Questions for Asmus

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Point is, whether the elves rocking up at Helms Deep in the films is a yay or nay, plenty here seem to want Haldir and at the risk of pushing it, his Galadhrim warriors.
Awesome armour and as said before would look great in a HD display. Hopefully in time we will all be satisfied by Asmus with our wants list fulfilled. [ ok the last statement might be a bit of a long shot! ]
Not exactly. At this point in time mostly only the Noldor were departing/had departed to Valinor. This is why Frodo meets Gildor Inglorion in Woodhall outside the Shire. Gildor is a Noldo leading a company of his people west to Mithlond. This is why PJ had the scene of Arwen leaving to Mithlond even if that never happened in the book, it was happening to Noldor groups across Eriador.

There were plenty of elves left in Mirkwood and Lothlorien. These areas were also under attack multiple times and in danger. It’s a little strange to say the elves weren’t in danger or fighting because they were all gone. That’s completely inaccurate. The reason they could not assist Gondor was because they were held up in their own battles. And elves still lingered into the 4th Age when Greenwood was renamed and Thranduil and Celeborn made a lasting alliance. There were still enough elves for Legolas to start a new settlement near Ithilien.
You are actually right: (most all of) the Noldor were already gone, and the dark elves were stuck there for a while. However, I am convinced that it is of narratological importance the fact that no elf appeared in the battles of men, as Tolkien tried to accentuate. The growing desperation of men by the end of the third age dilutes with the pointless presence of elves in Helm's Deep, which also difuminates the significance of, for example, the alliance of races in the battle of five armies. In "The lord of the ring", the real decaying but still living alliance is that of Gimli and Legolas.
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You are actually right: (most all of) the Noldor were already gone, and the dark elves were stuck there for a while. However, I am convinced that it is of narratological importance the fact that no elf appeared in the battles of men, as Tolkien tried to accentuate. The growing desperation of men by the end of the third age dilutes with the pointless presence of elves in Helm's Deep, which also difuminates the significance of, for example, the alliance of races in the battle of five armies. In "The lord of the ring", the real decaying but still living alliance is that of Gimli and Legolas.
What about Elladan and Elrohir at the Battle of Pelennor Fields? I know their ultimate fate was uncertain, but they were elves.
What about Elladan and Elrohir at the Battle of Pelennor Fields? I know their ultimate fate was uncertain, but they were elves.
That does not disproof my point, namely, that there is no place for an army of elves in Helm - and not without a reason.
What about Elladan and Elrohir at the Battle of Pelennor Fields? I know their ultimate fate was uncertain, but they were elves.
Oh boy you opened a can of worms. That’s another debate among fans whether the twins of Elrond departed with their grandfather Celeborn to Valinor before Arwen died or if they chose to remain in Middle-earth and be mortal. Personally, I believe they stayed to support their sister and beloved Aragorn. However, they loved their mother Celebrian so much that they fought orcs continuously after she was captured by orcs. They wouldn’t choose a fate separate from her.

Tolkien also said they delayed their choice for a while despite lore that said that when Elrond left they would have to choose. So perhaps it was an exception because in their hearts they knew they wanted to see their mother again but could not abandon their sister right away. So as long as they made the choice and went westward they would remain elves. However, they also felt kinship with the Dunedain and fought many battles with men.

Ultimately, I think the three main points are important:

*they delayed their choice after Elrond left (if they were to be men that means they would have been so when he left)

*they weren’t mentioned when Aragorn died or when Arwen laid herself to die (if they were around they would certainly be there to say goodbye and provide comfort)

*their main motivation was destruction of orcs to avenge their mother who had to leave to Valinor because of the trauma (the orcs are all mostly eradicated at the beginning of 4th age)
In all seriousness, I know there are many Tolkien fans who don't like some, or dare I say any, of the changes that Jackson made in the films. There are indeed some bad ones...the betrayal to Faramir's character in The Two Towers certainly has always stood out. But I do actually like many of the changes/tweaks, or dare I even say improvements that Jackson made to the story.

One of them is the Elves at Helm's Deep. Yes, I know, they weren't in the book. But honestly, if Tolkien had a weakness it was writing captivating battle stories. I always found the idea of bunch of old men and kids, with a handful of actual soldiers, holding off an army of bred specialty orcs through the night to be a bit ridiculous.

The Galadhrim coming to Helm's Deep adds so much credence to the battle. Instead of only "men who have seen too many winters, or too few" holding out all night until the Rohirrium arrives, there is a battalion of trained warriors and expert marksmen there fighting. It makes the defense of the fort much more believable, particularly when the wall is breached. If the Galadhrim wasn't there, that battle is over long before Gandalf arrives.

People can hate on the Elves coming to Helm's Deep all they want, they're entitled to that. But I think it's a great change from the books. It added a level of believability to the battle, which raised the stakes and added a lot of tension. I'm still on the edge of my seat every time I watch it.
Well, not for me. To me it just feels contrived. But at least the fans shouted down Arwen showing up, at the time.
So years later Peter Jackson gets even and gets his female fighting elf in the form of Tauriel, which IMO would have been fine if she had been older and just one of Thranduil's military leaders - maybe a one of the survivors that returned with Thranduil after Oropher's fall.

She could have chatted to the dwarves in the dungeon just fine without bringing all the romance stuff into it.

Anyway outside of badly needed Hobbit figures not sure how many LOTR figs I would add; ASMUS for me is competing with HT's SW line$$$$. Haldir would be an unlikely purchase - a maybe. Figures like Denethor - nope. Not enough money or space, even if I wanted to.

Plus I still need room for diorama backgrounds (where is Thranduil/throne?:stick) and some horses.
Oh boy you opened a can of worms. That’s another debate among fans whether the twins of Elrond departed with their grandfather Celeborn to Valinor before Arwen died or if they chose to remain in Middle-earth and be mortal. Personally, I believe they stayed to support their sister and beloved Aragorn. However, they loved their mother Celebrian so much that they fought orcs continuously after she was captured by orcs. They wouldn’t choose a fate separate from her.

Tolkien also said they delayed their choice for a while despite lore that said that when Elrond left they would have to choose. So perhaps it was an exception because in their hearts they knew they wanted to see their mother again but could not abandon their sister right away. So as long as they made the choice and went westward they would remain elves. However, they also felt kinship with the Dunedain and fought many battles with men.

Ultimately, I think the three main points are important:

*they delayed their choice after Elrond left (if they were to be men that means they would have been so when he left)

*they weren’t mentioned when Aragorn died or when Arwen laid herself to die (if they were around they would certainly be there to say goodbye and provide comfort)

*their main motivation was destruction of orcs to avenge their mother who had to leave to Valinor because of the trauma (the orcs are all mostly eradicated at the beginning of 4th age)
Yes, I am the worm can opener - You`re welcome! :lol
Oh boy you opened a can of worms. That’s another debate among fans whether the twins of Elrond departed with their grandfather Celeborn to Valinor before Arwen died or if they chose to remain in Middle-earth and be mortal. Personally, I believe they stayed to support their sister and beloved Aragorn. However, they loved their mother Celebrian so much that they fought orcs continuously after she was captured by orcs. They wouldn’t choose a fate separate from her.

Tolkien also said they delayed their choice for a while despite lore that said that when Elrond left they would have to choose. So perhaps it was an exception because in their hearts they knew they wanted to see their mother again but could not abandon their sister right away. So as long as they made the choice and went westward they would remain elves. However, they also felt kinship with the Dunedain and fought many battles with men.

Ultimately, I think the three main points are important:

*they delayed their choice after Elrond left (if they were to be men that means they would have been so when he left)

*they weren’t mentioned when Aragorn died or when Arwen laid herself to die (if they were around they would certainly be there to say goodbye and provide comfort)

*their main motivation was destruction of orcs to avenge their mother who had to leave to Valinor because of the trauma (the orcs are all mostly eradicated at the beginning of 4th age)
Good post. Really wish the twins wouldn’t have been omitted from the films. They were good characters.
Well, not for me. To me it just feels contrived. But at least the fans shouted down Arwen showing up, at the time.
So years later Peter Jackson gets even and gets his female fighting elf in the form of Tauriel, which IMO would have been fine if she had been older and just one of Thranduil's military leaders - maybe a one of the survivors that returned with Thranduil after Oropher's fall.

She could have chatted to the dwarves in the dungeon just fine without bringing all the romance stuff into it.

Anyway outside of badly needed Hobbit figures not sure how many LOTR figs I would add; ASMUS for me is competing with HT's SW line$$$$. Haldir would be an unlikely purchase - a maybe. Figures like Denethor - nope. Not enough money or space, even if I wanted to.

Plus I still need room for diorama backgrounds (where is Thranduil/throne?:stick) and some horses.
Agree about Tauriel, I’d have been fine with her inclusion had she not just been a shoehorned in love interest…they still could have made her sympathetic to the dwarfs and their cause without all of that.

And yes…where is our Thranduil figure! :lol :impatient:
Agree about Tauriel, I’d have been fine with her inclusion had she not just been a shoehorned in love interest…they still could have made her sympathetic to the dwarfs and their cause without all of that.

And yes…where is our Thranduil figure! :lol :impatient:
At least it gives me time to pay off my DX Legolas.:lol

Suppose in theory I could sell off a Thranduil, and pay for the Legolas, but I won't. Thranduil's BOFA look is a fav of mine. At the moment seems like he's not even available on the 'bay. I idly check auctions time to time.

Meanwhile for whatever else goes on in the Amazon series, for me it's interesting to see more dwarf depiction - Durin IV, Thorin Oakenshield's ancestor. I hope the series just builds/expands on Peter Jackson's original designs for Khazad-dûm.
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lordnastrond said:
I'm sorry to be a pain, I usually keep my enquires about purchases to the official channels but I have yet to receive a response and its been months.
I am still awaiting my Galadriel figure, which I have paid for in full (ordered 3rd June 2020, paid balance 9th June 2021).
I have since received a few deliveries from Asmus, so it can't be that shipping to the UK hasn't yet resumed.
Can I please have some sort of response/reassurance on this issue?
Hi Asmus, I am still awaiting Vivian and the Asmus team to help me with this issue.
Though I have been contacted and we have agreed to a solution, still no actual steps have been taken to address this issue.
Can someone PLEASE just send the figure? I have been incredibly patient and I have offered to pay the shipping and it still hasn't gotten me anywhere.
I'm at the point of cancelling to be honest if something isn't done about my order this week.
I am recieving my other orders from Asmus fine, but when it comes to this order I am getting nowhere.
I would like either confirmation that my order has been shipped OR that my order is being refunded in full by this time next week.
Forgive the tone, but its been 8 months since i paid my order balance in FULL and I still haven't received what I paid for.

I thought I would also post this here just in case you don't see it in the Galadriel page.
And in anticipation of some other people's comments, I have already tried email and the customer service ticket page - many times over the last 8 months...

Hi @Asmus I STILL haven't heard anything from your team and NOW my cancellation request isn't getting any responses after many days.
I don't mean to sound hot-headed, but at this point I am starting to feel like I have been robbed by you, and unless some serious action regarding my issue is done soon then I will have to reconsider all my other orders with you & my relationship with your company.
I don't want to be saying this, I have been a loyal customer who has bought many of your products, I like engaging in the forums about the latest reveals & teases etc. But this is finally at the end of my patience.
You are not responding to me via the official channels so I will make my voice loud here.

Either give me back my money or give me what I paid for = simple
The constant screw ups, and the “having to rectify” said screw ups (see Ash, etc.), is how companies end up going bankrupt and shutting down. I really hope this doesn’t happen, but at this point, it wouldn’t surprise me.