NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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Can't wait for Vas and Frost. They are bad ass. Especially Frost.

Anyone getting NECA's foam face hugger? Curious how it's turned out.
Well, it actually didn't take long to get her apart. Lots of piping hot water and force is all it takes. However, it is going to take a lot of work in the sculpting and donor part department.

The sculpting/filling necessary to make the shirt passable is going to be fairly large undertaking.
20160914_093041 2.jpg

Most of the smartgun gear came off very nicely though. Making a drake should be easy.

The work necessary on her torso has me thinking I won't be done with this by the end of the week, but I am still feeling very positive about this project.
Someone posted their squad of marines and said:

"My Squad is now complete"

CsSXvqAWEAAGa1x (1).jpg

Neca's reply was more than interesting:

"Your welcome but don't be so sure it's complete just yet"

That's got to be confirmation that we are getting at least one more new marine! Either this guy has missed a custom and we just got confirmation of that exact marine or Randy means that he'll get the chance to get an official version of one of those custom marines.

Wait isn't one of the female marines missing there...

Neca's reply was more than interesting:

"Your welcome but don't be so sure it's complete just yet"

That's got to be confirmation that we are getting at least one more new marine! Either this guy has missed a custom and we just got confirmation of that exact marine or Randy means that he'll get the chance to get an official version of one of those custom marines.

Wait isn't one of the female marines missing there...

They are only missing Gorman, Ferro and Spunkmeyer. Nice set.
Someone posted their squad of marines and said:

"My Squad is now complete"

View attachment 292461

Neca's reply was more than interesting:

"Your welcome but don't be so sure it's complete just yet"

That's got to be confirmation that we are getting at least one more new marine! Either this guy has missed a custom and we just got confirmation of that exact marine or Randy means that he'll get the chance to get an official version of one of those custom marines.

Wait isn't one of the female marines missing there...

assuming the one on the far right is Dietrich? Yeah Gorman, Spunkmier and Ferro are all you need!

Nice set btw! Now all you need is a deck of cards!
She has about as much of screen time as Spunkmier does! They're all peripheral characters of the squad (in addition to Crowe, Weirzbowski) and add Dietrich in there too. For the completists yeah, but with 2 actors now passed on, that pretty much renders a full squad set impossible now. Ops battle variants of Hicks/Rip/Vaz is probably more realistic than getting the lesser peripheral characters made. And no I don't consider Apone one of them either, but with him being under the radar that's also unlikely, although one which I think we all would want in a heartbeat!

True. And you are right that with two of the actors passing away to the other realm as it were and Apone's actor pretty much a recluse and not talking to anyone, that leaves mainly Drake who I think is more or less confirmed to be coming and maybe Gorman and a special ops versions of the previous releases aka Hicks, Vaz and Hudson.

Still, I would be pleasantly surprised if we do end up getting some reveals of more marines at NY comic con. Are NECA going to be there ?
Sigh - ugly paint error's on Frost's head, just like Hicks and Hudson. Painted ****ing flesh. Vasquez looks fine. Why? Why do 2 figures in the same damn wave differently like that?
Sigh - ugly paint error's on Frost's head, just like Hicks and Hudson. Painted ****ing flesh. Vasquez looks fine. Why? Why do 2 figures in the same damn wave differently like that?

QC....happens everywhere unfortunately. Doesn't matter with what. I've seen horrible oopsies/QC issues on 6K guitars which you'd expect from $600 ones.
Sigh - ugly paint error's on Frost's head, just like Hicks and Hudson. Painted ****ing flesh. Vasquez looks fine. Why? Why do 2 figures in the same damn wave differently like that?

It is crap, my only guess is that the injected flesh tone costs more and so on less popular figures they choose not to do it. Makes sense I guess but the collection is going to end up looking ****ing hilarious by the time the lines over with all this mixing going on.

I hate to say it but in some ways I wish they kept just stuck with the paint, if merely for consistency alone.

Can anyone confirm that Vasquez is the same skin tone as 86 Ripley? Some pics make Vasquez seem darker more like her screen counterpart, but then others make it seem like - if it's injected flesh tone then every figure will look the same tone / colour wise.

I think I just answered my own question... That's exactly why they couldn't do Frost with injected flesh tone. But I guess they thought they could get away with making Vasquez white?
And correction Vasquez isn't quite fine, one of her legs is shorter than the other just like the Terminator ultimates. I hate that, it's getting all too common.
True. And you are right that with two of the actors passing away to the other realm as it were and Apone's actor pretty much a recluse and not talking to anyone, that leaves mainly Drake who I think is more or less confirmed to be coming and maybe Gorman and a special ops versions of the previous releases aka Hicks, Vaz and Hudson.

Still, I would be pleasantly surprised if we do end up getting some reveals of more marines at NY comic con. Are NECA going to be there ?

Well they are giving us another Newt while preserving the value of the SDCC Newt, and with the new Newt (say that 10x fast!) also getting a new Ripley. With it being the 30th ann year, they had better use it to their advantage well!

I'd assume Neca will have some presence at NY comicCon
And correction Vasquez isn't quite fine, one of her legs is shorter than the other just like the Terminator ultimates. I hate that, it's getting all too common.

Damn. I'm sorry, man. I have to remind myself to set my expectations low for NECA figures. I keep telling myself "For kitbashing only. Kitbashing only." Curse my desire for hoarding cool-looking stuff... :lol
Some mess around his hairline on one side of his forehead, a sideburn that missed the sculpted hair area, a dot of hair paint below his nose and paint scratched off around his mouth. Believe it or not I guess it could be worse. At least his eyes are OK, if anything I thought those would be ****ed.

My other Frost complaint, and this is something I was worried about from the earliest pics, the hand-sculpt they've been using for the male marines just isn't suited to aiming the flamethrower. There's a pic on the packaging where he appears to be aiming it but you can tell that the trigger hand isn't actually holding the handle properly - so that's another fall-down area of NECA, they don't provide a good enough range of hands.

So, some disappointment here although I'm still thankful to be getting these at all and they still look pretty cool when you don't examine Frost up close. Vasquez's short leg issue, though becoming ****ing annoying in its ubiquity, can at least be disguised with the pose most of us will go for.
Last edited: you're basically saying: "I liked the marines in that one movie, and that defines the whole franchise from that point forward."
No, I'm basically saying that the state of the universe as shown at the end of Aliens dictates that all the major human factions are going to be converging on Acheron in force for any number of reasons. Trying to write the Marines out of future scenarios from that point onwards is logically impossible.

Sorry, but still 1 out of 4 (5) movies don't make a trend :p
Once again, you're the pot calling the kettle black. :rolleyes2

Thankful for the Colonial Marines Game? Really? I mean as a big Aliens fan I still got some fun out of it, mostly out of the multiplayer mostly...
Really. I'd been waiting, for years, for an FPS that was solely Marines versus Xenomorphs, with no ***ing Predators crashing the party. A:CM delivered exactly what I asked for.

But in general it was a complete disaster and a terrible game. It had soo much potential but just ended up being another piece of media that put down the franchise.
Aside from the initial bugs, what was wrong with it, exactly? It certainly created far fewer continuity issues than Isolation, and everyone professed to love that...

If that game never game out we would of had a much higher chance of getting a proper Aliens game right now.
Some minor nitpick aside, I felt A:CM was a proper Aliens game.

i understand what Jester means.
he means those stupid comics stories for 3 years old kids by people who didn't even know what they were talking about and just wanted some easy money from bypassers who eat everything fashionable.
Still more intelligent than those stupid movies for 3-year-olds by people who don't even know what they're talking about and just wanted some easy money from passersby who eat everything fashionable. :p

it's the same as to judge predators by stupid jajuja comics. same ignoring of the movies.
Objectively, there's not much to judge, going by the movies. Predators aren't really characters, they're plot-devices which exist, narratively, for the sole purpose of the heroes defeating them.
My other Frost complaint, and this is something I was worried about from the earliest pics, the hand-sculpt they've been using for the male marines just isn't suited to aiming the flamethrower. There's a pic on the packaging where he appears to be aiming it but you can tell that the trigger hand isn't actually holding the handle properly - so that's another fall-down area of NECA, they don't provide a good enough range of hands.
Oddly, Bishop's right hand is almost perfectly sculpted to wield the flamethrower.
And correction Vasquez isn't quite fine, one of her legs is shorter than the other just like the Terminator ultimates. I hate that, it's getting all too common.

Do you think its an assembly problem or a sculpt issue? The one I just took apart has legs that look even.

That really sucks about Frost though. There were 2 Frosts at the TRU and they were both jacked up. Gray paint on the face even. I am praying the one on the way in the mail is better...
Do you think its an assembly problem or a sculpt issue? The one I just took apart has legs that look even.
View attachment 292517.

I've been thinking it's something happening in assembly. It's been annoying the ever-living **** out of me with the Ultimate Terminator line and I think most if not all of those are afflicted by it, I see it even in NECA's own samples and in youtube reviews...and yet no one is mentioning it or talking about it. Seems to be the figure's left leg being shorter in all cases.