Marvel Main Events (Spoilers) [Currently Heroic Age]

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Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Most likely only a few of the Heroes coming out of the ship are not Skrulls.

It is probably a ploy to add further distrust and paranoia.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

that some ^^^^ up ^^^^....cant wait to see what happens...Good thing they didnt mess with the Hulk being a skrull....well for now at least..:duh
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

So.....certain Marvel characters are this Marvel's in for nullifing things done in the past? Will the Captain America killed really be a Skrull? Will the Spider-Man that cannot love Mary Jane be a Skrull that go into far with his cover? The story sounds interesting but my Spider-Sense is going off as this being Marvel's creative eraser...

I'm just catching up on this thread, but thought I'd reply to this. I saw the Bendis interview on G4 and he said he doesn't "red-ink" which I guess means going back and rewriting history already put down that may now be unpopular. So it sounded like whatever has happened, is happening, and to happen won't be undone with this storyline.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Grab the newest New Avengers.... There's a Queen Skrull walking among us...

Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)


Hmmm, hello... We've got our MAJOR first Skrull reveal (one that impacts BOTH AVENGERS teams)... Where are you guys?... Out watching some type of Iron Guy movie?
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Don't know if this idea has been posted but...

My theory.

All the heroes from the ship are Skrulls, they just don't know it. In number one they showed a few years ago with a Mr. Fantastic clone waking up in a fake hospital. And killed him/it when it didnt buy the story. Plus they say that the new Skrulls will have to not revert and think and act like humans not to be detected.

So the ones on the ship that crashed think they are the real heroes that were kidnapped at some point in their lives by Skrulls and now they were 'let' go in a ship to escape to earth. They think they are real but they are not.

Its a decoy like the US army used fake bases and camps to trick the Nazis to here the D day landings would come from.

As for when Hank Pym was turned into a Skrull, I think that was right after the Avengers break up after House of M. Hank and Janet were getting back together and taking some time off to be with each other. But then flash forward we find that they broke up because Hank suddenly became very closed off from Janet. As mentioned in the Mighty Avengers when Hank gave her the gift of the particles to fight Ultron.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

I think time will tell whether or not all the heroes in the ship were Skrulls, but if they really wanted to cause confusion, they would include some real abducted heroes in there.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

This is getting interesting. The major skrull reveal was a real surprise. I am glad they're telling the back story as well along with what happened to Nick Fury. Is is June yet?
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Do tell....its a spoilers thread might as well let everything spill especially for us who can't get to LCS on a regular basis.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Do tell....its a spoilers thread might as well let everything spill especially for us who can't get to LCS on a regular basis.

Currently at work, and the comic's at home but here goes...

The heroes who emerge from the ship and the two Avengers groups fight it out. Ares tries to convince his group to take off as it's a trap and getting their attention in the Savage Land when their attention should be someplace else.

The fight is good with hero fighting "hero". Some are revealed as Skrulls as they are killed... Spiderman, Hawkeye...etc... Ronin/Hawkeye is key as he gets his doppleganger's bow and arrows and starts nailing skrulls a la sniper. His former love however is seemingly real--- as Wolverine, Luke Cage, and Ronin confront her after a dinosaur sends everyone all over the place. She (can't remember her superhero identity but she reveals her true self with the date Oct. 12th--- Hawkeye asked her the importance of that date because she had a miscarriage and they figured that that would have been the birthdate of their child) says that she's unsure which of the others were Skrulls (although she suspected that some were among them) and when the three heroes push her on Captain America she says for sure that he's the real Captain America as he's the reason they got back-- also during the fight Ronin is unable to hit Captain America with his arrows and there's a key moment when he starts to wonder if maybe he really is the real one...

Tony/Iron Man is totally messed up and he gets Marvel to fly him to one of the abandoned science labs-- to an homage of his origin he tells her he's going to use the technology and the one thing that the Skrulls can't duplicate-- his brain... He's going to build a new suit.

NY is shown (with the Young Avengers) with a massive Skrull ship landing and tons of Skrulls (looking like heroes and possibly also having their individaul abilities-- a cool image) pouring out.

It's a cool issue and well worth picking up.. Oh, and the Vision (as an abvious Skrull) messes with the Sentry pretending to be the Void and sends him off quickly eliminating him from play.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Currently at work, and the comic's at home but here goes...

The heroes who emerge from the ship and the two Avengers groups fight it out. Ares tries to convince his group to take off as it's a trap and getting their attention in the Savage Land when their attention should be someplace else.

The fight is good with hero fighting "hero". Some are revealed as Skrulls as they are killed... Spiderman, Hawkeye...etc... Ronin/Hawkeye is key as he gets his doppleganger's bow and arrows and starts nailing skrulls a la sniper. His former love however is seemingly real--- as Wolverine, Luke Cage, and Ronin confront her after a dinosaur sends everyone all over the place. She (can't remember her superhero identity but she reveals her true self with the date Oct. 12th--- Hawkeye asked her the importance of that date because she had a miscarriage and they figured that that would have been the birthdate of their child) says that she's unsure which of the others were Skrulls (although she suspected that some were among them) and when the three heroes push her on Captain America she says for sure that he's the real Captain America as he's the reason they got back-- also during the fight Ronin is unable to hit Captain America with his arrows and there's a key moment when he starts to wonder if maybe he really is the real one...

Tony/Iron Man is totally messed up and he gets Marvel to fly him to one of the abandoned science labs-- to an homage of his origin he tells her he's going to use the technology and the one thing that the Skrulls can't duplicate-- his brain... He's going to build a new suit.

NY is shown (with the Young Avengers) with a massive Skrull ship landing and tons of Skrulls (looking like heroes and possibly also having their individaul abilities-- a cool image) pouring out.

It's a cool issue and well worth picking up.. Oh, and the Vision (as an abvious Skrull) messes with the Sentry pretending to be the Void and sends him off quickly eliminating him from play.

Cool review Neil.....Thanks for the heads up...I'm gonna wait for the trade or the hardcover..but its cool to know what happened...
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Basically nothing can be taken at face value. Mockingbird may still not be real. The Hawkeye from the ship was a Skrull, but who is to say Ronin wasn't. Also, you can't really tell which Spiderman/Skrull is dead. I also don't get the reasoning that Mockingbird gave for why Cap isn't a Skrull. If Cap piloted the ship to the Savage Land, that seems to be the best place to land to give the Skrulls a tactical advantage.

It is getting frustrating...I think Bendis needs to elaborate some more on the ground rules of this invasion. :monkey4
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Basically nothing can be taken at face value. Mockingbird may still not be real. The Hawkeye from the ship was a Skrull, but who is to say Ronin wasn't. Also, you can't really tell which Spiderman/Skrull is dead. I also don't get the reasoning that Mockingbird gave for why Cap isn't a Skrull. If Cap piloted the ship to the Savage Land, that seems to be the best place to land to give the Skrulls a tactical advantage.

It is getting frustrating...I think Bendis needs to elaborate some more on the ground rules of this invasion. :monkey4

I agree that Mockingbird (thanks for that-- it was getting annoying that I couldn't remember) could still be a Skrull.

The Cap thing, while still up in the air, was cool in that there was that moment when Ronin couldn't hit him with his arrows and he wondered--- almost like a prayer of hope that this was indeed the real Cap.

I also thought that it was interesting that Spider-Woman was in the background only after her Skrull reveal in the other title.

I went back and read ALL of the early issues of the New Avengers and man oh man does that Skrull ever have her fingers in TONS of pies.

Shai, it'll be a good read in hardcover format... but I'm such an Avengers' fan (going WAYYYYYYYYYYYY back) that I couldn't wait for it.

I do hope that Bendis has an overall vision that'll give us a nice pay-off.

Namor has a role to play in this as well... and it might be pivotal.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Shai, it'll be a good read in hardcover format... but I'm such an Avengers' fan (going WAYYYYYYYYYYYY back) that I couldn't wait for it.


loll..I understand..I did the same thing with the planet Hulk/WWH story couldnt wait for the trades.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Even though I won't get to my comic shop where I have Secret Invasion on my pull list until the end of the month, I had to go and get something from my old store, so I picked up a copy of #2! The temptation to read spoilers here was proving too great!:monkey3

Issue 2 is excellent, and the recap in the very start of the issue lets on about a few things that must have been covered in tie-in books. They state that the Captain Marvel that attacked the Thunderbolts HQ was a Skrull, so I guess that will be in the next Thunderbolts issue. With shipping schedules being so odd, I don't know what is continuity anymore. The S.W.O.R.D. director apparently survives Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men stuff, as she is featured prominently in Secret Invasion #1.

The fight is very confusing, but given the "bodysnatchers" nature of the story, there is no reason it shouldn't be. I wasn't sure about the Vision being a Skrull, but I never kept track of his superpowers. I was wondering how he would know about the Void (and can he shapeshift? I know he change density and such???), but it was a clever play to get rid of Sentry. Ares, as the God of War, seems to know a divide and conquer strategy when he sees one though!

The Spiderman/Skrull casualty seems to be the one from the ship, as the Spider logo on his costume is the old-school tiny logo. Hawkeye (Purple togs) from the ship is very clearly a Skrull, and I wasn't sure if the Beast is too. He is shot by Ronin with an arrow, and he may just appear pained, but he doesn't look like Hank McCoy as much after he gets shot. The whole fight is too chaotic. The paranoia just ups and ups, and the two-page splash showing invading Skrulls with superpowers is amazing! Some are very clearly amalgalms of entire superhero teams, like the sort of thing you might doodle in grade school, and one is clearly an assemblage of the main characters from Illuminati! When this image gets posted, it will be cool to pick apart which hero's powers are assumed by the Skrulls! Sorry to run on and on, but this whole book was very cool!
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Seems interesting but I think I will wait till the trade.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

So I just finished Captain Britian MI13 #1 and the Incredible hercules #? that were Secet invasion cross-overs. What a complete waste of time that was. The incredible Hercules made me feel stupid, like I needed a bachelor's degree in greek literature in order to appreciate it. And I really couldn't follow Captain Britian at all. Granted, I'm just starting to get back into reading comics, but these were completely foreign to me.

All other Secret invasion stories I'm digging, but these were sitting in the box and had to be read before I move onto the next ones, and needless to say, I won't be picking up any other of these two titles.
Re: Secret Invasion Discussion (Spoilers)

Secret Invasion #3 was pretty good. I'm definitely liking the pacing in SI compared to Civil War and World War Hulk. 3rd issue in and all hell has broken lose. Heroes dying left and right and the mind-^^^^^ of Tony Stark.