Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Yeah, and it was interesting to see why there were so few x-wings in the original Death Star battle.

RO simultaneously showed why there were so few fighters left to attack the Death Star while at the same time giving credence to the one officer's comment "the Rebel Alliance is too well equipped." Brilliant.

And I think I literally laughed out loud when poor Red 5 made an appearance. Never in the history of cinema has any character been MORE marked for death the second he was introduced. :lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Now are you guys thinking of the theatrical cut for the number of fighters there were in ANH or the special edition....
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

For me it was the most Star Wars-like film since 1983 - and yes, that includes the two Ewok movies alongside the PT. :lol

The only things I didn't like were:

The Stormtrooper design

The Death Trooper design

The manual access required for the archive - I know it's a long time ago, but shouldn't that have been an automated procedure, or a flying droid?

K-2SO starting to say, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Some person remarked that computer data archives (which we presume to contain hard drives) shouldn't be hosted on a warm humid beach planet. :lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

RO simultaneously showed why there were so few fighters left to attack the Death Star while at the same time giving credence to the one officer's comment "the Rebel Alliance is too well equipped." Brilliant.

And I think I literally laughed out loud when poor Red 5 made an appearance. Never in the history of cinema has any character been MORE marked for death the second he was introduced. :lol

What about Bail Organa? As soon as he said he was heading home, I wanted to scream don't do it man!!!
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

He trusts his daughter with his life. His life, get it? :lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Now are you guys thinking of the theatrical cut for the number of fighters there were in ANH or the special edition....

Well both versions mention "30 rebel ships" though that's actually much more than are ever seen on screen at one time. Hell I don't think we see 30 rebel ships in ROTJ. :lol

What about Bail Organa? As soon as he said he was heading home, I wanted to scream don't do it man!!!

I know...and I'm glad that Smits finally got an opportunity to appear in a good SW movie. It didn't even bother me to see a "prequel actor" appear in the film.

I totally geeked out watching the Y-Wings take out the Destroyer with ion cannons. And the insanely obscure reference to the Holiday Special with the little hologram dancer, similar to the one watched by "Lumpy," Chewie's son.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I got to see the movie this weekend and loved it! But it did make me sad thinking of how the prequels could have been handled so much better. They could have been beyond amazing...sigh. Anyway, my one major change would have been cgi Tarkin and Leia. CGI people are still not real enough to work in a live action movie. The only way it works is if you have the actual actor to mo cap and they still look somewhat like their younger self. Otherwise, just get good actors that look the part. Tarkin, especially, should have been played by a real person. That's just way too much screen time and he's too big of a part of the story to go cgi at this point. It takes me out of the movie and why not get someone like Charles Dance to step in and add real weight to the role?

I feel the complete opposite, using other actors on screen to fill those rolls would've immediately taken me out and ruined the movie for me.

So happy they did what they did and they pulled it off because those characters were used sparingly.

I know that Disney is allowing the prequels to be "canon" but so much of Rogue One's plot hinging on the expertise and knowledge of Galen Erso without the slightest mention of Poggle the Lesser or Geonosians sure *felt* like a retcon, and a welcome one at that.

We even saw the end of Bail Organa as he waved goodbye departing to Alderaan lol.


Rogue One out-Lucased Lucas.

Without specifically erasing three films (which are still a source for merchandizing) they may well move on with as little mention of them as possible. :pray:

Out Lucased Lucas, I like that lol.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas literally **** himself watching Cassian blow away the scared informant in cold blood before ultimately becoming a good guy. :lol

Cassian shot first. :yess:
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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I feel the complete opposite, using other actors on screen to fill those rolls would've immediately taken me out and ruined the movie for me.

Agreed 100%. I was aware that I was looking at digital characters but it didn't feel "wrong" like when Rachel Dawes was recast. It still felt like the same universe. A rare moment when CGI was actually preferable to a live actor.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Looking forward to the Han Solo movie? :D

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Sorry if this is late and has already been answered, but I have been skimming through the discussions about timelines and character ages.

Regarding the timeline and the age of characters, there aren’t any issues or inconsistencies that I can see. The official Star Wars timeline always refers to events happening in years before or after the Battle of Yavin (the battle at the end of the first Star Wars film; Episode IV - A New Hope). They show this by BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) or ABY (After the Battle of Yavin).

The films are shown to take sit into the timeline as follows;

Episode I – The Phantom Menace = 32 BBY
-10 years-
Episode II – Attach of the Clones = 22 BBY
-3 years-
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith = 19 BBY
-19 years-
Episode IV – A New Hope = 0 BBY/ABY (The point from which all time is measured)
-3 years
Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back = 3 ABY
-1 year-
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi = 4 ABY
-30 years-
Episode VII – The Force Awakens = 34 ABY

Rogue One largely takes place takes place a few weeks or perhaps even just a few days before A New Hope, so we can safely put that at 0 BBY/ABY alongside A New Hope.

Jyn tells the Rebel Alliance leaders that she hasn’t seen her father in about 15 years. That means that the scenes of her as a child watching her mother get shot by the Death Troopers and her father get taken by Krennic take place at 15 BBY; 15 years before A New Hope and 4 years after Revenge of the Sith. So, the plot hole that someone raised about the Empire starting to build the Death Star before Revenge of the Sith is incorrect. They started building it at some point in the 4 years between Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY) and the young Jyn scenes in Rogue One (15 BBY).

Given this timeline, and other material, we know that the various character ages are;

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

Born 41 BBY
The Phantom Menace – 9 years old
Attack of the Clones – 19 years old
Revenge of the Sith – 22 years old
Rogue One / A New Hope – 41 years old
The Empire Strikes Back – 44 years old
Return of the Jedi – 45 years old

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Born 57 BBY
TPM – 25 years old
AOTC – 35 years old
ROTS – 38 years old
RO/ANH – 57 years old

Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa

Born 19 BBY (at the end of ROTS)
RO/ANH – 19 years old
TESB – 22 years old
ROTJ – 23 years old
TFA – 53 years old

Damn, Vader was 23 when he got burned? He's almost a teenager in that suit.

Obi decomposing like a fruit must be a result of celibacy.

Luke was 23 in ROTJ and 53 in TFA? Poor guy. Maybe using the force drains the body somehow.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Looking forward to the Han Solo movie? :D

If Disney somehow makes me like the Han Solo movie so much that I accept it as "canon" then that will probably be the single most monumental achievement in cinema. But right now I'm 99.9% sure it'll be another "Rachel Dawes" situation that just won't sync up with the other films. Yesterday I was at "100%" but RO is forcing me to give them a .01% chance.

But the whole concept of a Han Solo prequel film is just so off IMO. One of the reasons that RO really worked is that it was filmed with a cast of expendables. But HS will star Han, Chewie, AND Lando? Will anyone NOT have script immunity in that film?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

If Disney somehow makes me like the Han Solo movie so much that I accept it as "canon" then that will probably be the single most monumental achievement in cinema. But right now I'm 99.9% sure it'll be another "Rachel Dawes" situation that just won't sync up with the other films. Yesterday I was at "100%" but RO is forcing me to give them a .01% chance.

But the whole concept of a Han Solo prequel film is just so off IMO. One of the reasons that RO really worked is that it was filmed with a cast of expendables. But HS will star Han, Chewie, AND Lando? Will anyone NOT have script immunity in that film?

The one thing that keeps getting reported by anyone who has read the Solo script, is that it's phenomenal as a piece of writing. Like really at another level, emotion, humour and lots of tears *allegedly*
After RO, I'm willing to open up the Hoth Hanger doors a little and hope a new Solo might come in from the cold.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

The one thing that keeps getting reported by anyone who has read the Solo script, is that it's phenomenal as a piece of writing. Like really at another level, emotion, humour and lots of tears *allegedly*
After RO, I'm willing to open up the Hoth Hanger doors a little and hope a new Solo might come in from the cold.

All I know is if I'm watching the Han Solo movie and "Daniel Logan" makes an appearance as an unnmasked Boba Fett then I'll be all:


I was actually pretty worried that we might see Fett in RO and that he'd sound like Jango. Phew.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

The one thing that keeps getting reported by anyone who has read the Solo script, is that it's phenomenal as a piece of writing. Like really at another level, emotion, humour and lots of tears *allegedly*
After RO, I'm willing to open up the Hoth Hanger doors a little and hope a new Solo might come in from the cold.

Han Solo must have some kind of tragic story that we don't know about. The OT doesn't give us much about his background, other than the Falcon race. Besides that, he's a mystery. I guess it makes sense to explore the character, but I doubt there's anything too shocking since it's a prequel.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

I can't wait for the Solo movie. If they give the same sense of scope and scale as they do there, I'm sold.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

That timeline above is correct from what I've gathered over the last 39 years.

Although one must also assume there's a strange aging process a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

All I know is if I'm watching the Han Solo movie and "Daniel Logan" makes an appearance as an unnmasked Boba Fett then I'll be all:


I was actually pretty worried that we might see Fett in RO and that he'd sound like Jango. Phew.

One of the imperials on Scariff sounded exactly like Jango, it was off screen at first so I was waiting for Boba to be standing there.