Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Ironman - get your paws on some black ribbon for the straps of your ape backpacks. Maybe you'll want brown ribbon. I actually painted my black ribbon with that cheap acrylic brown craft paint found in the craft section of Wal-Mart. It's like 75 cents for 2 fluid ozs. Look forward to seeing those on your apes.

BTW -The new KISS Album came out today. It's called SONIC BOOM and I'm rockin out. For $12 you get 3 CD's. What a steal! One CD is all brand new material, the second CD has 15 KISS Klassics and it's a total re-do of all their Klassic songs. It's produced much better, it's heavier and has updated new vocals. It's a new twist on these very old KISS songs! Brand new versions of the old songs that you'll probably love. The 3rd CD is a DVD and it rocks! Just watched it on my TV and "100,000 years" is my fave on it. If you get this tell me what you think. :peace
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I heard "Delilah" on the4 radio the other day and was totally surprised to hear new KISS. Stanley's voice was, of course, instantly recognizable.
I will be hoping to get it.
Guys you'll never believe what I ordered! I got some new hands for my Link because I burned the fingers off of my original. Don't ask. Anyway, it was only $3.00...but I had to fluff up my order because they had a minimum $15 order...and I don't know why but I bought some handcuffs! Kinky? I guess so!!
Ironman - I painted Peter Criss today. I'll take some pictures to show the new KISS ape to you. I used that SS Zaius head that we traded last week. I also made some tiny drumsticks for Dr. Criss. They need some painting.
I have to agree, that’s a really great pose. It certainly takes me back to the large photo booklet that originally came inside of Kiss Alive. That sure was some great stuff! Keep it comin' Angel and don't stop now. I'm looking forward to seeing Ace. It’s great popping in here and seeing all things new and fresh. :grouphug
It isn't the best looking pullover hood, but it does fit Ashton rather nicely without being overly snug. I figured it would be covered anyway with appliance and hair, so it didn't have to look so purty. I didn't even bother looking for black string and changing out whatever thread was in the sewing machine! Here is the Ashton's gorilla appliance glued on top of the pullover. Notice the home made monkey pajamas!!

Bri included the black Pax paint. It was real fun covering it up. Ashton was very happy to slouch around and walk like a gorilla in front of the mirror. Tomorrow I'll go over the black with some greys and browns so it doesn't look so solid black and so that it will photograph better...and I'll quickly sculpt up some gorilla teeth.

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Thanks - I like the highlights of gray in his hair.

I wanted to watch KISS on Letterman. I knew it was on last night. However, I don't get CBS as a local station on my direct TV though. :(

I'm going to u-tube it and see if it's over there yet. :)
Look at my little gorilla, you guys! Isn't he so adorable? I just love that he's an apes fan!!


This morning, when nobody was looking, I pulled on Ashton's pullover on top of my own head. If I cut the eye holes larger, the appliances don't look that bad! (because I'm petite...). Anyway, it was exciting to put on...makes me really want to get my ape on...and I'm leaning towards doing this again Friday before Halloween...

Oh yikes! That means I have to shampoo the wig and restyle it. Wow...a lot of work...but I really need to get my ape on. It's been too long since I last got under the goo...
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Angel, just got home and found a nice box of simian goodness!
I don't know where to start.
paint a head, work on glyphs, work on that Attar head......
Or do I look for the right paint for the backpacks and material for the straps....
And I am still in awe of how just opening the mouth on the SS gorilla can make him more menacing.
I even found, quite accidentally, the gorilla sculpt I futzed up when trying that technique. He now is a cigar chomping gorilla. LOL
Thanks again!!
I hope to get your 2nd half out this week.
C'mon guys!
Lord knows I shouldn't be the ref as I've too often jumped the gun and commented while still brewing over something. Its just detrimental.
On to customizing!!
No pix, yet, but I am working on a customized pair of ape hands that I hope turn out well for my custom figure!!
Also still painting, but the human heads are still causing me undo stress!

I find it very interesting that not one of you thinks that it is wrong to post someone elses "PRIVATE" message. Bunch of kiss ups!
I find it very interesting that not one of you thinks that it is wrong to post someone elses "PRIVATE" message. Bunch of kiss ups!

Kfog, when I realized after you pointed out that it was a PM, I stepped back because I knew that nothing I could say or do would make you or Angel stop bickering.

Unfortunately, nothing can be unsaid, once a word is spoken. In real life, things like this can't just go on the cutting room floor much as we would like...

I am sorry to see both of you at odds with one another.
I find it very interesting that not one of you thinks that it is wrong to post someone elses "PRIVATE" message. Bunch of kiss ups!

Kiss ups?
My friend I suggest you rethink your strategy.
No, I don't think its right to post a private message, unless said problem has failed to be resolved privately there is no reason for it to be public. That said, I've had my own PM's posted. And that was in a thread where the guy didn't want to "argue in public" so I took it to pm. He then posted my PM and called me crazy, or a lunatic or some such thing.
Of course, alienating anyone else here because they:
- don't agree
- didn't take your side
- don't want to get involved
well, thats not right either.
My thoughts?
Discuss it. Work it out or let it be. Move on.
Lord knows I've beaten my share of dead horses but I'm slowly learning which battles to fight and which are sacrificiable to win the war.
I will have to say that I did not mean to generalize, because I have shared many email complaints considering "you know Who" the past two years. There are only a couple that I meant. Jess is way too good natured and nice and I have not had any problems with the rest! Just a couple who seem biased!
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