Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight - Image Thread

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Except that they do highlight the problem with the expression - he still looks surprised, which really doesn't work too well in some poses. He looks best when viewed from an angle that hides or detracts from the open mouth.
I really like this picture. Looks really cool

More pics on the Spawn board:

The more I see, the better I think this figure will be.

This one calmed what little fears I still had about the expression:

"I shouldn't be here; I'm endangering the mission."

He doesn't look "scared" to me. He looks interested, concerned maybe. Hamill looked a lot more scared and surprised in spots in ROTJ.
Customikey said:
I think this is a good point to repeat my services as a custom painter to anyone who desires it. :D

And you're in NYC I see. I'm on Long Island. Very convenient.
I haven't gotten mine yet, so I'm not certain what I'm going to do with it, but I have a feeling that simply moving the eyes up a bit would take care of the "surprised" look.
Mine shipped out yesterday. Expected on the 28th. Talk about slow travel. A week to ship via Fed Ex Ground? UPS takes about 3 days. USPS takes 2-3 via Priority, roughly the same price. Oh well...

The expression certainly depends on the angle viewed. Sometimes he looks "curious", other times like he farted in a crowded elevator...
I think I will display mine with the gray tunic on and perhaps the robe. From the pics I think I will prefer it that way so his body looks a little larger. He is looking fantastic. I like the expression pretty well. Thanks for the pics, mine doesn't arrive till Saturday.
pickard said:
More pics on the Spawn board:

The more I see, the better I think this figure will be.

This one calmed what little fears I still had about the expression:

"I shouldn't be here; I'm endangering the mission."

He doesn't look "scared" to me. He looks interested, concerned maybe. Hamill looked a lot more scared and surprised in spots in ROTJ.

These pics confirm it for me too. Mat Falls, the sculptor, told us on a web chat the day this was offered that he was looking for the essence of Luke and used many reference shots, but this Luke expression was derived from the moments Luke first appeared at Jabba's palace, robed and hooded...
OK, I took a couple more shots this morning without the flash and with the curtains open:





And after spending a couple hours inspecting him, attaching & detaching hands, inspecting accessories, etc... I have come to the conclusion that this is without a doubt the best 12" Star Wars figure to date. One of the problems I have with Sideshow product is that is rarely photographs well. But to me, that proves it's worth. I mean, try photographing a person... so much depends on the lighting, the expression, the teeniest shadow. It's the same with a Sideshow figure.

Just look at the photos. In the first, I took the shot with direct sunlight... in the second, I let my hand throw a shadow over Luke's face. He really doesn't come across as all that surprised-looking in person. His mouth is NOT as deep in real life as it looks in half the photos you see. And maybe my camera gives things a bit of a fisheyed look. Who knows? Maybe I just need to upgrade the camera.

Everything in this world is subjective. One man's trash is another's treasure. From what I saw online, I wasn't too impressed. And if I saw my own photos without having seen the real deal, I probably wouldn't have been much impressed still. But seeing it in person is a whole new can of worms.

Anyway, that's all I have to say today. Enjoy your figures as they arrive and I hope to be able to provide y'all with the first shots of Anakin in a month or so!

- J!
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I agree Jow. These are not the easiest products to photograph because of the level of detail in them you have to be a pretty solid photographer to take good shots of these. Overall, the fig looks pretty sweet and I'm more than impressed with it.
These images and those posted over at RS have made me extremely jealous!!!
I still haven't received a shipping notice, :monkey2, but being all the way out in Chicago, even with a notice, it will still be a few days!

I am not sure which is worse, getting thru a preorder or waiting for shipping!
Customikey said:
I haven't gotten mine yet, so I'm not certain what I'm going to do with it, but I have a feeling that simply moving the eyes up a bit would take care of the "surprised" look.

I don't think that the way the eyes are set is contributing to the surprised look too much. I believe it is the way the molded eye brows are set that makes Luke look surprised. The picture that was posted with Luke's head tilted down to lessen the mouth gape also lessen the brow as well.

Just my two cents.
That second pic is a winner Jow. And you are certainly right, lighting angles etc. all effect the pics greatly. I hope you don't feel I was bashing your original pics with the "surprised" comment, I realize they were "quick and dirty" and appreciate you posting them.

I do agree with collector freak, being better than Hasbro isn't enough. I hear a lot of talk about how something is "the best out there" but that statement in and of itself doesn't mean something is good. The best "something" available, whatever that something may be, may still not be all that great in the eyes of many collectors.

Now after seeing several sets of pics of Jedi Luke I am fairly certain that I am going to be VERY satisfied when I receive mine this weekend. Sideshow has set the bar pretty high for themselves, and I am sure they are going to deliver on Luke and the rest of the star wars 12" line.

Now lets see some more pics in the meantime!
Collector Freak, I am curious as to what you don't like about the figure. You have several discouraged posts, but I like what I see, so color me confused. The sculpt looks great to me, while not photorealistic, but I don't expect that for any toy. The amount and quality of accessories is staggering, even by SS standards. The oufit and detailing and little perks like wire in the shirt and cloak look great. Now I am basing my opinion on the pics posted, so I have to wait to see it up close. What has you so down on this one?
I am blown away on the quality that seems to come thru on those pics Jow, I am totally sold and can't wait to "play" with it and make all of the cool movie poses. Good Job on the 2nd pic the most.
I just recieved my Jedi Luke this morning, too, and I have to say that it does look much better in person. The expression is still there but when you see the detail around his eyes, mouth, etc, it really does make him come to life. Great figure.

I haven't opened him yet. That will have to wait until I get back from work but this bodes very well for the Star Wars 12" line. It bodes well for the LOTR 12" line as well since so far they seem even better and more detailed than the Star Wars figs.

Great Job Sideshow.
Rugby1970 said:
I just recieved my Jedi Luke this morning, too, and I have to say that it does look much better in person.
Great Job Sideshow.

I agree. Just got mine moments ago. Awesome in person!

Once he's in your hand and in scale, its a whole different thing.