that makes an awesome background for any Sandtrooper, Jawa or Tusken Raider setup. 30x22" @150dpi Tatooine Landscape:

Made from a couple of images from other Flickr users (attributed in the description)