Recasting weapons and such

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Super Freak
May 26, 2013
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Wasn't sure where to put this thread so mods feel free to move it, or delete it if you think its stepping on some toes.

Is there anyone out there that casts hard/impossible to find little bits and pieces?

(i.e. Han's EPIV blaster, Rebel Trooper Blaster, various lightsaber hilts etc.)

Lots of poeple do armor, heads, helmets but nobody does weapons.


We should get a 'pool' going.
1st find a person(s) willing to do the casting
2nd start a list of parts we'd like
3rd start a list of parts we are willing to lone the caster (details to be worked out, possibly free cast for donor)

What do you guys think?
Weapons are hard due to parts being put together. A ssc dc-15 is a hollow glued together blaster with 4 parts. By the time a caster puts that much effort into it. Better off buying stock. jmo
FYi - I actually contacted Sideshow and asked them first if they were able to sell me some of the weapons I'm looking for and they said that all their molds are destroyed after the run is complete. Even the weapons.

So I have no problems doing this if they are unwilling to help out. Somebody could make some good cash here doing this. If we pull together we can accomplish this task.
they would take so long and a lot of effort to make them...and they would have to have a ton made to make it worth it(whoever casted them)...i know of a person who was gonna do some..but not sure..sent you a pm last for as the clone would be cheaper to just buy them online...
but the other stuff that is hard to find..not sure...
recasting original stuff around here is kind of a touchy not many people do it..
I attempted some saber hilt casts a while back. I have 0 experience with casting and failed. Looking back I see where I made some mistakes.

All I could find was the Easycast stuff. I used the 2 part epoxy silicone for the molds and the easycast 2 part clear resin for the casts.

I made the molds too smal I think (tried to save material) because when I clamped the 2 parts together they distorted and leaked resin everywhere. What a mess!

Then I tried a single piece mold which worked better, but had major air bubble problems.

If I can find better materials locally I'll try again. Then again I dont have a pressure pot so I may just say screw the whole thing.
Ya need smooth-on or alumite products the expensive stuff. Michael's and etc don't sell it due to the cost. Ntm if ya look at bobamike he sold custom made arc rifles, but the price was $35.
Ya need smooth-on or alumite products the expensive stuff. Michael's and etc don't sell it due to the cost. Ntm if ya look at bobamike he sold custom made arc rifles, but the price was $35.

He still offers them i beleave. And stay away from allumalite products the way over priced and low end products. U want smooth on products! Mold max 40 & smooth cast 305-307
He still offers them i beleave. And stay away from allumalite products the way over priced and low end products. U want smooth on products! Mold max 40 & smooth cast 305-307

Now ik what to get lol :lol
I have a rebel blaster from a Endor trooper. May look at it tonight and see if its feasible. I have some resin and mold stuff sitting around but the whole recasting thing is a touchy area in a lot of places, especially when profit is involved.