Lando Calrissian Processing Notice!

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Vader, Old Ben and ROTS Ben, ROTS Anakin and SDCC Vaderkin, Troopers, ROTJ Luke and Bespin Luke, Leia as Boushh, Bib Fortuna and Salacious Crumb, and any custom I have pretty much... and Lando. :love
Well that's still a pretty awesome spread. I was pretty worried for you man. I saw that for sale thread and it hurt. :monkey2

But at the same time, you have my condolences.

And congratulations too, because we're finally getting Lando, and that rocks. :rock
Its nice to be able to prove to myself that I am not a complete slave to the collector's mentality. :lol
So it wasn't forced out of necessity?

I've been pretty good with it so far. All told, I'll have 26 after the Sandtrooper and Lando. A lot more than I'd originally intended, but a lot less than I could have fallen prey to.

If I'm strict with myself, I'll only end up with twice that. I guess that's still kind of alot. :dunno
I'm not buying nearly as much as I used to either.

I'll admit to being one of the people cancelling Lando even though for a long time I asked for him. I've been asking for him since 2006 when the figures were $50 each though!

I think Lando isn't that important a character and I didn't think the proto was all that impressive compared to ANH Luke or ANH Han or other recent figures. Personally, I think you're falling into the trap if you're selling older figures now for less than you paid and buying Lando at retail. Basically its like trading in a paid off but nice used car for a lease on a overpriced new car. You're suffering the depreciation twice.

I fall into that too, losing interest in older figures that is, though I never sell them off. I really want to find a way to bring new life to those older figures. I may need to learn how to rotate my collection better.
So it wasn't forced out of necessity?

I've been pretty good with it so far. All told, I'll have 26 after the Sandtrooper and Lando. A lot more than I'd originally intended, but a lot less than I could have fallen prey to.

If I'm strict with myself, I'll only end up with twice that. I guess that's still kind of alot. :dunno

Necessity for sure. No sense selling something if you don't have to. But I was surprised how good I felt after I sold them. Unlike when I sold my LOTR figures last year and regretted every second.
That's no fun. For a second I had hopes that you were just trying to prove something.

Do you still have all your zombies?
Got my notice as well. Haven't gotten anything from SS since ComicCon Luke/Han. Good to be excited again.
As much as I really, really wanted to keep this piece... in the end, I just couldn't justify dropping $90 on what is really a basic doll that could have been released several years ago. I'm not just being critical, now - I love the sculpt, even if the head is too large, and I like the overall package even though the accessories are sparse. I also like the smaller edition size... but I'm willing to gamble I will still be able to track this down for half the retail price further down the road.

Another factor is that I've spent a crapload on SSC's additions to Jabba's Palace and I'm willing to bet we get a Skiff Lando pretty soon. Something I will have to get.
As much as I really, really wanted to keep this piece... in the end, I just couldn't justify dropping $90 on what is really a basic doll that could have been released several years ago.

Thats exactly how I feel. Its not like this figure is far technically advanced compared to the 2006 and 2007 figures that sold for $50. I felt fine paying more for figures like the Stormtroopers and Vader, but hard to justify the price for Lando.
Yeah, he's $80. $80 is the ne $50. With Stormies and Vaders being $100+, basic figures for $80 seems like a good deal, still less expensive than a lot of other basic figures. I weigh prices against importance of the piece and the market of today. For what figures cost today, $80 for Lando seems like a good deal.
I do feel like we used to get a lot more for Luke Jedi's $49.99 than we do today for $79.99... but that was a 1/6th lifetime ago. No point looking back.

Blame HT for raising the price point on the entire high-end 1/6th market.
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