Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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i have been hanging in Vancouver the last while... noticed that the new ape film is in pre production here.
As you know, I used to sell these unpainted Caesar statues for $100 with free shipping anywhere in the USA. The painted ones I sold for $150 and I think I sold about ten of them before calling it quits.

I decided to list this one on eBay starting and .99 cents just to see how much it would go for. It may sell for a mere $60, which would be a great deal for someone considering what I sold all the other ones for.

I'm sorry you're not interested. If you change your mind, bid it up. :hi5:

Oh, I'm very interested in having a Caesar statue, just not interested in having to get into bid wars for it.
I appreciate all you have done in terms of custom POTA items but just can't understand why you let us from the thread know you are selling something by way of an ebay link? Why not give those you know have had an interest the chance to buy it. You know I wanted a Caesar the last time you sold one and hadn't even bothered to answer my inquiry of it still being available. I would still buy this one at the price you quoted me.
Oh, I'm very interested in having a Caesar statue, just not interested in having to get into bid wars for it.

The auction has only 6 HOURS left and it is at only $51!!! :thud:

You should bid on this, Ironman! I'm VERY happy with mine. YOU need this Ape piece in your collection. :exactly:

Not all eBay auctions end in a bidding war. Just wait until the last few minutes and placed your bid.

What have you got to lose if you just bid? :impatient:
Thanks ProtoZaius - I appreciate that! :)

You know I wanted a Caesar the last time you sold one and hadn't even bothered to answer my inquiry of it still being available.

I answered every one of your inquiries... let's not go there again. Please let it go...

I would still buy this one at the price you quoted me.

Sorry Ironman, but you didn't want it for that price I quoted you months ago. Because of that I finally got off my ass and finally decided to list it on eBay. Please do me a favor and do not bid on this item.
I was watching your auction. Congrats to you on another successful auction. Does it bother you that you didn't get the usual $150 for Caesar? Well at least you have plenty of money to spend at the show. Jenny just had a big garage sale and made some serious Kiss cash as well. I'm really happy about that. Now I won't have to dig into my own wallet. :yess:
The auction has only 6 HOURS left and it is at only $51!!! :thud:

You should bid on this, Ironman! I'm VERY happy with mine. YOU need this Ape piece in your collection. :exactly:

Not all eBay auctions end in a bidding war. Just wait until the last few minutes and placed your bid.

What have you got to lose if you just bid? :impatient:
Unfortunately by the end time I was at work. And the ending bid was higher than either of the prices Angel had quoted me.
Thanks ProtoZaius - I appreciate that! :)

I answered every one of your inquiries... let's not go there again. Please let it go...

Sorry Ironman, but you didn't want it for that price I quoted you months ago. Because of that I finally got off my ass and finally decided to list it on eBay. Please do me a favor and do not bid on this item.

No actually Angel, you didn't answer all of my inquiries, thats why I don't have one. Then you sold it to someone else and offered me a different one. True at the time I wasn't interested in that particular color version, but as time went on I was sorry to have it missing from my collection. And, if you didn't think I might be interested in it again now, why did you send me an email with a link saying it might be something I'd be interested in? Sure it would have been easier to wait a few hours and see if I was before listing it, but thats another story. :rolleyes2
I was watching your auction. Congrats to you on another successful auction. Does it bother you that you didn't get the usual $150 for Caesar? Well at least you have plenty of money to spend at the show. Jenny just had a big garage sale and made some serious Kiss cash as well. I'm really happy about that. Now I won't have to dig into my own wallet. :yess:

Shompdog - Actually I did better than I have in the past. Not by much though, but a little better. I think I used to offer free shipping and sold them for $150. Shipping this time around was entirely separate. I'm looking forward to seeing both Jennifer and you. Rock 'n Roll All Night and Party Every Day!

I'm glad Jenn was a success with her garage sales. She's going to have a happy birthday now!:wink1:

And, if you didn't think I might be interested in it again now, why did you send me an email with a link saying it might be something I'd be interested in? :rolleyes2

Last week, when I send you that e-mail, I thought you might want to bid on it Ironman. It's really just that simple...

BTW - The management here has decided not you do business with you from this point on. Peace to you. :peace
Last week, when I send you that e-mail, I thought you might want to bid on it Ironman. It's really just that simple...

BTW - The management here has decided not you do business with you from this point on. Peace to you. :peace

Mature as always. Isn't this the point where you usually take your ball and go home?

BTW - this is how you replied to me regarding the last one:

angelofmusic2112 said:
When I awoke this morning, I saw your PM asking if anyone bit on him yet. I scratched my head and thought "Ironman is only asking a polite question, and doesn't have the money. If he had the money, he'd have said he wanted it." I thought about responding to you this morning asking why you're beating yourself up with curiosity.

As for "management" not doing business with me? Whatever.
Hey guys! Long time no see! Um...I forgot about the Caesar. I actually took the boys out to visit the Jelly Belly factory and missed out. That's ok though. It's so cool that you were able to sell so many of those wonderful statues though Angel. I wish I could make something that could sell... Hmm...wonder what that could be? Anyway I can't afford such nice stuff. I just got hit with a $400 dental bill, and lucky me will give that to my husband to take care of. I just wiped out my Paypal funds that I have slowly been earning through sewing because I had to buy another Zira foam latex appliance. I wish I had known about Caesar's listing BEFORE I got the foam latex...or I just wish it didn't happen at the same time. It sucks to not have steady income. I don't miss the slavemines though.

PZ!! Lucky for you to be able to see the ape film again on the big screen!! The apes are coming to a theater an hour's drive away from my house in August--which is why I really needed the foam latex. There's just no way I could sculpt and bake one myself by then, since I'm taking into account my inexperience with the baking and also I don't have all the equipment yet. (I got a $50 convection oven, though, so I can bake it outside and not smell up the house with the chemicals...) I was just not going to go to the theather because I was upset because my dad told my sister that he was not impressed with my ape work. And also because my husband can't wait for me to get rid of my crafting. He's not happy I bought the stove for my crafts because he said that I was supposed to stop this nonsense. I don't know why I let this kind of _____ get to me. It's not like I am into drugs or anything. They just don't get it. Whatever. I'm glad my girlfriend was there to talk me out of my blues. Plus, why should I miss seeing Beneath the Planet of the Apes on the big screen? I have NEVER EVER seen this on the big screen.

Anyway...Welcome Jack the Ripper to Central City!!!

Also Welcome to JackB.

A late welcome to the Batman Professor...
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Snick's Icarus continues to look amazing!!

It's great to see the Icarus building up so well!! Look at those gorilla masks peeking through the window. Kind of looks like my place--I've got ape heads scattered here too..the Zira I got from Matt Sotis is wearing my Zira wig in my bathroom...and the two gorilla pullover masks for my boys are still in the laundry room. I need to empty out a cabinet so I can keep the heads safely in there. Guys, let me tell you this...nothing beats foam latex on a four way spandex pullover for a mask if you go that route. This is something you can wear all day. I don't know how anyone can wear latex rubber masks at all for more than five minutes.
This reminds me...Angel did you ever figure out how to make those lit up levers for your Beneath diorama, the one where Dr. Zaius is on those steps in the mutant cathedral? I can't remember who it was that said to use melted clear acrylic rods painted over with glass paint. I think it was WestBatman...when he was talking to Dave B. over at the apes forum. Anyway, I have used glass paint and it will work mighty awesome on clear acrylic --the paint actually lets the light through. I don't know how they do that, but the paint is transparent. It's pretty cool.
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I really really really really hate this movie, but damn this is such a nice custom!! I think it's a custom. Does anybody know anything about this ape?

Mature as always. Isn't this the point where you usually take your ball and go home?

It's no wonders he dislikes you Ironman. You just keep throwing crap at him and you don't really seem to know when to let things go. You piss him off and then you mock him for not wanting to sell his work to you. Who's crazy here? :cuckoo:

I know that angel has forgiven you many times for all the hurtful things you've said. I wouldn't be surprised if he forgave you again because that's how he is. I’ll tell you this. I wouldn't forgive you; I just don’t forgive that easy. If you said those things to me, I'd really hate you. I’m thinking most people would just tune you out.

Angel is my brother in law and I live 4 states away from him. I wish I could see him more often. He’s a blast to be around and I really enjoy getting to see his many customs. Personally, I can understand him wanting to avoid you right now. Why the hell would he ever want to sell his custom work to anyone who is so disrespectful?

The Internet is a funny thing. It makes people very inconsiderate and also awfully brave. We see it all over the Internet. People are saying terrible, hurtful things all the time. I don't believe most of these comments would ever be said face to face.

This freaks board is a place for all to share their opinions, ideas and dreams. I enjoy seeing his pictures on this thread that you started for us years ago. Thank you I appreciate that from you, but the truth is, if you hadn’t started this thread, someone else would have. I believe all of these threads are here to bring people together in the hobby. But more importantly, to me, I like to chat with angel here to see his customs. I have a genuine interest, as do a few others. Simply put, I'm only here because of him.
I am ghlad you are here Shomp. I will disagree that someone else would have started this thread if only for the fact that after all that time, well... no one had. Neither here or there as it was started and grew beyond my widest imaginings.
I'm glad you like angel. But, as your B-I-L you'll forgive me if I would think your opinion of him a bit biased.
There is NO denying that he is an extremely talented individual that is capable of incredible customs.
That not withstanding I think its siomewhat lopsided to have him play the angel [no pun intended] and me the sole bad guy. If you read through all the posts you will see a number of holier than thou, insulting posts from you brother in law as well.
You don't know me personally so I can forgive your misjudgement, but truthfully, I'd say more to his face than what I've typed. Yes, we've had misunderstandings in the past. And yes the Caesar thing hits me a bit more close as it was something I was really interested in and he fully knew it. Yes, due to financial problems, which are not his fault, i had to pass on it once. When he offered it again I inquired as to its availability in effort to finally obtain it. By his own admission he only thought about replying claiming to think I was only asking politely if it had sold. I truely believe we both know better. When finally he responded he said he had sold it and offered me a different one. True, at that time, I did not want that one as it didn't match in color to what I had planned. As time went on I regretted that decision but he said he would never be making/selling more.
He comes around here like he has done everyone a favor by gracing us with his presence. Then he gets upset if everyone doesn't buy, or can't afford to buy what he is selling. If he was really trying to be such a "good friend" to anyone on this thread I wouldn't think you would set them up to bid against each other by listing ebay auctions.
You can not forgive me. He can not forgive me. That will be too bad.
As you said:
This freaks board is a place for all to share their opinions, ideas and dreams
My opinion right now is that he's a pompous a$$. My dream is that maybe someday he won't be and maybe that someday I won't go off so much when upset.
Till that day comes my idea is for us to just hope that it will.
Sorry, Shomp, if this upsets you as you have always been a good friend on this board, but while you are entitled to your view, I think I am as well.
I really really really really hate this movie, but damn this is such a nice custom!! I think it's a custom. Does anybody know anything about this ape?


I don't think it's custom... I think that is an official Kubrick.

I know Kubrick made a few sets from the Burton remake. Not as much as from the classic Ape film but 2 or 3 sets I believe. However, I have not found any info on the web about those sets and what they included. I personally bought set "A" with Thade, Limbo, Ari and a red beach tent.

Here's a link to the classic line... but again no mention of the remake:

Too bad they never made a 400% Kubrick of Zaius. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
My opinion right now is that he's a pompous a$$. My dream is that maybe someday he won't be and maybe that someday I won't go off so much when upset.

:thud: You're still in attack mode?

Wow, you're consistent Ironman! :slap Good luck with all your future endeavers. I just don't believe you can speak about people in that way and then suceed in life. I'll save you the effort of posting a reply to this. I'll point the finger at myself and just say that I'm wrong and that I'm an a$$ also. Now you don't have to respond with a mean posting about me. Have a good one. :peace
Guys!!! It's NOW or NEVER!!

I am inspired but I don't have all the equipment...but I've got the gumption. Isn't that enough?

Unfortunately, I don't have a positive of my face, so going by the next best thing, I am using the plastic female face that came with Zira's prosthetics from Apemania. I don't have Ultracal30 in the house to pour into the back of the plastic face to create a positive to sculpt on, and I have to get this project going and strike while the iron is hot...the best thing I could come up with is cover the plastic face with 3 layers of tinfoil. Voila:


Then...using what I have been using for the past year and a half, apply some Super Sculpey:
:thud: You're still in attack mode?

Wow, you're consistent Ironman! :slap Good luck with all your future endeavers. I just don't believe you can speak about people in that way and then suceed in life. I'll save you the effort of posting a reply to this. I'll point the finger at myself and just say that I'm wrong and that I'm an a$$ also. Now you don't have to respond with a mean posting about me. Have a good one. :peace

I have no quarrel with you Shomp. I respect your defending your b-i-l, but quite frankly you came in placing ALL blame on me. Thats not right or fair either. You may or may not be getting a side of the story from him or just going into defend mode from my post, but either way I am sure you are not aware of everything that has transpired. Not all of it happens on board.
For the record I never said you were and a$$.
I vented over something I felt he did wrongly. Simple as that.
True, we've argued in the past. True, we've gotten over it.
Honestly I don't need his forgiveness. If he was honest with himself he'll know he slighted me on the last selling by not replying. That's what aggravated me. I'm not going to :horse anymore. Like you said, this is a place for opinions, ideas and dreams. It was my dream to own the statue, his idea to ignore me and my opinion then changed.
end of rant