Medicom, Sideshow and Hot Toys: 501st Clone Trooper comparison

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Super Freak
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
The Democratic Peoples Republic of England
I posted this the other day on OSF but thought it might be appreciated here also:

full body comparisons and general overview:

Medicom, Sideshow v1, Sideshow deluxe and Hot Toys (deluxe)
20220714_084758 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_084728 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_082459 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220712_074727 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Overall I like the Hot Toys one the most for its proportions and quality but it has its drawbacks which I will get into in a moment.

Medicom is kinda glossy and the armour appears to be vinyl, so softer than Sideshow/HT armour. The detail is softer, the paint simpler and the proportion are not perfect. It is taller than Medicom figures usually are so scales fine in that sense but it does look a little skinny especially at the hips. The articulation is very limited by the suit and armour so no dynamic poses are possible. The helmet looks off sculpt-wise also so that does not help it. Obviously it is the oldest of the lot so it is to be expected that it will be the worst. The good news is that its undesirability means it can often be had for quite cheap second hand (IIRC I paid about £60 for it) so if you need another background trooper to fill the ranks it is a good option.

Sideshow v1 is the second oldest if I am not mistaken and it feels like a step up from the Medicom. It includes (slightly) more accessories, has a better helmet sculpt, better paint, better articulation etc etc but it does have wide hips giving it that ugly thigh gap and being sideshow the joints have a tendency to get loose making the figure floppy if you aren't careful. A body swap could potentially fix both issues.

Sideshow deluxe is similar to the v1 as far as construction goes it seems to have the same body and armour and same materials used but the helmet is new (more accurate and better sculpted just a tad oversized) the weathering is heavier and there is a ton of accessories. It still suffers the thigh gap of its predecessor along with the loose joints. Overall a step up from the previous version but not perfect. Both Sideshow versions also have slightly too broad shoulders.

Finally, the Hot Toys version (both standard and deluxe are identical except for 4 accessories) has the best overall quality and proportions, with some key drawbacks. The proportions overall give it the man in suit look that the others fail to achieve. it isn't overly skinny with narrow hips like the Medicom, nor does it have the thigh gap or overly broad shoulders of the sideshow versions. The weathering is more subtle and realistic and the armour is slightly differently proportioned in logical ways (thigh armour is longer allowing for better posing, the helmet is a little longer for realism etc) and the base body has nice stiff joints with some ratchets so it can hold poses better.
the main drawbacks are in missing details: the = marks on the right side of the chest plate are missing as is the blue paint on the back plate. The Phase 2 helmet is slightly undersized while the 1 helmet is oversized. The Phase 1 helmet has more issues I will get on to later.

Overall, while each figure is an improvement on the prior release none are perfect. HT overall is the best figure hands down but Sideshow managed to beat it in terms of accuracy IMHO.

helmet comparisons:

Phase 2:
Medicom, Sideshow v1, Sideshow deluxe and Hot Toys (deluxe/standard)
20220714_083905 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083922 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083956 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_084010 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

With the Bandai helmet collection version:
20220714_084054 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_084111 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_084127 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

The Medicom has the weakest sculpt overall while the best is a toss up between the Sideshow deluxe and HT ones. The HT one is slightly undersized while the Sideshow deluxe is just slightly oversized. The Sideshow v1 seems to have the best size but sculpt is off. The HT helmet is proportionally longer when viewed side-on which while inaccurate is a good change IMHO and it looks more like a head can fit inside it.
The blue stripe on the Medicom version incorrectly goes down to the black band on the rear of the helmet while others it stop above the band. It also is missing the two dots on the round piece on the rear of the helmet and the line that goes horizontally through it protrudes rather than being indented.

Phase 1 helmets:
Sideshow deluxe vs Hot Toys deluxe
20220714_083251 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083303 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083313 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083325 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

With Bandai helmet collection version:
20220714_083410 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083421 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083431 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

With Hasbro Titan Hero series for comparison:
20220714_083458 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

The HT version has a couple major issues for me:
the frown is too thick, it makes it look like a mouth breathing muppet. The size is wrong too as it is too large overall while it misses the red light detail in the rear of the fin as well as the 4 protruding lumps on the circular section below said fin. Where it does well is it has clearly defined lines on the rear "vent" section and the macrobinoculars from HT's Rex look like they should be attachable, which gives options. The weathering is also very well done. Realistically subtle and in the logical areas you would expect.
The Sideshow helmet overall has a great, accurate sculpt with all the details you would expect including the red fin light. The weathering is a little heavy handed but that really is a nitpick.

Sideshow wins hands down. Hasbro has a surprisingly good sculpt though. I bet a great paint job could make it work as a good background grunt.

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Weapons and accessories:

Medicom (Stand is not in photos as forgot to dig it out. Standard Medicom clear stand)
20220714_082528 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sideshow (v1)
20220714_082547 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sideshow (deluxe)
20220714_082553 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Hot Toys (deluxe)
20220714_082607 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Medicom vs Sideshow v1
20220714_082614 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sideshow deluxe vs Hot Toys deluxe
20220714_082629 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Medicom has spare pair of fists with attached pegs, a DC15S blaster and standard clear stand (not pictured). Very barebones.

Sideshow V1 is similarly barebones having just the 1 set of spare hands with attached pegs, 2 blasters (DC15S carbine and DC15A rifle) and a standard Sideshow stand.

Sideshow deluxe comes fully loaded: 11 spare hands with attached pegs, a pair of alternate feet with attached pegs, an alternate helmet, 4 detonators, a backpack, the DC15S carbine, DC15A rifle with attachable harpoon launcher and Z6 rotary cannon as well as the stand. Nice.

The Hot Toys (deluxe) includes: 6 additional hands without pegs, 1 spare pair of wrist pegs, 2 alternate helmets, backpack, jetpack with flame effects, whole detonator/popper plus a half detonator/popper, DC15S carbine, DC15A rifle, Z6 rotary cannon, rocket launcher and ship floor panel style stand with bendy "dynamic" pole. Another loaded figure, though obviously the standard edition does not include the 2 extra helmets, backpack and Z6 rotary canon).

DC15A rifles:

Sideshow v1, Sideshow deluxe, Hot Toys (Deluxe/standard):
20220714_082948 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

With Hasbro DC15A:
20220714_084254 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Interestingly only the Hasbro one is based on the original " upside down E11 stuck on an MG34 receiver" design. The other 3 are Clone Wars based designs. The Sideshow Deluxe version is heavily weathered and has the harpoon attachment but the "rail" it mounts on is not removable so the rifle looks too thick at the front as a result. The HT one looks too skinny for my liking and the whole thing is the same colour. I think my favourite is the Sideshow v1 for both its proportions and paint despite lacking weathering overall.

DC15S blasters:

Medicom, Sideshow v1, Sideshow deluxe, Hot Toys (Deluxe/standard)
20220714_082852 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_082713 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

20220714_082741 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sideshow v1:
20220714_082756 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sideshow deluxe:
20220714_082807 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Hot Toys deluxe/standard
20220714_082819 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Medicom has the most paint aps and there is some pleasing contrast. I like it. Both Sideshow ones have wonky sights but they make up for it with actual functional folding stocks that can be unfolded while the Medicom one is fixed and the HT one is hinged but cannot fold over the grip making it pointless. Either make it functional like Sideshow or fixed like Medicom, the half measure means it is just a weak point of potential breakage with no purpose.

For overall look, Medicom wins. I really like it.
For functionality Sideshow wins.
The sculpting on the HT is nice and crisp though so it wins that category.

Which one is best for you depends on what you value.

All he DC15S blasters are based on Clone Wars design, none are a direct match for the live action blaster.

Bonus: Hasbro Titan Hero Series DC15S:
20220714_083511 by kraggy2011, on Flickr


Sideshow vs Hot Toys
20220714_083143 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083227 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083154 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083203 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

The HT version is longer and the weathering is better on it while the magnetic fastener is well hidden. The cover also appears to be attached via velcro so should be removable. The area that concerns me is the straps as the pleather-like coating with probably flake soon. The Sideshow one meanwhile has some nice discoloration/staining effects that I think works nicely.

HT wins this one.

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Thermal detonators/Droid Poppers:
Sideshow vs Hot Toys
20220714_083125 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Sideshow ones are movie scale but the sculpt is soft and paint is messy. There are at least 4 included. Hot Toys is cartoon scale but the sculpt is super crisp and the paint is neat. HT also did the split/half version which is cool.

HT wins for sculpt/paint, Sideshow wins for scale

Z6 Rotary cannons:

Sideshow vs Hot Toys
20220714_083044 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083030 by kraggy2011, on Flickr
20220714_083016 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Very similar but there are some key differences such as the mag, position of the barrels, length of the rear "receiver" section and also the midsection holes (one is 4343 while the other is 3434). Both have the awkwardly stupid grip that is angled the wrong direction for practical use but that is an issue with the original design. I would love to redesign the weapon to make it more practical.


Medicom, Sideshow v1, Sideshow deluxe and Hot Toys (deluxe/standard)
20220714_083616 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Medicom and Sideshow both have pegs for each hand while Hot Toys only have two pairs of pegs.

Accessories unique to Sideshow deluxe: Alternate feet
20220714_083655 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

Accessories unique to Hot Toys (Deluxe): Jetpack and flames, 332nd helmet and rocket launcher (technically the split detonator too)
20220714_083756 by kraggy2011, on Flickr

I suspect that more 501st troopers will come down the line. We need a proper movie accurate 501st trooper with movie accurate weapons but I think that before we ever get that we will get one based on the Disney live action armour made for Kenobi (that one has differently proportioned armour, different shade of blue paint, glossy finish as opposed to matte, different shoe/boots, no = mark on the chest, gap between chest and back plates etc etc. That armour was used also for the homeless vet in the show so easy for HT to make 2 figures. The Book of Boba Fett flasback 501st troopers had unique DC15S blasters, different belt boxes and elbow pads etc so again that could be a future variant opportunity.
Torso in SS v2 looks more like those in TCw whereas the HT version looks like those in movies.

OKAY HT WHERE ARE THESE FEET. Not just for clones, for Stormies, for Death troopers, in fact for just about everyone?!! MAKE IT HAPPEN

Edit: Not that I mind more 501st that much, but before we get Kenobi-style clones when the hell we getting basic 212th people? They are needed! Everyone loves 501st but come on, we need variety. [insert usual complaints about no Wolfpack people, but even before them we need a damn 212th trooper.]
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A very thorough comparison. It’s good to document the evolution of the figures over the years and the design choices made by each company side by side. I always like seeing how figure and toy designs have changed over time.

I still have a fair number of Sideshow Clones and like them a lot, including a couple of 501st. But the Hot Toys looks significantly more like a person in a suit. Some details aside - both personal taste and accuracy to the variety of source materials - I think the Hot Toys version is a cut above overall.

It does have the benefit of being the newest, but Hot Toys has typically done well with armored figures so it would’ve been odd and disappointing if the figure didn’t turn out well. Even if they make odd decisions sometimes. Only real issue I have with the Hot Toys version is the Phase 1 helmet and I agree that Sideshow did it better.

Not that I mind more 501st that much, but before we get Kenobi-style clones when the hell we getting basic 212th people? They are needed! Everyone loves 501st but come on, we need variety. [insert usual complaints about no Wolfpack people, but even before them we need a damn 212th trooper.]

I wouldn’t worry. They made a ton of 501st Clones; they won’t be in a hurry to make more of just the Trooper.

We’ll probably get the 212th sooner than later. Likely ROTS 20th at the latest.
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