Rob Zombie to direct Halloween sequel.

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Yeah, but you didn't see it happen. They will come up with a way to explain it. Remember we seen him get his head chopped off in H20, but they had a way to explain that so they could make a ^^^^ty sequel.
No, Leatherface, and Myers are all human. They dont die, because they dont really get shot in a deadly place....kinda.

Plus, no one has ever killed Leatherface. And a shot to the face is a pretty good indication that he is dead.

And Jason is a zombie, Freddy is a demon, and Chucky is a doll....they dont count.

Dude even in Carpenters Halloween II Laurie shot Myers in the head...............twice. He still proceeded to kill until the explosion, hell even then he made it about 50 yards before collapsing.

The Michael Myers character is anything but human imo.
Ugh. I had the 'pleasure' of finally watching Zombie's remake of 'Halloween'. I wasn't impressed (and I actually enjoyed his other mish mash movies House of a 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects). The back story dragged on a bit too long, the whole movie was really amateur in it's acting, directing and make-up (yes, yes, most horror movies have this as well, but I guess when a remake happens I expect it to at least try to be more 'updated' in some areas then their original counterparts). I doubt I'll want to see this next installment (unless I hear it's MUCH, MUCH better then the first).
Yeah i'll probably see it too but the whole thing about Michael Meyers being an emotionally abused "rocker" kid was pretty lame. It's too easy to write about the abused kid so of course he becomes a souless murderer instead of making him so completely normal - which most serial killers are.

This is where everyone is dead wrong about Zombie's version of HALLOWEEN. Do people really believe that every kid who isn't hugged often enough grows up to be a murderer?? It's crap, in the real world and on film. Michael was screwed up LONG before Ronny came into the picutre. Also, it's clear that none of the kids are his, and Laurie is less than a year old, so Ronny hadn't been around but maybe a couple months. Rob just likes white trashy people in his movies, and he likes William Forsythe. Only two reasons he's in there. And most kids at that age, at that time, were into KISS. So what? The movie begins no earlier than 1976, the bulk of it taking place in '92-'93. So his taste in music and his look would have been typical. That's a KISS: Destroyer shirt he's wearing. That album came out in '75 so the earliest he could have had that shirt would be '75/'76. Skip forward 17 years..... there you are. If people think Michael turned into what he did just because Ronny, a guy he didn't care about anyway called him a few names, that's silly. Sorry, being called a faggot doesn't make you immortal.

Did Ronny or the bullies make him immortal? I can't believe people feel that Rob did away with that crucial element. A cop shoots him in the chest and he barely stumbles. Laurie rams a 14" butcher's knife straight down into his torso and he pulls it out and keeps going. Loomis shoots him FOUR times at about 6 feet with a 357 Magnum and he gets back up. If that regisiters with someone as "MORTAL" then they're far too out of touch with reality and probably play way too many video games. Hell, he sustained more damage in Rob's version than he did in the original, and even in the original it's clear what he is.

Zombie's version is great, and I'm thrilled to see him back on board. It was an excellent retelling of the story. He kept about 90% of Carpenter's mystery. He added just enough to make it fresh, not enough to take anything away. He was able to show you a bit of young Michael and still avoided explaining anything at all. Pefect balance.

It's not without its flaws, though. I have all three versions on DVD and I'm not totally satisfied with any one of them. If you see all three and watch the deleted scenes, there is one hell of a GREAT movie in there!!
how are those related to Halloween? both the Alien and Predator movies had good sequels.
AVP movies are crossovers. Halloween isn't the same thing at all. they're not even the same genre and have different audiences.
I meant the geek fans directing their favorite characters in a movie (remake, sequel, etc)
Paul Anderson and the Strauses sweared they were huge geek fans of the source material...
just as Zombie says about Halloween...

actually, it's his attempt to adapt the comic book series he created and wrote to an animated feature.

I know... :rolleyes: I started reading his Superbeasto (why do people think that by adding and "o" turns words into Spanish?) piece of crap a few months back... and it's just a pathetic attempt at Lucha libre, he doesn't understand it... sorry!

i'm getting the impression you just have a silly bias against Rob.

Not really, I actually was one of the few dozen people that saw House of 1000 corpses in theaters...
I liked that one, but Devil's Rejects was terrible, and Halloween was even worse IMO...

I just think he's either too chicken to go all the way silly, or too stupid to stay close to the source, so he ends up making this pretentious pieces of grarbage, at least "House of..." was entertaining
Oh, and the fact that he keeps pimping his wife in all of his movies is pretty sad, he should've kept White Zombie alive instead...
I agree with you except the part where you said "keeping the same feel of the original" I liked the film but to me it was more of a sequel than anything else. It felt almost nothing like the original but was still a decent film.

Definitely. Even though it's the original story concept, I view it as a sequel.

That said, I'm excited to see this news. I love Halloween, but Rob's directing and vision have been the only strong ray of light in the follow films for some time. I'd almost rather not see more Halloweens depending on the director, so at least, as long as Rob sticks with the Halloween he created and doesn't go off on his own style too much with a new story of his own for a sequel, should be another good sequel entry into the series. If he makes it more like his own slasher films I'll probably pass.
This is where everyone is dead wrong about Zombie's version of HALLOWEEN. Do people really believe that every kid who isn't hugged often enough grows up to be a murderer?? It's crap, in the real world and on film. Michael was screwed up LONG before Ronny came into the picutre. Also, it's clear that none of the kids are his, and Laurie is less than a year old, so Ronny hadn't been around but maybe a couple months. Rob just likes white trashy people in his movies, and he likes William Forsythe. Only two reasons he's in there. And most kids at that age, at that time, were into KISS. So what? The movie begins no earlier than 1976, the bulk of it taking place in '92-'93. So his taste in music and his look would have been typical. That's a KISS: Destroyer shirt he's wearing. That album came out in '75 so the earliest he could have had that shirt would be '75/'76. Skip forward 17 years..... there you are. If people think Michael turned into what he did just because Ronny, a guy he didn't care about anyway called him a few names, that's silly. Sorry, being called a faggot doesn't make you immortal.

Did Ronny or the bullies make him immortal? I can't believe people feel that Rob did away with that crucial element. A cop shoots him in the chest and he barely stumbles. Laurie rams a 14" butcher's knife straight down into his torso and he pulls it out and keeps going. Loomis shoots him FOUR times at about 6 feet with a 357 Magnum and he gets back up. If that regisiters with someone as "MORTAL" then they're far too out of touch with reality and probably play way too many video games. Hell, he sustained more damage in Rob's version than he did in the original, and even in the original it's clear what he is.

Zombie's version is great, and I'm thrilled to see him back on board. It was an excellent retelling of the story. He kept about 90% of Carpenter's mystery. He added just enough to make it fresh, not enough to take anything away. He was able to show you a bit of young Michael and still avoided explaining anything at all. Pefect balance.

It's not without its flaws, though. I have all three versions on DVD and I'm not totally satisfied with any one of them. If you see all three and watch the deleted scenes, there is one hell of a GREAT movie in there!!

That's sort of the problem, Rob's Myers is a contradiction. On one hand, he paints him like a normal person that for whatever factor turns to evil deeds like Dommer or someone that serial kills in real life.

On the other hand, he continues the immortality and unstoppable nature of Michael, but because of humanizing him a bit, it makes you think more like he's cranked on steroids or something and the signals for pain just haven't kicked in.

I liked seeing the Loomis-Myers interaction, but seeing Michael living life like a normal kid took a bit of the mystery and inhuman quality away for me. Carpenter was wise in setting up that your only vision of the child was a kid that picked up a knife and stabbed his sister with no apparent emotion or remorse and then starts stalking girls for no reason (until H2 establishes a reason).
That's sort of the problem, Rob's Myers is a contradiction. On one hand, he paints him like a normal person that for whatever factor turns to evil deeds like Dommer or someone that serial kills in real life.

On the other hand, he continues the immortality and unstoppable nature of Michael, but because of humanizing him a bit, it makes you think more like he's cranked on steroids or something and the signals for pain just haven't kicked in.

I liked seeing the Loomis-Myers interaction, but seeing Michael living life like a normal kid took a bit of the mystery and inhuman quality away for me. Carpenter was wise in setting up that your only vision of the child was a kid that picked up a knife and stabbed his sister with no apparent emotion or remorse and then starts stalking girls for no reason (until H2 establishes a reason).

If I recall correctly and I do agree with DarkArtist whole heartedly about this, wasn't the movie coined by Zombie himself as a re-imagining of Carpenter's film and characters and NOT a remake? I think that's what most people forget. Additionally, anybody remember the Psycho remake? That was a Hollywood turd so I actually applaud Zombie taking on such a daunting task and despite what's said here, the Box Office gross speaks otherwise. Personally, I liked the back story as it gives you even more of a peek into Michael.

That said, I'm looking forward to the sequel. If given the choice of which movie to see on Halloween, I'd take Zombie's fresh re-imagining of a Halloween sequel over another dumb fantastically plot hole-ridden Saw movie.
I always looked at is as his remake was how the events actually transpired and the original movie was the urban legend take on the story. Keeping it in two different realities works for me instead of trying to compare the two. I enjoyed each as it's own beast....
If I recall correctly and I do agree with DarkArtist whole heartedly about this, wasn't the movie coined by Zombie himself as a re-imagining of Carpenter's film and characters and NOT a remake? I think that's what most people forget. Additionally, anybody remember the Psycho remake? That was a Hollywood turd so I actually applaud Zombie taking on such a daunting task and despite what's said here, the Box Office gross speaks otherwise. Personally, I liked the back story as it gives you even more of a peek into Michael.

That said, I'm looking forward to the sequel. If given the choice of which movie to see on Halloween, I'd take Zombie's fresh re-imagining of a Halloween sequel over another dumb fantastically plot hole-ridden Saw movie.

Yes, I'm well aware it was a reimagining but that goal could have been met without obscuring the character's core.

For 7 films, Michael's been an unstoppable killing force without the faintest sign of humanity. Rob seemingly left that behind, at which point you almost ask, why reimagine, why not just create your own unique character formed the way you form Michael?

What would have been an interesting reimagining is if Zombie explored the supernatural origins.

As Sovereign said, Zombie sets up that his Michael has attributes from something greater than poor upbringing. Creatively telling how a small boy becomes nearly if not entirely immortal could be interesting and would be a retelling faithful to the character's established essence.
Yes, I'm well aware it was a reimagining but that goal could have been met without obscuring the character's core.

For 7 films, Michael's been an unstoppable killing force without the faintest sign of humanity. Rob seemingly left that behind, at which point you almost ask, why reimagine, why not just create your own unique character formed the way you form Michael?

What would have been an interesting reimagining is if Zombie explored the supernatural origins.

As Sovereign said, Zombie sets up that his Michael has attributes from something greater than poor upbringing. Creatively telling how a small boy becomes nearly if not entirely immortal could be interesting and would be a retelling faithful to the character's established essence.

My Dad wasn't around alot when I was a kid, and guess what, I don't murder people nor do I think I could get shot in the head and be cool.

I agree he explored the wrong things and contradicted himself so many times it was downright unwatchable.

Violent Rape + Murder = Movie?

Oh ^^^^ he forgot the plot.
Yes, I'm well aware it was a reimagining but that goal could have been met without obscuring the character's core.

For 7 films, Michael's been an unstoppable killing force without the faintest sign of humanity. Rob seemingly left that behind, at which point you almost ask, why reimagine, why not just create your own unique character formed the way you form Michael?

I think after 4, the rest (including 3) can be flushed down the toilet :dump.

The character had no core and when all else fails in coming up with original plot concepts, USE SATANISTS! :rotfl However minimal, Zombie's turning Michael into an actual human (of sorts), making the story something more realistic and "believable" than the leftover 80's extra-cheesy disgrace Michael had become.

My Dad wasn't around alot when I was a kid, and guess what, I don't murder people nor do I think I could get shot in the head and be cool.

I agree he explored the wrong things and contradicted himself so many times it was downright unwatchable.

Violent Rape + Murder = Movie?

Oh ^^^^ he forgot the plot.

As opposed to the plotless sequels?! :huh
I think after 4, the rest (including 3) can be flushed down the toilet :dump.

The character had no core and when all else fails in plot concepts, USE SATANISTS! :rotfl However minimal, Zombie's turning Michael into an actual human (of sorts), making the story something more realistic and "believable" than the leftover 80's extra-cheesy disgrace Michael had become.

Its unfortunate really, after Halloween Carpenter was done with the story, its sad to think that because of $$$ there were sequels.

ANY form of entertainment = $$$ and nothing more.

If Halloween would have stayed as just "Halloween" (Like the shining) it would have been even more praised than it already is.
Violent Rape + Murder = Movie?

Oh ^^^^ he forgot the plot.

I HATE, absoultely HATE the non-theatrical cuts for the alternate escape scene for Michael. If that's the sort of film RZ H2 turns out to be, I will be disgusted as a Halloween fan. At least the first movie he made, that was cut from the theaters and the original cut was available on DVD. If his cut were the only available version on video, I'd never own it. I bought the uncut with hopes (saw a bootleg where that scene was included) and was bummed that it was in there. I love the other cut material but I refuse to even own the movie on the grounds of that scene, and it's not the act as much as how it was handled, I've seen that sort of thing on Sopranos and it actually had some point to it.
Its unfortunate really, after Halloween Carpenter was done with the story, its sad to think that because of $$$ there were sequels.

ANY form of entertainment = $$$ and nothing more.

If Halloween would have stayed as just "Halloween" (Like the shining) it would have been even more praised than it already is.

Well, 1, 2 and 4 were great! It's the non-related 3 (WTF?! /o/) and 5-on that continually beat the license to death.

I HATE, absoultely HATE the non-theatrical cuts for the alternate escape scene for Michael. If that's the sort of film RZ H2 turns out to be, I will be disgusted as a Halloween fan. At least the first movie he made, that was cut from the theaters and the original cut was available on DVD. If his cut were the only available version on video, I'd never own it. I bought the uncut with hopes (saw a bootleg where that scene was included) and was bummed that it was in there. I love the other cut material but I refuse to even own the movie on the grounds of that scene, and it's not the act as much as how it was handled, I've seen that sort of thing on Sopranos and it actually had some point to it.

Is that on the "new" release? I didn't pick that one up yet. Just don't feel compelled to buy it.
Is that on the "new" release? I didn't pick that one up yet. Just don't feel compelled to buy it.

Haven't checked the new release. Most of the time, the new sets feature minimal differences from prievous ones other than new packaging.

When the film first hit DVD, there was a standard 2 disc set and an UNCUT Director's Edition 2 disc set. I bought the uncut first hoping some cool stuff would be there and that the rape scene would be absent, and I was right that the extra's were pretty cool, but the rape scene's in there and I just won't keep that in my collection.
Haven't checked the new release. Most of the time, the new sets feature minimal differences from prievous ones other than new packaging.

When the film first hit DVD, there was a standard 2 disc set and an UNCUT Director's Edition 2 disc set. I bought the uncut first hoping some cool stuff would be there and that the rape scene would be absent, and I was right that the extra's were pretty cool, but the rape scene's in there and I just won't keep that in my collection.

Do you own Pulp Fiction? :rotfl
AWSOME rob is the best director today.I wonder how he'll make the new story line.
