Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

It has to make atleast most of it's money back in the first week or so....if it doesnt, it is a flop. Period.

They dont want to make the money back in time...that's ____ing stupid, and not how business works. Has to be then. If it's not, it failed.

The Thing failed. It's regarded as a cult film now.

Alien did not fail, and did very well. Hence why it got sequels, and is praised.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Scott almost did not make this movie because Fox refused its budget.
First because Fox didnt have faith in another alien and second because 250 milions for an R-rated movie is not ok for those studio execs.

He had to rework the script and make it bankable as a new franchise set in the Alien universe and accepted to deliver an PG 13 cut in exchange of the budget he wanted.

So ok i hear ya about fox sucks teens sucks etc...
But sometimes you have to think also about the economics.
Scott is an artist, but he knows he has to plays ball with the studios if he wants to do his movie.

Studio cut in theatres and DC on BR.
But i rather have Scott do it that way than no movie at all.
Also at the moment nothing is set in stone, Fox will have the choice and i'm sure Scott's could be very persuasive.

But there also another thing, Alien is quite gory for a few seconds but mostly its all about the mood that Scott sets.
Aliens is even less gory.
I think that Scott can make a pretty intense movie even with a PG 13 rating.

Now if it means that the story itself will be modified like KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (wich was cut because it was just too long for Fox's taste) that whould be a shame but if i'm still getting the full movie on BR i can live with that.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I will.

Anyways... I was hoping for an R rated release, but still really looking forward to this movie. Sounds like it's bringing back the look, feel and horror of the first Alien film.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for a "Director's Cut" video release.

And as I said before that's the key. I have faith it can appease Fox and be PG-13 while sill having Scott have his way with it, keep it horror based, amp up the anticipation like in the first, build suspense, scare the bejesus out of people without having to cater to ADD "must get payoff NOW!" type fans.

That's the big thing that worries me, he'll cave to Fox and the quick buck, revealing too much too soon, no suspense, no "what the ____ was that?!" moments, just new alien creatures in your face right away. Look at how little he showed the Alien in 1. It was all build up.
Teen fans today want everything NOW, else it's back to Angry Birds on thier phones. I know they think olde timey horror/sci fi movies are boring, but the not knowing is what made them great. Your imagination does WAY more damage than any CGI or animatronic monstrosity shoved at you right off.

I just hope he keeps to his ideals and goals he had simialar to making Alien, and Fox doesn't crush that.
Don't disagree with you Celtic. But like you said alien did well, if you want to call a box office smash doing well.
And it was not watered down, had an R rating. All they did was edit the film to fit standard viewing times.
If this is going to be as good as Alien or on par with it they don't need to make it pg-13.
There just using the play it safe card because the reality is at the end of the day FOX only cares about the returns.
That's why they want a PG-13.

Why do you keep mentioning The Thing ?
Fair enough. I guess that much is a lot for an R rated movie. And yeah your right there wasn't that much gory in the first two.
I have faith that it would do well as a R rated movie.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Don't disagree with you Celtic. But like you said alien did well, if you want to call a box office smash doing well.
And it was not watered down, had an R rating. All they did was edit the film to fit standard viewing times.
If this is going to be as good as Alien or on par with it they don't need to make it pg-13.
There just using the play it safe card because the reality is at the end of the day FOX only cares about the returns.
That's why they want a PG-13.

Why do you keep mentioning The Thing ?

That was in the 70's. Rating rules were not as enforced as they are today. Kids could walk in and out as they pleased. Some theaters enforced it...but it wasnt like it is today.

You also just dont understand what i'm saying. IT WONT MAKE A TON OF MONEY IF IT'S RATED R.


It can still be a GREAT movie if it's done right. Since they FILMED the R RATED STUFFFFFF the movie can still end up RATED RRRRR on BLLUUU people can see the version that SCOTTTT wanted to make...

and FOXXXX can have their MONEEEEYYYY. :rotfl

I mention the Thing because when it came out, it, and Blade Runner, made pretty much nothing because ET (a children's PG film) beat the ____ out of them. It took The Thing many years to make back it's money. That is no bueno.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Fair enough. I guess that much is a lot for an R rated movie. And yeah your right there wasn't that much gory in the first two.
I have faith that it would do well as a R rated movie.

It wont. Unless you make a huge hit like 300, The Matrix, or The Hangover...R-Rated flicks rarely make bank.
Your under 18 aren't you Celtic lol

So what if alien was in the 70's.
And how do you know it won't make that money.
Oh because you have some little graph and a Pie chart.

Just agree to disagree because this could go on and on and on......
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

19 sir. :lol

I'm just not ignorant to how ____ works. :lol

In the film industry MONEY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x10000 Artform.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

A lot of R big budget movies were at work until i guess 2 years ago after the sucess of 300 but when Watchmen flopped all of them were stalled, cancelled or reworked to be PG13.

For me what counts it's the story, i don't need to see every gory details to be happy (for exemple it seems that the new huge creatures do very perverse things to the human crew in the final) if it's well suggested, like the tail of the Alien between Lamberts legs.
From Gigers original drawings for ALIEN the xenomorph would actually ____ its victims probably to mate, or just for fun, pure giger ____ed up stuff wich Scott would like to reinstate in Prometheus it seems.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

In the film industry MONEY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x10000 Artform.

And that's because in the film industry, the studio's are the ones financing the movies. They pay (up front) all the expenses and they're the ones who take 100% of the risk. If a movie bombs does the director take a loss? Nope. Their check has already been cashed. Does the cast/crew take a loss? Again, nope. Checks cashed.

If a director truly wants to put out something purely for the sake of art, then they need to STFU, stop whining about studio interference and make an independent film with THEIR money financing the whole thing.

But since most directors aren't willing to do that (when have you ever seen a director put up $200 to $300 million of their own money for a film!?) and aren't willing to take 100% of the risk, they get what they deserve.

Hollywood directors are not victims. They're Masochists. :lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

So true.
Some of them do have the money to do very big budget flicks but in the end they never take the chance and go with the studio.

Scott is a clever Director, in the end he always gets what he wants.
The DC of Blade Runner or Kingdom of Heaven are proof.
If it was anybody else id be disappointed by the PG13 but with Scott i have no doubt we will see his vision in the end.
Yep were arguing possibilities and arguing with people that if it's not pg-13 they can't see it.

So is there any actual news on this film atm.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think we're getting a teaser with Rise of planet of the Ape.
Probably made out of the SDCC footage.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Then the film companies shouldn't employ directors and get the CEO to do it.

Studios aren't complaining about the set-up, the directors are. So maybe all these whiny ass directors should put up their own money instead of taking it from studios and then complaining about (god forbid) a financial backer trying to protect their investment and increase the chances of actually making money.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

^ True indeed. It's one thing to fight on some things...but the studio controlls all. Sometimes for the worse.

So you have to compromise. Which they did.
Studios aren't complaining about the set-up, the directors are. So maybe all these whiny ass directors should put up their own money instead of taking it from studios and then complaining about (god forbid) a financial backer trying to protect their investment and increase the chances of actually making money.

And it's because of studios not believing in the vision of the director that so many movies are ____.

I really don't know what your trying to argue here.
You can't have one without the other.
No financial backing=no movie
No director=no movie

They both need each other.
Studios seem to forget that it's the movies that theytook a chance on are successful and memorable. Does it always pan out no. But the studio recover they always do. And a bad movie does nothing for a director except tarnish their reputation.
If these tight arsed studios don't want to go with a directors vision then don't hire a director get the marketing department to make the movie because their the one that apparently know what's good and what's not