Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I don't think it's necessarily poorly written. But it was a take on the character that was viable 30 years ago - not so much now.

I'd like a reboot (as should have been done before SR), but a continuation in that milieu will be okay too, as long as it isn't just a rehash.

I do think that Spidey 1 & 2, Iron Man, X-Men and X2 and even Incredible Hulk are all better films and Batman Begins is far superior to SR. That's the yardstick now and Superman is the most important superhero and must be treated with the proper respect.

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

Dave I could not have said it better myself. It is ashame that Superman's first foray back into films was less than spectacular. I won't say that Superman Returns was bad, but with the job Bruce Timm and the guys at Warner Bros. animation has been able to do I expected more. Superman Doomsday was better than Superman Returns IMHO.
I would love to see Darkseid in a Superman film but to me Darkseid is Supes' greatest villain and as such deserves the greatest send off. How big of a let down would it be if Darkseid is in the next film and the followup is Metallo? Darkseid has to be the 3rd or 4th film down the line for me unless he would be in his own trilogy with Supes finally beating him once and for all kind of like the last episode of Superman:TAS.
If they really did it right I would be overwelmed with joy to see Brainiac as the main villain in the next film. Hell, they could even use Luthor as a secondary villain that Brainiac betrays opening it up for Lex to assist Supes in defeating Brainiac.
Superman is one of the greatest characters in American literature and demands a movie of equal greatness. If not, we always have Richard Donner's Superman I and II...
Re: The Man of Steel

I have too much respect and love for the character to simply throw my hands up and say at least there is a 30 year old film to remember it by. Hopefully Warner Bros/DC Comics will look at the successes of The Batman Franchise and Iron Man and take a radical rewriting of the Superman films.
Re: The Man of Steel

supes vs lex and braniac, braniac turns on lex and supes saves the day. lex hates supes even more. i just wrote SR2
Re: The Man of Steel

Millar is out hunting for the project again:

June 26, 2008: Mark Millar's Plans for New Superman Movie

Writer Mark Millar approached Warner Bros. months ago about his idea for a new Superman movie, but the WB, while impressed with Millar's pitch, reportedly declined his offer because he was too closely associated with Marvel Comics.

Now, with his comic book "Wanted" set to be a huge Hollywood hit, Millar is once again setting his sights on the Man of Steel according to an interview with the Daily Record in the U.K.

While he is an executive producer on Wanted, he is a full producer on his next movie Kick-Ass. He claims there are some A-list names involved in the film about an ordinary boy who becomes a superhero.

But Mark's big dream is making a Superman movie.

He said: "Since I was a kid I've always wanted to reinvent Superman for the 21st century.

"I've been planning this my entire life. I've got my director and producer set up, and it'll be 2011. This is how far ahead you have to think.

"The Superman brand is toxic after that last movie lost $200million, but in 2011 we're hoping to restart it.

"Sadly I can't say who the director is, but we may make it official by Christmas.

"But fingers crossed it could work out, that would be my lifetime's dream."

You can read the complete interview at the Daily Record website.

Realizing that this interview would be picked up by Superman fans, Millar posted the following message on his personal forum today...

"PS: That Superman news is interesting, isn't it? In the interests of clarity (because I'm sure this will be picked up somewhere) a very well known American action director heard about my love of Superman, approached my and asked me to team up with he and his producer to make a pitch for this. We've been talking for several weeks now and, if this is going to happen, we'll know by Christmas. He has huge pull at WB so fingers crossed. But this is nothing more than a huge US name pulling me into his fold and making me part of a package."

Thanks to Eli Gutierrez for the lead on this story.

Millar is usually known for shooting off his mouth before having anything set in stone so take it with a grain of salt but its interesting that with Singer and company trying to get the Man of Steel on track that others are making pitches to get rid of Singer's vision all together.

Oh....and before you start in with "Singer is already signed...they said they trust in him..." blah blah blah...remember its a movie studio. They tow the Status Quo line until something changes, its good business.
Re: The Man of Steel

Millar is out hunting for the project again:

June 26, 2008: Mark Millar's Plans for New Superman Movie

Writer Mark Millar approached Warner Bros. months ago about his idea for a new Superman movie, but the WB, while impressed with Millar's pitch, reportedly declined his offer because he was too closely associated with Marvel Comics.

Now, with his comic book "Wanted" set to be a huge Hollywood hit, Millar is once again setting his sights on the Man of Steel according to an interview with the Daily Record in the U.K.

While he is an executive producer on Wanted, he is a full producer on his next movie Kick-Ass. He claims there are some A-list names involved in the film about an ordinary boy who becomes a superhero.

But Mark's big dream is making a Superman movie.

He said: "Since I was a kid I've always wanted to reinvent Superman for the 21st century.

"I've been planning this my entire life. I've got my director and producer set up, and it'll be 2011. This is how far ahead you have to think.

"The Superman brand is toxic after that last movie lost $200million, but in 2011 we're hoping to restart it.

"Sadly I can't say who the director is, but we may make it official by Christmas.

"But fingers crossed it could work out, that would be my lifetime's dream."

You can read the complete interview at the Daily Record website.

Realizing that this interview would be picked up by Superman fans, Millar posted the following message on his personal forum today...

"PS: That Superman news is interesting, isn't it? In the interests of clarity (because I'm sure this will be picked up somewhere) a very well known American action director heard about my love of Superman, approached my and asked me to team up with he and his producer to make a pitch for this. We've been talking for several weeks now and, if this is going to happen, we'll know by Christmas. He has huge pull at WB so fingers crossed. But this is nothing more than a huge US name pulling me into his fold and making me part of a package."

Thanks to Eli Gutierrez for the lead on this story.

Millar is usually known for shooting off his mouth before having anything set in stone so take it with a grain of salt but its interesting that with Singer and company trying to get the Man of Steel on track that others are making pitches to get rid of Singer's vision all together.

Oh....and before you start in with "Singer is already signed...they said they trust in him..." blah blah blah...remember its a movie studio. They tow the Status Quo line until something changes, its good business.

God willing... they sure effed up the last one. Millar's the goods...
Re: The Man of Steel

I trust Millar way more than Singer at this point.

REBOOT please.
Re: The Man of Steel

Millar is an excellent Superman writer, he has shown that time and time again. He brings with him though a lot of baggage though...he is a blowhard in every sense of the word and many people say that had more to do with The WB passing on his treatment more than his connection with Marvel. He wants to show a lot of Krypton and the environment as well as he is firm on keeping Superman traditional which means the costume will look more like Reeve's Superman than Singer's.

Should be interesting if Wanted does as well as Millar has been say it would for months now, if DC and WB give him a real second look. Apparent he has someone big to direct along with him my fear is that they'll recast Routh.
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman really does need a reboot. I know I will be jumped for saying this but Superman the character is just boring and outdated. He needs more to survive in our day. All he ever does is.... nothing. No real emotion, no real drama going on with him. No real internal demons. He's way too powerful and can do almost anything. Where are the freakin flaws? And don't tell me his flaw is that he doesn't fit in with humans or some bull like that. That's an advantage.

Boring character= a boring ass movie and that is exactly what we got and exactly what we will get again. :lol

He seems like he could hang out with Captain Faramir... and you know how much fun that would be. :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

Millar is wrong for this project and WB knows it. So is Singer, as a Writer. As a Director he is fine, but I don't know if he'll be able to BS his way in to a Sequel either. WB will consider all options and most likely hire an A List Writer before they do anything.

And the reason "Wanted" is successful is because of Timur's vision of it, not Millar's.
Re: The Man of Steel

Warner's has no idea how to handle the property - they had Abrams script and were trying to cut the budget down when Singer came in with his pitch. It has the beauty of being done before and had a proven comics to screen director attached. No studio executive ever got fired for green lighting something that isn't original but has worked before.

I would have vastly preferred Abrams script to SR, even with Lex as an alien CIA agent (1st draft).

Millar talking about what he wants to do and claiming to have an important director attached is exactly the wrong thing to do and can only piss off Warners.

As for Superman being a boring character - I would completely and unequivocally disagree. A god who wants nothing more than to fit into human society and be able to love and be loved for himself is a fascinating character. Since the 80s comics reboot, he's developed more and more facets to explore.
Re: The Man of Steel

I think the should do to Superman what they did with Batman, make him realistic. He crashlands here on Earth as a baby, grows up in Smallville, gets a job as a reporter, and retires as an old man. They call him Superman because he was able to leave Smallville. :D
Re: The Man of Steel

As for Superman being a boring character - I would completely and unequivocally disagree. A god who wants nothing more than to fit into human society and be able to love and be loved for himself is a fascinating character. Since the 80s comics reboot, he's developed more and more facets to explore.

exactly.. I agree with dave completely.. but wow wow wow!! wait a minute I felt so much emotion from singer's movie.. especially when he finds out he doesn't fit in society any more and they don't need him... and marlon brando's voice over was amazing.. the thing I did hate was the lack of a proper villian.
Re: The Man of Steel

Millar talking about what he wants to do and claiming to have an important director attached is exactly the wrong thing to do and can only piss off Warners.
But that's so Mark Millar.

As for Superman being a boring character - I would completely and unequivocally disagree. A god who wants nothing more than to fit into human society and be able to love and be loved for himself is a fascinating character. Since the 80s comics reboot, he's developed more and more facets to explore.
Agreed. :lecture
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman really does need a reboot. I know I will be jumped for saying this but Superman the character is just boring and outdated. He needs more to survive in our day. All he ever does is.... nothing. No real emotion, no real drama going on with him. No real internal demons. He's way too powerful and can do almost anything. Where are the freakin flaws? And don't tell me his flaw is that he doesn't fit in with humans or some bull like that. That's an advantage.

Boring character= a boring ass movie and that is exactly what we got and exactly what we will get again. :lol

He seems like he could hang out with Captain Faramir... and you know how much fun that would be. :lol

Re: The Man of Steel

Seriously, his flaw is that he doesn't fit in? That's the best it gets? And all the while he is such a dork without a real personality as Clark. Then he just takes of the glasses and no one realizes it's the other guy. :rotfl

He's an antiquated super hero. He is outdated and I totally predict that in the future every generation will care less and less about this character unless they actually develop him and finally let him evolve into something more than a pure cut and dry church going super hero.

Superman is a clear example of why Marvel is owning DC in almost every aspect.