LOST discussion - thar be spoilers ahead!

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Thought it was interesting, that we actually have confirmation that the "people" that the losties see are actually controlled by Ben. That's interesting, but how he does it is still a mystery (and that the people are actually smokey). But then how would you explain Walt coming to John when he was shot in the hole (don't think Ben would do that for John). So maybe smokey has a mind of its own AND obeys Ben to a point.

We all knew that Ben was in love with Juliette, that wasn't hard to figure out. I still think that she will die before Jack gets off the island. And the Widmore connection was finially spelled out for us (we all assumed that the freighter was his and he wants the island to exploit it). Juliette thinks that it's the freighter (widmore) people against ben and his people and that ben will win. YOu can come up with two conclusions to this:

1) ben wins, freighter/widmore people lose and he gets sayid to work for him off the island(to finish the widmore people off)

2) ben loses (widmore people get the island and allow some of the losties off the island) and ben has to leave the island and fight widmore off the island

I honestly don't know which is going on...
Is it at all possible that it's Jack's dad?

(Or am I forgetting something stupid again?! :monkey1)

(And... I liked this episode... :D)

He's dead... Just like Harper's dead and that's how Ben was able to communicate with her (it was only her spirit--or rather her spirit as manifested by the island...) Thoughts?
But you know outside of people that scour for news, most people that watch Lost probably don't know Mike is back.

You don't have to scour news. The actor's name has been in the credits since the first episode this season.:lol:lol:lol
Thought it was interesting, that we actually have confirmation that the "people" that the losties see are actually controlled by Ben.

I know Juliette said the message was from Ben, but do you think she knew it was the smoke monster? And how would Ben send a message from his captivity? He has the same ghost whispering power as Miles?

Was smokey then relaying a message from Ben or did Juliette just think that was the case?

Only once I hear from Carlton and Damon will I consider it confirmed that Ben has control over the smoke monster.
Hey, Bannister, I've had your name in every book I translated this year, but I'd be surprised if you actually popped up in one of them.

Downloading torrent of the fifth episode of the fourth season -- abc.go.com won't let me watch it legally. Also, you're the 10,000th visitor, this is no joke.
Thought it was interesting, that we actually have confirmation that the "people" that the losties see are actually controlled by Ben. That's interesting, but how he does it is still a mystery (and that the people are actually smokey). But then how would you explain Walt coming to John when he was shot in the hole (don't think Ben would do that for John). So maybe smokey has a mind of its own AND obeys Ben to a point.

We all knew that Ben was in love with Juliette, that wasn't hard to figure out. I still think that she will die before Jack gets off the island. And the Widmore connection was finially spelled out for us (we all assumed that the freighter was his and he wants the island to exploit it). Juliette thinks that it's the freighter (widmore) people against ben and his people and that ben will win. YOu can come up with two conclusions to this:

1) ben wins, freighter/widmore people lose and he gets sayid to work for him off the island(to finish the widmore people off)

2) ben loses (widmore people get the island and allow some of the losties off the island) and ben has to leave the island and fight widmore off the island

I honestly don't know which is going on...

I think it's more like number two.

(And I hope that Juliet was not allowed to leave the island with the Oceanic Six, and Jack will be reuinted with her when he returns. I would be upset if they killed her off. Kate and Sawyer can have each other--I would much rather see Jack with Juliet.)
Comingsoon.net has an article were the actors got to ask questions to the producers and it was stated that....

possible spoilers....

We WILL see the Oceanic Six get off the island during season 4.
Wow! That was just another great episode. It TOTALLY threw me for a loop as I thought we were in flash forwards for both Jin and Sun. And kudos to everyone who knew Michael was on the boat.:chew

EDIT: Oh these tricky writers! The date on the tombstone was 9/22/2004. The date of the crash! So he's still probably on the island?
Yeah, pretty clever episode. Flashback for Jin and flash forward for Sun.

So, next week is about Mr. Johnson (Michael) and someone will die.

Then we are on break for 5 weeks....AGAIN.
Yeah, good episode...I really thought it was going to be someone other than Michael since they hinted at it so much. It's been a great season!!!!!
That was very sneaky, made the episode really good though. I guess now we know Aaron does count as a member of the Oceanic 6. Kinda interesteing that they banked on us not being sure whether he is or not to make this come off even better.
That was very sneaky, made the episode really good though. I guess now we know Aaron does count as a member of the Oceanic 6. Kinda interesteing that they banked on us not being sure whether he is or not to make this come off even better.

i always thought aron would be counted............but.......what if Micheal is one of them?????............but if he is.....where is walt?........and why would he leave without him? is walt dead?............i so want it to be aron........so i can say BOO-YA in my wife's face :D
I don't think it would be Michael, although I suppose it could be, but I don't think they would be that misleading saying that the last of the Oceanic 6 would be revealed tonight. One thing I do wonder...who is in the coffin and why doesn't that person count as a member of the 6? Ben is the only one who comes to my mind for that.
thats whats tricky about the flash forwards........you dont know how long ahead they are. we know ben got off the island & sayid works for him (i know he isnt a 6'er) but we know he was alive with sayid. so if he did die and he is in the coffin then jack's first flash forward at the funeral puts that time after that :google right?
I think Jack's flashforward was a pretty good distance in to the future given that Hurley's is beofre that and Kate's appears to be as well. And Sun's is before Hurley's.
probably so.........but this show is tricky as hell to say the least. i ranked this episode 2nd best so far behind desmonds episode for this season. did everyone see micheal in the hoody up on deck right after the girl went to davy jones locker?. my wife totally missed him.