James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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I just saw the trailer for this one tonight, and I'm not digging the CGI at all. Looks pretty hokey to me.

IYO, did District 9 have better CGI? Someone on another forums said Avatar's cgi is compairable to Final Fantasy (The Movie) at times.

Also, anyone here see it in 3D?

Saw the 15 minutes in Imax! The trailer doesn't do this film justice. Those that are simply keeping their trust in the fact its a cameron film are wise. This just blew me away. It actually exceeded the hype to me. The trailer wasnt bad but after seeing this, it feels like they dumbed it down on purpose. There is so much more awesomeness to this film than the teaser trailer leads you to believe. Not to mention the Na'vi CG is very realistic. You never think CG after 5 seconds of watching.

You will not be disappointed.

District 9 was making realistic cockroaches. Its a bit more difficult to create a humanoid that is convincing on screen. The trailer doesnt do the film justice. I honestly dont see how anyone who has witnessed the 15 minutes can say otherwise. This is original. Its not like Dances with Wolves. There may be a similarity or two because there is only so many emotions and plot lines before you cross into similarity to something else but it holds to be being original. I was blown away by 15 minutes and this sucker is 3 HOURS! The CG is the best out there, blows away district 9 because of its epic scale and...well its not even worth defending. Just see the movie come DEC 18 and you will see what I mean.

The 15 minutes was SO much better than the trailer. The Na'vi were convincing and there were moments that looked photoreal....but who cares- the story is great and the CG is not distracting. The world of Pandora is surreal and beautiful and will make an amazing ride for all audiences Cameron style.

District 9 was making realistic cockroaches. Its a bit more difficult to create a humanoid that is convincing on screen. The trailer doesnt do the film justice. I honestly dont see how anyone who has witnessed the 15 minutes can say otherwise. This is original. Its not like Dances with Wolves. There may be a similarity or two because there is only so many emotions and plot lines before you cross into similarity to something else but it holds to be being original. I was blown away by 15 minutes and this sucker is 3 HOURS! The CG is the best out there, blows away district 9 because of its epic scale and...well its not even worth defending. Just see the movie come DEC 18 and you will see what I mean.

The 15 minutes was SO much better than the trailer. The Na'vi were convincing and there were moments that looked photoreal....but who cares- the story is great and the CG is not distracting. The world of Pandora is surreal and beautiful and will make an amazing ride for all audiences Cameron style.

District 9 was making realistic cockroaches. Its a bit more difficult to create a humanoid that is convincing on screen. The trailer doesnt do the film justice. I honestly dont see how anyone who has witnessed the 15 minutes can say otherwise. This is original. Its not like Dances with Wolves. There may be a similarity or two because there is only so many emotions and plot lines before you cross into similarity to something else but it holds to be being original. I was blown away by 15 minutes and this sucker is 3 HOURS! The CG is the best out there, blows away district 9 because of its epic scale and...well its not even worth defending. Just see the movie come DEC 18 and you will see what I mean.

The 15 minutes was SO much better than the trailer. The Na'vi were convincing and there were moments that looked photoreal....but who cares- the story is great and the CG is not distracting. The world of Pandora is surreal and beautiful and will make an amazing ride for all audiences Cameron style.

Now that's what I want to hear. I so wished that Fox hadn't dropped the ball on this screening promo and got it out to more towns like St. Louis where I live. Just got twin reviews of it from two friends, one in NYC and the other in LA who said the same thing after seeing the 15 minutes of footage (and these guys do not impress easily)...forget the trailer; AVATAR is going to be a film you'll want to see again and again.

Now that's what I want to hear. I so wished that Fox hadn't dropped the ball on this screening promo and got it out to more towns like St. Louis where I live. Just got twin reviews of it from two friends, one in NYC and the other in LA who said the same thing after seeing the 15 minutes of footage (and these guys do not impress easily)...forget the trailer; AVATAR is going to be a film you'll want to see again and again.

Exactly! I am not unlike your friends. I am a very tough critic when it comes to acting, sci-fi, CG-all of that. Thats why I was left dumbfounded when I couldnt find flaw. I got chills from the moment James introduced it to the unfortunate ending of the short screening. Truly amazing. Im still left a bit puzzled by the teaser. I mean, it wasnt awful by any means but they must have wanted to deflate some of the hype. This truly made me feel so much better and made me feel as though my expectations and excitement for the film were justified.

No doubt the CG is top of the line, but it's the total fantasy nature of it that makes it still feel an upgraded Final Fantasy movie.

You have to accept a totally different world unlike what you know, and then you can easily buy into the CG as reality.

As mentioned above though, the CG isn't a distraction at all. Lucas wishes Star Wars looked like this.

The 3-D is brilliant as well.

Did I mention the blue naked chick yet???

Lol, i noticed that. Tastefully done. Cameron must like the teets. I think the audience will buy into the world since the live action is mixed in. Having the lab on the planet surface helps join the two worlds together. You get the feeling that if a place like Pandora could exist this is what it would look like. But you have to admit, the grass and plants are the best CG work I think I have ever seen.

My brother posts on the Marketsaw website which gets Avatar news before anyone else. He was with me when we saw the screening. I thought some of you might be interested to read his thoughts on the subjects so I copied his post from the Marketsaw blog-

Im in love with this movie so far lol

Ok, so because I got there so early I was actually the first in line at the Dallas Texas IMAX showing. It was fun talking with other fans in line about what we were about to see.
The footage was..... Breathtaking. Totally realistic and totally incredible. I bought every second of it. Now I loved the trailer in the first place, and I can understand some peoples opinions of how some shots looked CG. but seeing more interaction between the characters definitely raises the bar to the next level and doesn't come close to the trailer. The fluidity and motion was of Jake's Avatar was PERFECT. The bio luminescent forest was beautiful. My brother actually got chocked up for a second on more than one scene seeing how beautiful it was! Someone else said "this is going to be the best movie of all time". The music that plays on the Avatar website is what is playing when Jake lays onto the lab bed, just something I noticed. Amazing facial animation, you experience what they experience and feel what they feel. The overall depth of the movie is crazy. It just feels like another world completely and its hard to describe, so I wont lol Seeing him wrestle with the banshee had me on edge for some reason. I don't know it just sort of draws you in to the scene cause it feels incredibly real.
I can say 100% now in full honesty, that all the haters out there calling it cartoony and fake and "Epic Fail" are literally, and I mean literally wrong. There is no such thing as opinion on this subject, there is only fact, and the fact is that this movie will be awesome. Oh yeah, the 3d was outstanding lol. I totally forgot about it cause there was so much to look at and take in.
James Cameron has done it again. But this time, at least from the 15 minute footage, It is a perfect emotional masterpiece that I cant wait to experience again : )

ps. Saw G.I Joe afterwards because we were already at the theater with nothing better to do. Ill say this much, after seeing Avatar, G.I Joe is what I used to wipe my butt after Avatar made me crap my pants

My brother posts on the Marketsaw website which gets Avatar news before anyone else. He was with me when we saw the screening. I thought some of you might be interested to read his thoughts on the subjects so I copied his post from the Marketsaw blog-

Im in love with this movie so far lol

Ok, so because I got there so early I was actually the first in line at the Dallas Texas IMAX showing. It was fun talking with other fans in line about what we were about to see.
The footage was..... Breathtaking. Totally realistic and totally incredible. I bought every second of it. Now I loved the trailer in the first place, and I can understand some peoples opinions of how some shots looked CG. but seeing more interaction between the characters definitely raises the bar to the next level and doesn't come close to the trailer. The fluidity and motion was of Jake's Avatar was PERFECT. The bio luminescent forest was beautiful. My brother actually got chocked up for a second on more than one scene seeing how beautiful it was! Someone else said "this is going to be the best movie of all time". The music that plays on the Avatar website is what is playing when Jake lays onto the lab bed, just something I noticed. Amazing facial animation, you experience what they experience and feel what they feel. The overall depth of the movie is crazy. It just feels like another world completely and its hard to describe, so I wont lol Seeing him wrestle with the banshee had me on edge for some reason. I don't know it just sort of draws you in to the scene cause it feels incredibly real.
I can say 100% now in full honesty, that all the haters out there calling it cartoony and fake and "Epic Fail" are literally, and I mean literally wrong. There is no such thing as opinion on this subject, there is only fact, and the fact is that this movie will be awesome. Oh yeah, the 3d was outstanding lol. I totally forgot about it cause there was so much to look at and take in.
James Cameron has done it again. But this time, at least from the 15 minute footage, It is a perfect emotional masterpiece that I cant wait to experience again : )

ps. Saw G.I Joe afterwards because we were already at the theater with nothing better to do. Ill say this much, after seeing Avatar, G.I Joe is what I used to wipe my butt after Avatar made me crap my pants

Awesome :rock

Let us know what you think! :)
I'm still trying to attach my jaw back on!! It's gonna be amazing!! I don't care what people say about the CG being to "cartoony".....I thought it looked amazing and the character designs are teh shat!!! Can't wait to see this MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Bambi, you're a crazy girl. On the forums in a theatre. My net stays at home and well..... I use it at school. Even I need to take a break from it.

lol ELI!! I had to let my fellow freaks know I was there...so you guiys can feel u where there with me!!!

I am with ya girl !
This teaser was only 30% done and the graphics blew me away.
Imagine when its fully done !

WOW ! I am pumped.

30% done? What is your source. This is good info and would explain alot.

I asked Darklord Dave to consolidate the Avatar discussion to one thread so we can all chime in together without the Avatar goodness getting spread around to 4 or 5. Thanks Darklord dave
The Official James Cameron's AVATAR Movie Discussion Thread

Too many threads got started about this topic. We need to try and keep our comments compiled into one location so everyone can chime in. Thanks
Re: The Official James Cameron's AVATAR Movie Discussion Thread

Looks good. Can't wait to see if the new 3-D tech lives up to the hype of being revolutionary and the new standard in movie viewing experience. The theater needs something exclusive that can blow away the home theater thats for sure.