Medicom's R2 and 3PO

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Look stellar to me.

Couldn't care less about the scale issues.

Great pictures, Kuzeh! :rock

Thanks dude!! :hi5:

And just for the heck of it!!

Cool pics! They look great despite the minor inaccuracies. I wish I had the money for them, droids being on of the exceptions to my Imperial focus...

What's wrong with the eyes?
R2 is awesome, sorry you don't like it!!!

About R2, prior to these new photos his head didn't bother me that much (his overall scale did). But these new photos really show his head is too shallow, and he's just too small in comparison to other 1:6 figures (like a waste basket instead of a garbage can :) ). Being that most of us are cross collectors and spend large amounts of money on out collections, scale is an issue to many.

The eye issue on 3po has been talked about a lot. His eyes are just off, makes him look sort of odd, cartoony. Still he looks nice, but to me he's not worth the money due to the scale and accuracy issues.

The only thing I like about them are the lighting effects. Medicom did a fantastic job with that aspect on both figures.

The scale / size issues are just to glaring, though.
(not to mention price point.)
About R2, prior to these new photos his head didn't bother me that much (his overall scale did). But these new photos really show his head is too shallow, and he's just too small in comparison to other 1:6 figures (like a waste basket instead of a garbage can :) ). Being that most of us are cross collectors and spend large amounts of money on out collections, scale is an issue to many.

The eye issue on 3po has been talked about a lot. His eyes are just off, makes him look sort of odd, cartoony. Still he looks nice, but to me he's not worth the money due to the scale and accuracy issues.


But complaining about Medicom's scale at this point is beating a dead horse...
they've used their own scale since the beginning of the SW RAH line... :dunno
Hell... even the first pics of these show that...

It wouldn't make sense for them to change the scale of their line just because people whine about
it not being in scale with Sideshow's...
It's as lame as requesting Sideshow to change the scale in order for their figures to fit with Medis...

I don't see the problem with 3PO's eyes... yeah it's not 100% like the real deal, but doesn't bother me!
I'm here to enjoy the hobby! :peace

Nearly, nope.

Excuse me, do you have them in hand?
... No?
That's what I thought, k' thanks! :wave!

The only thing I like about them are the lighting effects. Medicom did a fantastic job with that aspect on both figures.

The scale / size issues are just to glaring, though.
(not to mention price point.)

I agree on the price point,
but figures are beautiful... the best Droids collectibles out there IMO.

These ARE the droids you're looking for. :yess:

These are gorgeous, no doubt!

Cool pics! They look great despite the minor inaccuracies. I wish I had the money for them, droids being on of the exceptions to my Imperial focus...

Now that's more like it!!!
Yeah as usual the ones who don't like the figures (Or Medicom in general) are determined to continue with the same crap about price, scale and inaccuracies over and over again. Look, I get it. You don't like the figures, they look off, too short blah blah blah...trot on then! Why try to spoil it for the rest of us? For every great pic that we're getting of the figure, the usual suspects insist on wheeling out the same tired argument they've posted at least a dozen times before. If it wasn't so irritating it would be funny.:horse
Sorry guys but I liken you to closet homosexuals trying to convince yourself you're straight! Just embrace the fact you secretly like them, that they came out better than expected and, GASP, maybe even better than what the holy church of Sideshow are ever going to produce...You'll feel better for it I promise xxx
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Yeah as usual the ones who don't like the figures (Or Medicom in general) are determined to continue with the same crap about price, scale and inaccuracies over and over again. Look, I get it. You don't like the figures, they look off, too short blah blah blah...trot on then! Why try to spoil it for the rest of us? For every great pic that we're getting of the figure, the usual suspects insist on wheeling out the same tired argument they've posted at least a dozen times before. If it wasn't so irritating it would be funny.:horse
Sorry guys but I liken you to closet homosexuals trying to convince yourself you're straight! Just embrace the fact you secretly like them, that they came out better than expected and, GASP, maybe even better than what the holy church of Sideshow are ever going to produce...You'll feel better for it I promise xxx

:rotflPost of the year!:goodpost::exactly::lecture

The last few pages have been great with people talking about and enjoying the figures. What if Medicom cheerleaders constantly posted BS over and over in SS threads when they were not going to buy them and had no interest in them? Just to ruin everyone's good times? ( I have not seen that here in years) I know when i don't like a SS product i usually chime in and say "PASS" and that's the end of it. I don't constantly troll and wreck the thread for people that do like it.

I would love to see one medi thread without the "usual suspects" like Wanderer stated. This board would be that much better for it.

But complaining about Medicom's scale at this point is beating a dead horse...
they've used their own scale since the beginning of the SW RAH line... :dunno
Hell... even the first pics of these show that...

It wouldn't make sense for them to change the scale of their line just because people whine about
it not being in scale with Sideshow's...
It's as lame as requesting Sideshow to change the scale in order for their figures to fit with Medis...

I don't see the problem with 3PO's eyes... yeah it's not 100% like the real deal, but doesn't bother me!
I'm here to enjoy the hobby! :peace

I'm here to enjoy the hobby too. But I thought this was a discussion forum. I wasn't complaining. I was talking about an issue with products I'd love to buy but won't due to their inherent scale problems (and eye problems with 3po).

I don't care which company it is- Sideshow with overpriced stuff or Medicom. To be honest until a few months ago I didn't know the difference between the two companies- I only fairly recently started collecting Sideshow or Medicom stuff (coming from vintage GI Joe collecting prior to this- hence my fondness for 1/6 scale since childhood). The point I see most people making is that these figures should be accurate to reflect the absurd prices they are charging.

That's it.

Glad you enjoy what you buy, I just think there should be room for people to voice their opinion on these products (considering their rising prices) without being called kooks and whiners. :)

I could be wrong but I don't think I've ever read people bashing others who proclaim their fondness for a product, but there's all kind of bashing when people say they want something better for the high prices being charged.

Eh, what can you do....

Spacecrawler you're not one of the "usual suspects" that do this over and over for fun and have no interest in medicom whatsoever but to make others who do enjoy them riled up. And to firm their belief that SS can do no wrong. (at least i don't see you as one of them, there's no point in calling them out, they know who they are) You gotta remember that some of us Kuz included have heard this scale ____ going on since 2006 and it's old hat by now. You either know Medicom Makes ____ their way and that's that or you don't.:peace
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Medicom has been doing their own version of the 1:6 scale for years. They have their reasons for doing so, and they aren't going to change it. The discussion falls on deaf ears, so I believe it's a dead horse.

Back OT, I'd definitely pick these up if I could find them cheaper like Kuzeh was able to. :D
Medicom has been doing their own version of the 1:6 scale for years. They have their reasons for doing so, and they aren't going to change it. The discussion falls on deaf ears, so I believe it's a dead horse.

Back OT, I'd definitely pick these up if I could find them cheaper like Kuzeh was able to. :D


You will be able to get these for cheap, it's just going to take patience. SS will GC them or hastings will have em cheap.
:rotflPost of the year!:goodpost::exactly::lecture

The last few pages have been great with people talking about and enjoying the figures. What if Medicom cheerleaders constantly posted BS over and over in SS threads when they were not going to buy them and had no interest in them? Just to ruin everyone's good times? ( I have not seen that here in years) I know when i don't like a SS product i usually chime in and say "PASS" and that's the end of it. I don't constantly troll and wreck the thread for people that do like it.

I would love to see one medi thread without the "usual suspects" like Wanderer stated. This board would be that much better for it.


I've seen just as much nitpicking on the SS and HT figure threads in the short time I've been here.

Trolls are one thing - just don't feed them. But others who have negative things to say are mostly just people like me who are disappointed in aspects of a figure they would love to have bought but consider these details deal breakers. Or they're collectors with a stack of SS figures and would love these two to be able to slot in well with their SW displays but for the scale.

Just keep being positive - your enthusiasm for a figure might be enough to convert them :peace
Can I ask how much Kuzeh?

I posted long ago R2 was listed on evilbay (w/o box) for $89 + shipping. The seller had three he let go at that price but I seen nothing since.

I seen Threepio for $200 (w/o box) with free shipping which is still well overpriced IMO.

I wish I would have acted sooner on the R2 deal. By the time the seller responded to my question he was sold out of all three :slap
I honestly don't see much wrong with Medi's c3po's eyes, as long as the eyes are lit.

And honestly, I doubt SS's eyes will light up. Really, I do.

Medi 3po will be ordered as soon as I can find him for less, R2 will be left alone till SS comes along (or GASP HT does it.)