Question about SW novels

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I think to some extent the NJO really hardened his character. I think the biggest downfall to all EU books in regard to Luke is that he's constantly questioning everything he does regarding getting the Jedi up and running again. I think by the time of Legacy we're finally going to get to see a self confident sure Luke who lives up to the Skywalker name. But maybe I'm hoping for too much.
i agree with you Agent. Luke always had confidence issues... i cant say too much about the NJO because i only read two of them. and i really didnt know what was going on other than the Yuzhan Vong could counter the Force. i was hoping to get into the new series (not sure if any are titled yet). i read all of the clone wars books back in 2003 while in the hospital and i thought most were fantastic books.

~~im really hoping they do good with the Sith era book that was announced a little while back.
I was going to get into some of the novels until some idiot decided to kill Chewie. Sorry, but if Lucas does not put it on film, it ain't in the story in my humble opinion. This was a poor attempt for some auther to try to come up with a "shocker"....well, F U pal. Chewie ain't dead.

PS - Yes, I know it's just a story, but again, if Lucas does not put it on screne then I don't buy it.
KitFisto said:
I was going to get into some of the novels until some idiot decided to kill Chewie. Sorry, but if Lucas does not put it on film, it ain't in the story in my humble opinion. This was a poor attempt for some auther to try to come up with a "shocker"....well, F U pal. Chewie ain't dead.

PS - Yes, I know it's just a story, but again, if Lucas does not put it on screne then I don't buy it.

lol you tell them kit!!! at least he went out fighting though.

i want to read some more about Vader hunting down the remaining Jedi... i've always wanted to see it. now i have no choice but to hope someone puts it in a good book .
KitFisto said:
I was going to get into some of the novels until some idiot decided to kill Chewie. Sorry, but if Lucas does not put it on film, it ain't in the story in my humble opinion. This was a poor attempt for some auther to try to come up with a "shocker"....well, F U pal. Chewie ain't dead.

PS - Yes, I know it's just a story, but again, if Lucas does not put it on screne then I don't buy it.
Actually the NJO story arc was watched over by Lucasfilm. The big writers promoters publishers etc of the series had a huge conference and decided what things would happen in the series. A death of a major player was one decided event, originally it was going to be Luke, but Lucas said Luke can't die in this series. There were a couple other ideas that Lucas nixed as well. Chewbacca was decided on and Lucas agreed that was okay.

As for the authors they were told start here and make sure this and this happens and it this way, and the rest was up to them. It would be impossible for a book to come out every few months without everyone working together on it. As for the EU in general Lucasfilm now takes a big hand in it so everything that happens in the EU goes through them and I think that includes Uncle George in almost if not all cases.

And one last little pet peeve of mine, why is it people who don't like the EU feel the need to constantly say, "If its not in the movie it didn't happen"? Maybe I woke up in a different universe than the one I went to sleep in last night. But in that universe NONE of this stuff happened...
Agent0028 said:
Actually the NJO story arc was watched over by Lucasfilm. The big writers promoters publishers etc of the series had a huge conference and decided what things would happen in the series. A death of a major player was one decided event, originally it was going to be Luke, but Lucas said Luke can't die in this series. There were a couple other ideas that Lucas nixed as well. Chewbacca was decided on and Lucas agreed that was okay.

As for the authors they were told start here and make sure this and this happens and it this way, and the rest was up to them. It would be impossible for a book to come out every few months without everyone working together on it. As for the EU in general Lucasfilm now takes a big hand in it so everything that happens in the EU goes through them and I think that includes Uncle George in almost if not all cases.

And one last little pet peeve of mine, why is it people who don't like the EU feel the need to constantly say, "If its not in the movie it didn't happen"? Maybe I woke up in a different universe than the one I went to sleep in last night. But in that universe NONE of this stuff happened...

I am saying it didn't happen in the context of the Star Wars story, not real life obviously.

Also, I saw an interview with Lucas on the "death" of Chewi and while he said it was "ok" for a novel it wasn't "Star Wars, unless I put it on film" or something to that effect so people didn;t have to accept it as the death of a character because it was not part of the "true" Star Wars universe.
KitFisto said:
I am saying it didn't happen in the context of the Star Wars story, not real life obviously.

Also, I saw an interview with Lucas on the "death" of Chewi and while he said it was "ok" for a novel it wasn't "Star Wars, unless I put it on film" or something to that effect so people didn;t have to accept it as the death of a character because it was not part of the "true" Star Wars universe.

Sounds weird but why would he do this unless he was planning or at least reserving the ability to do episodes 7-9? It sounds like the movie Clue (that's how it could've happened but how about this.)

And this is a thread for people that haven't read the novels so no more spoilers please.
KitFisto said:
I am saying it didn't happen in the context of the Star Wars story, not real life obviously..

Yeah I know, and I wasn't so much directing it at you, its just something I notice alot of people saying and for some reason it always strikes a nerve because it sounds so ludicrous to me.

KitFisto said:
Also, I saw an interview with Lucas on the "death" of Chewi and while he said it was "ok" for a novel it wasn't "Star Wars, unless I put it on film" or something to that effect so people didn;t have to accept it as the death of a character because it was not part of the "true" Star Wars universe.

Certainly no one has to accept anything, heck some people don't accept what he does put on screen like the SE's.
Darth Loki said:
Sounds weird but why would he do this unless he was planning or at least reserving the ability to do episodes 7-9? It sounds like the movie Clue (that's how it could've happened but how about this.)

And this is a thread for people that haven't read the novels so no more spoilers please.
Sorry about the spoilers the book came out like 6 years ago so I figured that most people who have any interest in the books would have read it by now. The sarcastic side of me insists that I point out we shouldn't talk about what happens to Darth Maul and Qui-Gon at the end of TPM...
Agent0028 said:
Sorry about the spoilers the book came out like 6 years ago so I figured that most people who have any interest in the books would have read it by now. The sarcastic side of me insists that I point out we shouldn't talk about what happens to Darth Maul and Qui-Gon at the end of TPM...

Agent0028 said:
Sorry about the spoilers the book came out like 6 years ago so I figured that most people who have any interest in the books would have read it by now. The sarcastic side of me insists that I point out we shouldn't talk about what happens to Darth Maul and Qui-Gon at the end of TPM...

Not to sound rude but this thread is questions about SW novels. Not a discussion about what happens in them. I'd love to talk about the Thrawn trilogy but I'd start a new thread to do so.
KitFisto said:
:rotfl Actually what's kinda funny (now not then) is that I carefully stayed away from any type of spoiler for Episode I. But my mom got me the sountrack before the movie came out and I was putting it away when I dropped it and the first thing that popped out was the track titled "Qui-Gon's Funeral". :cuss

And you don't sound rude Loki. I'm the one who was wrong putting the spoiler in the thread. I'll go back and edit it out in case someone else accidentally reads it.
Agent0028 said:
:rotfl Actually what's kinda funny (now not then) is that I carefully stayed away from any type of spoiler for Episode I. But my mom got me the sountrack before the movie came out and I was putting it away when I dropped it and the first thing that popped out was the track titled "Qui-Gon's Funeral". :cuss

And you don't sound rude Loki. I'm the one who was wrong putting the spoiler in the thread. I'll go back and edit it out in case someone else accidentally reads it.

Dude... The EXACT same thing happened to me!! I hated that. It kinda ruined it for me.

And to top it off.. I worked at a theater and had to work opening night.. My manager, being the prick he was, sent me in periodically to make sure no one was sneaking in (caring not a bit for the fact that a certain few scenes may be ruined in the process). And the first time I walked in... BAM... Maul was cut in half. :monkey4 :monkey4 :monkey4

I was soooo pissed!!!
Hmm, wow. Books aren't really like movies where you'd expect everyone to see them at relatively the same time. I was asking about the books because I hadn't read them so I didn't know about Chewie's death either. I've managed to avoid finding out which book it is, but please start a new thread with "EU spoilers" in the header to discuss what happens in the books.

Agent0028 said:
:rotfl Actually what's kinda funny (now not then) is that I carefully stayed away from any type of spoiler for Episode I. But my mom got me the sountrack before the movie came out and I was putting it away when I dropped it and the first thing that popped out was the track titled "Qui-Gon's Funeral". :cuss

And you don't sound rude Loki. I'm the one who was wrong putting the spoiler in the thread. I'll go back and edit it out in case someone else accidentally reads it.

i think this happened to everyone. when i saw it, i was like "what??, its the first of a trilogy, how are they gonna kill off a main character??" and then during the movie i kept thinking OMG is he gonna die soon??

~~sorry Dave, i tried not to let any spoilers out.
I knew who died how and in what book prior to reading them, I figured that if you were a star wars fan you knew anyways. Sorry.
hey Dave do you think it would be possible to make novel sticky thread?? i belong to another forum that deals with just the books and would love to have something like that in here. its very helpful when looking for something new to read-- just check the thread and see what other people's thoughts are on a book. :chew :chew
I think it would be more effective to have individual threads about whatever book you were interested in. That way those that want to find out about a certain book won't be exposed to spoilers of others. And since threads stick around here, you can always search for the book you want to see comments on.
As far as I'm concerned - everything in every star wars book, game, comic or movie "happened" until Lucas comes along and specifically contradicts it - given how much editorial control he retains over the franchise. Basically EVERYTHING is approved by Lucas - whether its in film or books.

Of course then you get things where Lucas goes and changes his mind. I can recall very clearly after episode 4 that the clone wars was fought between the Jedi & The Mandalorians (except maybe from a certain point of view :emperor )- which isn't what it turned out to be. And then there's the Marvel Star Wars Comics..... and the list goes on of what Lucas has approved and then come back and changed his mind on (including re-releasing the original films in their original format - which don't exist - but now they do).

If we get to pick and choose what did and didn't happen then Jar Jar Binks never existed.
LordAzrael said:
I can recall very clearly after episode 4 that the clone wars was fought between the Jedi & The Mandalorians (except maybe from a certain point of view :emperor )- if we get to pick and choose what did and didn't happen then Jar Jar Binks never existed.

when was this stated?? i dont recall ever hearing that it was the Jedi and Mandalorians other than in KOTOR when they spoke about the Mandalorian War.and i wish it was that easy to get rid of Jar Jar....