Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I went to the craft store today, and purchased some Crayola air dry clay--always trying out new products you know... It says on the package that it's the strongest air dry clay of its kind, so I will play with this tonight. It's completely nontoxic, and it cost me a little over $5. I don't have the package with me now (left it in my car) but I will let you know how many ounces I purchased for that price tonight. It supposedly self dries in 24 hours, and the small package felt pretty heavy.

I also saw some Testor's acrylic paints but I could not find a single package--the acrylic ones they sold were lumped together so I had to buy a dozen and I didn't want to do that. I heard from another forum that car acrylic spray paint works well for a primer, but haven't tried that yet. I am just doing research for when I start painting the gorilla heads and eventually the Armando.

My 10" doll also came in the mail today, so my Qin Warrior is slowly going to take shape. From what I remember, the head should fit nicely with this sized body.

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Ok, working on acquiring a camera to get some shots. If I am successful, they'll be Nova pix and a surprise or two if all goes well. :monkey3
Bring Nova on down the runway, in her latest fashion as created by designer Jess.

What's the surprise Ironman? Icarus pic's in the early phases??? Oooooooo-yeah!
That is a chimp background extra pull over mask in shadow. In no way were there made female Orangs or Gorillas. The color of the costume is green... chimp colors. The purple shawl is probably religious in nature for female chimps.

Jungle, have you ever seen the purple female garb? It's on the Simian Arms website and is attached as a jpeg here. Anyway, I remember seeing a photo of it somewhere--I can't remember exactly where--It was a test shot, and the female wearing it was definitely a chimp even though it is gorilla in color. (Maybe that book, Return to the Planet of the Apes???).

Ironman - I'll have to check back later for those pictures of Nova. I have some rubber molds to make for the wagons big ol'brakeshoes.

Until then... good day ape fans.
Jess - Female gorilla garb? Nifty! That's a golden little nugget that I've never seen!

I thought that's what you modeled Elta's outfit after. I couldn't really see clearly if your Elta had the clasps like this gorilla outfit, so I always assumed it was the same one.

Hey Jess! Why not just buy miniature fruits and vegetables. I believe that they are the scale your looking for. Check out e-bay auction

Dollhouse Miniatures Lot #3, Food, Fruits, Vegetables Item number: 270209446107
Hey Jess! Why not just buy miniature fruits and vegetables. I believe that they are the scale your looking for. Check out e-bay auction

Dollhouse Miniatures Lot #3, Food, Fruits, Vegetables Item number: 270209446107

Because I have fun making this stuff....
