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I love End of Days. Well hell I love all the Tiki statues :)

I need to snap some photos of my autograph collection, I am not as brave as Chapter to hang them individually so I'm going to scout around for frames that will hold several 8x10s.

I haven't looked through them in forever, so it'll be fun to remember what I have.
All my autographs. I'm gonna need a bigger wall ...



Top is Seth Green, he no likey to sign Buffy things.







Continued ...









Inkworks autographs

Pieceworks cards, my favorite is Dru's since it is part of the lace from the outfit
Yes, SS all were obtained in person at various cons.

Thanks risingstar, glad you enjoyed!

I also have a fabulous friend who attends cons and will surprise me in the mail with a brand new one, his most recent give was Bunny Anya. I just sent him one of my Andy Hallett autographs as he never did get his. Even though it was made out to me, he said it would remind him at least who gave it to him :)

I also found the vhs tape of my very first Buffy convention, which I think contains Andy Hallett telling his famous school bus story. I'm looking for a company to transfer to dvd so I can preserve it. I was so excited to discover it, as I hadn't a clue where I had put it.

Besides Andy, the funniest person I have ever had the pleasure of hearing at a con panel was Mark Lutz who played Groo. He and Andy had a duo panel and I have never laughed so hard in my life, I actually cried.

Followed by James Leary and Jonathan Woodward. If you ever get a chance to see James Leary's short film Stunt C*cks, don't pass it up.

Also next weekend we have a local con, Adam Baldwin will be there so I hope he does a panel. If anyone would like an autograph let me know I'd be happy to get, the only thing I ask is for payment upfront.

Also the actress that played Rosseau on Lost will be there too. Here's a list if anyone would like any other autographs.
Sci Fi Expo
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WOW!!! Desi, that's awesome! :rock

Very cool autos! I was looking at mine the other day and I can't imagine all of the memories behind many those you have. Where are you getting those hung up?! It looks like you and I are in the same boat! :lol
I seriously think I may have to hang them on the damn ceiling ...

I don't think I'm going to frame them individually, I cannot line up that many photos and I'm way to an*l for it not to be perfectly.even.

So I think I'm going to look at the craft stores for the frames which allow you to have have several photos in one frame. At least that way I'd have a bit more leeway with the layout and probably spend less cash.

I do have so many memories, every one of them have a great story behind them and I just cherish them all.
I seriously think I may have to hang them on the damn ceiling ...

I don't think I'm going to frame them individually, I cannot line up that many photos and I'm way to an*l for it not to be perfectly.even.

So I think I'm going to look at the craft stores for the frames which allow you to have have several photos in one frame. At least that way I'd have a bit more leeway with the layout and probably spend less cash.

I do have so many memories, everyone one of them have a great story behind them and I just cherish them all.

I'm working on that very same thing. I'm going to try something new in terms of framing. Not quite sure what direction I want to go yet, but nonetheless.

My wallet isn't happy. :lol

But I really want to get these things framed. Keep us updated! Thanks again for sharing. Very cool! :rock I love seeing pics like these.
Great auto collection. We don't get too many cons here unfortunately but I would love a Buffy/Angel auto collection. My current auto collection is Buffy/Angel free. :(
At her peak, Cordelia was tremendously hot...
She was absolutely stunning during first two years of Angel. Yowzers.
Great auto collection. We don't get too many cons here unfortunately but I would love a Buffy/Angel auto collection. My current auto collection is Buffy/Angel free. :(

Yea very of these were from cons in my area I believe the only was one Julie Benz,the others were out of town with added flight costs and hotels. Not many, if any, Buffy centric cons available now; so I'm very grateful I got to attend the ones I did. Dragon Con is always fun though, we should talk about a Freaks get together for this year!

I'll post some pictures Chapter when I find some suitable frames, please do the same; maybe we can get some ideas from each other :)
Yea very of these were from cons in my area I believe the only was one Julie Benz,the others were out of town with added flight costs and hotels. Not many, if any, Buffy centric cons available now; so I'm very grateful I got to attend the ones I did. Dragon Con is always fun though, we should talk about a Freaks get together for this year!

I'll post some pictures Chapter when I find some suitable frames, please do the same; maybe we can get some ideas from each other :)

Definitely!! And Dragon-Con would be an awesome idea. I've always wanted to go. This year might be out because of my schedule, but I'm definitely looking forward to it sometime.

As for the frames, I went to Michael's again last night, but I didn't see too much in terms of selection. I'm REALLY interested in the look that Target has, but they are PRICEY!

So right now, I have them stored between sheets of acid-free paper, and in the closet, they sit. :sick

I'll keep you updated and please do the same!!! :rock
I was afflicted with the plague apparently last week, and was sick in bed for a week so I didn't get a chance to get a looksie at any frames. I'm disappointed you didn't see any at Michaels, they usually have a nice variety.

Dragon Con is still a bit away so we'll put in on the shelf till it comes closer :)