NEW GAME: Who would win?

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Well Maul and Neo have about the same powers, but Maul has a lightsaber and Neo doesn't. So like a said before, it is really hard for anybody to beat Maul when he isn't full of himself.

How about:

Yoda vs Darth Vader (pre-suit)
Palpatine vs Obi-Wan
How about Darth Vader(pre-suit) vs. Palpatine(when he went head to head with Yoda).........or Han Solo vs. Indiana weapons...just fists and smarts....
Buttmunch said:
How about:

Yoda vs Darth Vader (pre-suit)
Palpatine vs Obi-Wan

Basically you're asking, what if Yoda tracked Darth Ani to Mustafar and Obi took on Palpatine in the Senate...

Yoda would have lost. Fighting Yoda would be like fighting a ghost, but I think Ani's new powers would have defeated him in the end.

I think Obi would have Palpatine on the ropes but before Obi could finish him off -- In comes Ani, fresh from dispatching Yoda. The two would fight as Palpatine crawled away like a coward to fetch his Shocktroopers.

Then it's Obi besting Ani again unless the Shocktroopers come in time to save him.
I have a feeling that not only would Yoda easily defeat pre-suit Vader, but that he would not hesitate to make a "finishing blow" like Obi-Wan did. As a matter of duty, Yoda would have brought down Vader just as nonchalantly as that impaled clone he rode to the ground at the Jedi Temple. While Vader *may* have been able to match Yoda in lightsaber combat, Yoda's control of the Force would have bested Vader. Vader had great power in the Force, both as a Jedi and a Sith, but his control over it seemed rather brutish and unrefined.

Palpatine, on the other hand, would likely have had little trouble dispatching Obi-Wan.
Booyah! said:
Maul vs Wolverine

Vader vs Hulk

Boba Fett vs Spiderman

Wolverine: he is the best there is at what he does. Plus he'll cut Maul in half...again.

Vader: puts the choke hold on Hulk or uses the force to kill him somehow.

Spider-man: uh, he has powers and stuff.
denger4000 said:
In the novel it clearly states Mace had him beat....

Well thats not how I took it, Palp. had the entire thing all set up down to having it recorded. He knew what Anakin was going to do and who was going to come to his office and he knew Anakin would return. He didn't start "losing" until he felt Anakin's presence near.
I think him getting a taste of his own power wasn't in the plans but worth it to have Anakin join the darkside.
Big SITH showdown -- full powers for all:

CAGE FIGHT with all 4

Darth Vader (full suit)
Darth Maul
Darth Tyrannus
Darth Sidious

Who dies first...etc...who wins? Only rule: no joining forces.
Wor-Gar said:
Big SITH showdown -- full powers for all:

CAGE FIGHT with all 4

Darth Vader (full suit)
Darth Maul
Darth Tyrannus
Darth Sidious

Who dies first...etc...who wins? Only rule: no joining forces.

Have to say that Tyrannus goes first. Vader already proved he could defeat him in ROTS and that was before he gave in fully to the dark side.

Vader then falls to Maul. I just got done reading Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader and Vader seems to be more likely to get taken out by Maul. But this is really a toss up. Maul and his agility give him the slight advantage in my book.

Sidious wipes the floor with all of them. He's the Sith Lord after all and would never teach his pupils all his tricks.
Wor-Gar said:
Big SITH showdown -- full powers for all:

CAGE FIGHT with all 4

Darth Vader (full suit)
Darth Maul
Darth Tyrannus
Darth Sidious

Who dies first...etc...who wins? Only rule: no joining forces.

If this is a cage match, I'm assuming no one feels they have time to saunter about and talk. Maul cuts down Tyranus, Vader crushes Maul, Sidious fries Vader where he stands. Victory: The Greatest Sith Lord of All, Darth Sidious.
All four Sith? Lets see...

Vader, with his decreased speed once encased in his life-sustaining armor, and that suit's clear weakness against Sith lightning (it did destroy Vader, after all) would quickly fall to either Tyrannus or Sidious. I could forsee Dooku having some trouble with Maul, with two radically different combat styles meeting. Dooku would have the experience edge, but Maul would have the emotional edge (something that Sith seem to draw a great deal of power from) as he was fanatical about his hatred of Jedi. Maul would not take a former Jedi-turned Sith Lord lightly, and would likely be quite enraged by the concept. I'm not sure how that would turn out, but I'm confident that if Sidious did not destroy them both in the midst of their battle, he could easily handle the victor.

So, Vader goes down first, and Sidious comes out on top.
It might be mentioned that there was a Star Wars Tales match-up between Vader and Maul in which Vader was the victor. Damaged, yes, but victorious nonetheless.
I'm not sure I would underestimate Vader like that. He did take down a number of Jedi post-Mustafar. That speaks to him retaining a good measure of speed and skill. Although he begins his suited life a bit awkwardly, Anakin was a superb mechanic. I'm sure he made improvements.
Force lightening aside (I'm really not sure of the rules for force lightening anyway), don't forget that Vader's armor seems impervious to some degree to lightsaber blows (when Luke strikes Vader's shoulder in ESB). Also, Vader managed to absorb Han's blaster fire. So he may be slower than Maul, but he may be able to take a few more "cuts" than Maul too.

I think Dooku would definitely fall first.

I'd like to think Vader could take Maul down. I mean, he's supposed to be more powerful than any Jedi, or Sith, before him.

And he does take the Emperor out in the end, force lightening and all. So he may just kick Palpatine's ass in the end too. Palp's no master in a cage fight. And he does tell Yoda: "Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us."
Wor-Gar said:
I think Dooku would definitely fall first.

Well, he beat Obi-Wan. Then he beat Anakin. Yoda was a good match, but still didn't defeat him (since he fled with the Death Star plans).

What I liked about the novelization of ROTS is that it showed what was going on in Dooku's mind. He was putting on a show in his fight with Anakin. He took Obi-Wan out of the picture and then fought with Anakin like he was supposed to according to the plan--it was all meant to be a test and a chance to recruit Anakin to the Sith. He didn't really approach the fight with the intent to kill Anakin outright, but to toy with him and put on a performance until Palpatine intervened. Then he got a little surprise...

I think that Dooku is a better character and fighter than his brief screen time suggests.
Exactly. Dooku is a master of fencing and has uncanny saber skills. And even as a Sith he is still noble. I mean he could have just run and and hacked Yoda to pieces while he was Force lifting the pillar from crushing the 2 Jedi he just took out.

It's laughable that Jango was his "body guard" in Clones.

Dooku takes out Maul and Vader with ease and bests Sidious.
gdb, your avatar. Really, man. You're scaring me with that.

edit: alright, now I'm doubly scared. It was Kirk lookin' all crazy-face, now it's a cute puppy. I can only transpose these images and think that Kirk is going to eat the puppy.
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News flash,

Mace beat Palps plan and simple. Palps "had" to lose to "test" Skywalker? Ok, so if Skywalker decided to stay on the good side guess what? Bye bye Pals and dark side all together. Palps had no idea which way Skywalker would go. He HOPED he had manipulated him enough to sway him to the dark side , but had no idea which path he would choose.

Yes, Palps did act withered, old and sad when he "begged" Mace not to kill him, but he did that to sway Skywalker AFTER he had been defeated by Mace. Mace beat him so he used that one last trick to save his own butt and sway Skywalker over to the dark side.

Had Palps been able to defeat Mace, he would have told Skywalker that there was the proof that the dark side was stronger and that was still the only way to save Padme.

This theory that Palps "let" Mace win is something most of the dark side lovers have come up with to make Palps out to be more than he was. He was a sith and a very powerful one, but not the God some want to make him out to be.
Customikey said:
gdb, your avatar. Really, man. You're scaring me with that.

Just a simple Starfleet captain at the height of passion. Nothing to be scared about.

My plan is to swap out the avatar and signature on Thursday while waiting for the newsletter -- but if he's scaring people...