S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Does that mean that Fat Buu won't ever be released? I remember Bandai saying that any character is on the table.

Is illogical to assume that one Buu is impossible because the other was made.

No I'm just saying first buu to be released if more than one will be kid buu just like cell final form and frieza final form were released .
That's why I started using SSJ. Most people were using it, so thought that's what I should do. It didn't make sense to me because in the subtitles, it says Super Saiyan, not Super Saiya-jin. And they weren't consistently using other Japanese terms, so I was confused. It looks cooler, so I don't mind.

Lol yeah at first I had that same thought "ssj???? It's super saiyan why the "j"? " lol
Lol yeah at first I had that same thought "ssj???? It's super saiyan why the "j"? " lol

Oh thank god, I'm not the only one.:lol I never took part in any real Dragonball discussion before. I've had to figure out terms quick. Thankfully most of them are pretty self explainatory, although I've had my own terms for some of them I like better. Like "innocent Buu" instead of "Fat Buu". It's important to have a consistant set of terms for any community though, so whatever the most widely used term is that's what it should be.

I uploaded a refined version of my proof of concept for a Figuarts Buu


Really awesome work. It's cool to see how my favorite Buu could be realized.

You know, I just had this kindof 'zoomed out realisation', and, to be honest, looking at the poll but also at reaction from across many places 17, 18, majin vegeta, a buu and an adultgohan should just be their next five releases and be done with it. Like there's no getting around the latter three, ever, at all, theyre humongous favorites and anyone who doesn't think that is pretty much blind imo (i mean look at the poll ffs) and theres equally no sense in teasing 17 and 18 like this and then not release them. It'd just piss people off and cause bad PR, because weve been seeing them for a year now and they just close off the android period perfectly.

So whatever the poll might end up giving us, I really don't feel much different about this and Ive lost any idea of what you might bring up against this. Tamashii wants sellers, well here boom *throws former five on the table* Just get these five out of the way already and after that the situation will become a lot more interesting, because we'll then have had all the lead characters from all periods. Right now ive lost any sense of use in discussing this if I'm really honest. No other characters imo even approach the validation of these five releases as it stands. The playing field just isn't even remotely level imo.

So yeah, sorry to be blunt all of a sudden, but I just realised whats the point in discussing it if two extremely logical releases and three icons of an entire period keep overshadowing it? It seems beyond reproach to me almost. It suddenly just seems so straightforward to me now.:lol

Well, I would clearly argue that Bulma needs to be added to that list.:wink1:. So that's really where the value in the open discussion lies, being exposed to viewpoints that you might not have considered before. There might be a lot more people out there that think like me and want her, but just never thought about voting because they think there's no support. Voting and argueing for her might sway some opinions, but the end vote speaks for itself. You make a poll to see what the overall fanbase really wants, and you never know what the outcome will be until it's over.

Now hopefully we get enough votes here to count. We really need every Dragonball fan out there to come over and vote. I really hope the news of this spreads in the coming weeks.
You know, im quite interested in finding out why you think Bulma should be a figure, not from a character standpoint (we know she was quite an important non fighter), but from a figure standpoint?

Imo it shouldnt happen unless its a zero, due to three things;

1. This line is all about articulation as much as it is detail, and thats a complete waste on a character that at most raises her arms.

2. Releases are few and far between, and Bulma would eat into that schedule, and thus eat into important releases.

3. A Bulma may be good for you, but most wouldnt buy it, and that equals bad sales, which is bad news for a collectors line like this.

like I said, just curious to know why you think she should be made, thats all.
When you guys are saying Mystic Gohan, you're referring to the orange and blue Gi version? I assumed you were referring to the version from his Kai training. I've always considering the prior version Ultimate, though heck.. I probably saw it as Mystic at some point. There are so many terms for things because of all of the different versions and fan names and so on.

Yeah, I guess he is still technically a teen, but for all intents and purposes I pretty much see him as Adult Gohan. I think early on in the Buu Saga he had a more teen like appearance, but as the season progressed and he gains more training he takes on a very adult like appearance. That's probably why I refer to him that way, and he never really sounded like a teen either imo in the English dub at that point.

Ive always thought of all those names for gohan to be for the same form. I guess its due to my looking through the Japanese stuff before America got an english dub of the Buu saga. Same with the SSJ thing; even thoughit was never used in the english dub, it was present in the japanese and has just stuck with me.
You know Bane, when youre past 10 years old you're a teen. When you're past 18, in my country at least, you're legally an adult, + I call everyone who's going to university an adult (progeny kids excluded). So imo it makes utter sense to say kid gohan for pre-android, teen gohan for android and adult gohan for buu. I really don't care what the voice actor calls it tbh because this just seems in line with what the definitions of kid, teen and adult mean in terms of age.:p

Also: sorry Roger, but I agree with BD, Bulma is not what defines DBZ, she's not an icon for the series (she is a crucial anfamiliar side character cause of DB) and she has little to gain from a line like this. Im fine if they make her at some point though. but not this early, it's just not defendable imo if we lack buu, m vegeta, adult gohan, and 2 displayed protos of the androids that're near-perfect. I still agree with you in hoping the poll attracts many entries, I just don't doubt the outcome of it anymore.:p
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Btw nice to see youve vote too Sci. I almost went Nappa too but felt the androids can still use the boost. Also, where's Snake? Havent heard him about any of this yet.
Snake tends to float about quite a few threads on sideshow; last I saw him was in the PR figuarts thread. When he sees the poll he will get involved.
Regarding Gohan's power level title, someone on yahoo answered it quite nicely:

"During the final story arc of the series, the Rou Dai Kaioshin helped bring out Gohan's potential, enabling him to utilize power beyond his natural limits. The second Daizenshuu book labels him in this state as saikyô no gohan (literally: Ultimate Gohan). "

I think Mystic is some sort of fan term and I consistently try to just call him Ultimate Gohan.

Regarding ssj: the japanese as far as I know is saiya-jin, which makes Super Saiya-Jin... So that's where that comes from I think.
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Regarding Gohan's power level title, someone on yahoo answered it quite nicely:

"During the final story arc of the series, the Rou Dai Kaioshin helped bring out Gohan's potential, enabling him to utilize power beyond his natural limits. The second Daizenshuu book labels him in this state as saikyô no gohan (literally: Ultimate Gohan). "

I think Mystic is some sort of fan term and I consistently try to just call him Ultimate Gohan.

Regarding ssj: the japanese as far as I know is saiya-jin, which makes Super Saiya-Jin... So that's where that comes from I think.

Also on the third day, 38 votes.^^ Really curious to see where it'll be after a few weeks when all prime community members have weighed in.

That is where SSJ comes from. Also Saiyan is Saiya-Jin which means vegetable people, that's why they all have puns on vegetables for their names
@Silrian I wrote that it was Super Saiya-Jin, so I knew that. In the subtitles I saw, it said Super Saiyan for the english translation. Since people were only using that Japanese term and not the others like Tenshinhan, was the reason why I was confused.
Also on the third day, 38 votes. Buu still in the lead with 11. Buu Gohan is gaining now, with 8 votes of which 2 are tournament version and 6 Ultimate. Tied with Majin Vegeta's 8 if you will. Closest frontrunners are 18 now with 4 votes (+ someone of whom I suspect meant to vote for 18) and Broli with 4. Everything else is less than 4 votes currently. The top 3 is clearly far above the rest atm with the numbers 2 and 3 having double that of 4 and 5. Also baffled there's only one Vegeto vote (and two Gogeta ones).

Really curious to see where it'll be after a few weeks when all prime community members have weighed in. Btw I still cant see anyone dethroning Kid Buu except Majin Vegeta or Ultimate Gohan.
You know Bane, when youre past 10 years old you're a teen.

Please don't insult me like that. I know how to count. Most people I know don't call 10/12 year olds teenagers where I come from. I'm happy to call Gohan "Teen" if that's the considered term.

Here's a couple links of yahoo answers of what people consider teens.


These were the top answers:

"Let's break the question down and make it as simple for you and your friend.

TEENAGE = Teen + Age

twelve - No!

thirTEEN - Yes, it works!

I would suggest therefore that 13 is in fact the start of ones TEENage years...
Seems simple now doesn't it?!?!"

"When the age you are ends in "teen" , you are a teenager.

So 13. "
Also on the third day, 38 votes. Buu still in the lead with 11. Buu Gohan is gaining now, with 8 votes of which 2 are tournament version and 6 Ultimate. Tied with Majin Vegeta's 8 if you will. Closest frontrunners are 18 now with 4 votes (+ someone of whom I suspect meant to vote for 18) and Broli with 4. Everything else is less than 4 votes currently. The top 3 is clearly far above the rest atm with the numbers 2 and 3 having double that of 4 and 5. Also baffled there's only one Vegeto vote (and two Gogeta ones).

Really curious to see where it'll be after a few weeks when all prime community members have weighed in. Btw I still cant see anyone dethroning Kid Buu except Majin Vegeta or Ultimate Gohan.

I think people should be more specific about which gohan they want. Mystic Gohan to me means Kai garb.
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I doubt he was deliberatetly insulting you Bane; no one on this thread (bar that one idiot) has ever resorted to insults to win and argument, we are all too mature for that.

Also, didnt some of the video games as well as some old toys refer to orange gi Gohan as mystic? I honestly have no idea where the term came from tbh, but to me it means the same version as ultimate and adult.
I did in fact not mean to insult you, little touchy to be see it that way. The word teen in my pov comes from ten, the years you're ten+ but below 20. Just because the english language happens to have a separete word for twelve but not thir-teen is totally contingent. In french they go up to fifteen with 'Quinze' you really think that makes them stop seeing a 14 year old as a teen?

Teen means between 10 and 20, as tolkien coined, tween is between 20 and 30. It's that simple imo. What one language does different from the other is irrelevant for a term used internationally.

The added benifit is that we have 3 periods for gohan and three referrences. Seems both correct and efficient to me.

EDIT: I've always assumed buu gohan was 20+ but maybe im wrong there. If he's below 20 I agree he's still a teen. I'd still call him an adult above 18 as well, but that legal age is also contingent, so if he's under 20 I was in the wrong and agree you can call him teen.
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Btw nice to see youve vote too Sci. I almost went Nappa too but felt the androids can still use the boost. Also, where's Snake? Havent heard him about any of this yet.

I had to think about it for a little while, as I wanted to choose my reasoning well. Then I was inspired and it was easy. lol.

Not sure, he'll pop in and see that he needs to put down his vote at some point I'm sure.
My dad's side of the family speaks Spanish and my grandpa only speaks spanish and my mom's side is all German, so I'm aware!
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How much do you guys think Nappa would cost?

That's what worries me on sales. He's not going to have interchangeable faces, he's going to have multiple heads. I thought he'd be at least $70 without Saiyan armor, and then with, he'd be at least $80. It has a lot of new tooling.

Scouter Vegeta was $47.99 and had a re-used head and re-used legs.

Science Friction recommended it as an SDCC exclusive, which with it's limited production probably work. Although if you don't go to the Con, you may end up spending $20 more like Piccolo on BBTS.