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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Atlantic Ocean
So I had an interesting conversation with a relative of mine last weekend. He is younger and grew up with the PT.. He asked how I like the last SW film and I said I liked it.. He had the reaction and complaints that most here on this thread do..

It was funny to hear the complaints i read on this board actually verbalized.. As he is only the 2nd person I have met in my personal life that did not like the film..

Anyways we went through the usual back and forth about the likes and dislikes and then he came about to how the OT characters were treated.

I gave him my opinion about how it was the only way to split up the core team and to allow another empire to rise.

You had to have the loss of a child to split up Han and Leia and you had to have that loss be Luke's fault (at least in his head) to split Luke from everyone..

I was a bit more descriptive then that and he kind of got a smile and said.. "Now that is cool but the film should have explained all that"

To that I said "That is the difference between those that grew up with the PT in existence and those that didn't.. We were always using our imagination and filling in the holes. We did not feel the need to have it all spelled out. Not in the SW Universe anyways.. He smiled and agreed.. but he still holds no love for TROS or any of the ST. He did understand my points for liking what I liked and Han's death having more meaning and it being the path to Kylo's redemption and all that.. I also stated I understood the hate that the films are getting especially the TLJ..

It was a great conversation and kind of surreal to hear it spoken out loud with a real person :lol