Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


"Try the veal! Goodnight!
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Alien resurection Stand's as the most disgusting movie i've ever seen in my life.

In a way yes but truthfully no. Watch Slither and it makes Resurrection a PG. There's some really sick people in this world to create such a film.

The way that white alien got sucked through the little hole was so disturbing it almost made me throw up.

I can still hear the wiggly skin and bones scraping off the glass with that howling of pain.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Hey, atleast the Newborn didn't try to rape Ripley..



Oh, and what about that Human Centipede movie?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

SDCC posted the first image of Prometheus!.. looks just like an Alien movie!
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I wonder if any freak is in Hall H right now watching the footage.
But the Alien raped the ____ out of Lambert, and tried to do the same to Ripley.

Actually if you read the unedited screen play adapted paper back of A3 by Alan dean foster. It was originally in some version of the script that Ripley when impregnated with the queen it was not in her chest but actually in her uterus. The reason I guess is because the alien queen is a much bigger creature than the warriors etc that she would need a large space to gestate as a chest cavity isn't large enough I guess. And when she is talking to Clements about having a really bad dream in hyper sleep the novel adaption said her dream was of being raped. They also touch on the subject in the adaption of aliens that the queen must only be able to impregnate women because of the size. That is one of bishops theories that was left out of the conversation they all have the " maybe it's like an ant hive" conversation.
Another difference I remember also is the part where they're escaping from the hive and Gorman gets knock out by ammo boxes didn't happen that way in the novel adaption either. What happened was an alien was able to rip part of the top of the apc open and they have the ability to "sting" they're prey etc and tender them unconscious so there is no struggle when they drag them off to be impregnated.
Ripley also find Burke in the hive when she goes to get newt and he's already impregnated. He begs for her to kill him she instead gives him a grenade and he blows himself up.
Apparently that was supposed to be in the special edition but the footage was to damaged to splice back in or something.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

SDCC'11: Charlize Theron Talks Prometheus, Plus Footage Description
Some nice updates from SDCC on Ridley Scott's highly anticipated sci-fi flick. Theron reveals she is affiliated with a company who's name you will surely recognize, and we also have the description of the footage that was screened..
Remember all that stuff about Ridley Scott's Prometheus NOT being a prequel to Alien? Well just forget the ____ out of that. The misdirection may have been to throw fans off the scent of to ensure people didn't get the impression that it was a direct prologue, but rest assured Scott's new project is firmly set in the same universe as Alien.

The Prometheus panel is in full flow at SDCC right now and we have some very interesting updates for you. First up The Playlist have posted some quotes from one of the movie's stars Charlize Theron. She reveals that her character runs Weyland-Yutani, the "company" present throughout the Alien saga..

”...she is really the suit, she’s the one that runs the company,” Theron said about her role in the film and how it was developed. “Ridley always kind of grounds it and brings it back to reality. I watch the Trump family for instance and I don’t really know much about it but I know Ivana is running that ship. I don’t ever set out to play a character with strength. I kind of find the circumstance. It was once we found the world and what we wanted to explore with her that we kind of found [the character].”

Also, footage was just screened. And Bleeding Cool posted their description..

Starting with a montage of clips from Ridley Scott’s previous films, including Alien, the video package soon went into a mixture of interview clips with Scott and shots from the film. The interview pieces were telling us that this isn’t really an Alien prequel, that the only connection is this oft-discussed Alien DNA.

On the other hand, the footage confirmed completely that this is an Alien film. The production design was familiar and, not to put too fine a point on it, there were glimpses of bits and pieces of the alien biology we recognise. Something like a full size humanoid alien was seen in the burn of a flamethrower, tail and all, and if you were looking in the right place, you could see something like the alien eggs.

Michael Fassbender’s character does look like the Android characters from the previous alien films but in one shot, we see him cry; in another, he appears to prick his finger and draw blood.

Scott is currently on screen via link-up to Iceland and has confirmed that “there may be two” robots in the cast of Prometheus.

As Lindelof has noted on stage, there is a shot in the clip that appears to show a naked Charlize Theron doing press-ups. There’s also another of Noomi Rapace dropping to the floor in a smilier pose – but she’s allowed the dignity of wearing something a bit like Leeloo’s bandage outfit from The Fifth Element.

There are several shots in the footage which appear to show characters meeting sticky ends, including some of the big name stars, but I wouldn’t want to spoil that.