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I clicked it for fun. Cause I love finding the Quill. Is that lame? Probably. So, we've got a great group of us who are apart of it. Wonder how it will work with getting on. Will it be in order of day you got your account. That would be interesting.

I found the quill again today too. :eek: :lol

I wish I could have set up an account for my boss's daughter...she loves Harry Potter and would have been thrilled to death to be a part of the Beta. I'm just worried they will check IPs...
I'm really surprised it's been up over an hour. That's a first.

I've found it everyday BG, so no worries. It is fun!

It says "first come, first serve" so the internet theory is day 1ers will get in before day 2ers and so fourth. And it better be too, cause if someone who answered todays easy ass question gets in before me I'll be pissed. :lol
Well, I read the blog they've posted and it seems like it will be fine, as long as you aren't using the same email or first and last name.
Well, I read the blog they've posted and it seems like it will be fine, as long as you aren't using the same email or first and last name.

I just read the rules - and under age 13, you need to include your parents/guardians email so they can approve you and give their consent. They are all on vacation now...so don't know if they would even be able to do it within the 48 hour window. I'll just let someone else have the slot.
I just read the rules - and under age 13, you need to include your parents/guardians email so they can approve you and give their consent. They are all on vacation now...so don't know if they would even be able to do it within the 48 hour window. I'll just let someone else have the slot.


I keep clicking the link just to hear the music. I love Harry Potter. *sigh*
The next one is either tonight at 7:30pm -10pm EST or tomorrow at the same time. DON'T MISS IT. lol. (I'm really confused which one)
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Huge thanks to Nuka Nuka and BuffyGirl for taking the time to notify me that the quills were up! I was out and about but I was able to use my phone to sign me and my wife up.

I'm StormFlame61 :rock
So the first person that actually gets to see the content needs to post and let us know what it's all about.

:lol :lol :lol

There is supposed to be original content there too...
From Pottermore Insider:

As you may have noticed, the Quill is now back in its ink pot. It appeared in a variety of places over the seven days of The Magical Quill challenge and Harry Potter readers from around the world dedicated themselves to finding it.

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who joined in and took the time to search for the Quill; we hope you enjoyed spotting the clues and solving them.

If you didn’t manage to find The Magical Quill and register for the Beta, please don’t worry; Pottermore will be open to all in October. However, if you did manage to register for an early access place you will soon receive a ‘selected for early entry’ email.

As we mentioned in our earlier post, we’re staggering access to the Beta site, so you may have to wait a few weeks for your Welcome email to arrive. This second email will let you know that your account has been activated and that you can log in to Pottermore. (Please note that the 'Sign in to Pottermore' link has been temporarily removed from the Pottermore site and that it will return when the first early access accounts are enabled.)
Yup, a bunch of people have already been getting follow up emails. Where is mine dammit?


Got it, nothing special. Says nothing new.

You have been selected for early entry into Pottermore!

We’re really excited to confirm that you are one of the lucky people selected for early entry into Pottermore, ahead of when it is open-to-all in October, to help us add finishing touches!

We will activate your account between mid-August and the end of September, so keep checking your inbox for our Welcome email. When this arrives you will be able to enter Pottermore. In the meantime, you can check the Pottermore Insider for all the latest news, updates and announcements.

We look forward to welcoming you to Pottermore.

Everyone will prolly be getting this today.