Lando Calrissian Processing Notice!

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My bad, I meant $79.99 - I was looking at an older invoice to see what the shipping charges were.
I'm glad Lando will be coming before the African-American Slim TT ships, I've got one on order but only to make sure I secured one incase I felt Lando could use it, I figured my luck I'd have the TT before Lando and be stuck, this way I can just cancel if I don't feel he needs it.

I'm curious to see how the cape stays on him.
Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler. You've got a lot of guts comin' here... if you cancel him! :tap
its not that. it's that I'm not sure if i wanna keep him, at the expense of something else.
i've got too much coming at the end of the year, and i need to let some things go. Lando's on the block, just not sure if I want to get him now, or wait till later and pick him up then....
No way I'm canceling Lando... he's been on my "most wanted" list since we started getting the Bespin Han and Luke figures :rock
I still haven't gotten the slab... its on my list, but I don't feel real rushed to pick it up.
Me neither.. I haven't seen any pics that convince me its is $200 better than the Hasbro version.
Yeah, that's part of it... also I was kind of bummed that it comes with this wall and bit of floor, but not enough of them to actually allow you to set up a figure and not be crowding the block.

I wanted to put a Gammorean Guard next to him, but just doesn't seem to be enough room for that to work.
cool news that lots of you are cancelling ....
at least for me - i'm hoping for a wait list conversion any day now.
Me neither.. I haven't seen any pics that convince me its is $200 better than the Hasbro version.

The complete product (slab hanging on the wall) looks great when paired with Jabba's throne (and the Medi Boba standing in front of it)-- but on its own... Oh hell, it'd still probably look great. I'm happy with mine anyway and very stoked that Lando's finally going to be on his way...
Looks like his General Hospital janitor clothes.
I notice the wrinkles in his shirt are going in opposite directions between the two photos though :lol, one's an innie and ones an outtie :lol
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