Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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Black says No Mandarin and IM2 wasn't that good.

“We decided that the villain was going to be the Melter – no, I’m kidding,” added Black as the audience laughed. The director continued, “That’s the problem, isn’t it? Iron Man never really had good villains.” When audience members suggested the Mandarin, Black dismissed it as a racist caricature. The director then said he was not going to divulge any detail about who the villain would be, stating that it was more satisfying to see the movie without knowing everything beforehand.

Touching on the second “Iron Man” movie, Black stated that while it was successful commercially, he believed it was critically ill received as the movie made a lot of “half choices” and that Stark was not a “proactive” hero in it.

“The middle of the movie is Tony Stark sitting around his house!” complained Black. Emphasizing high stakes as extremely important to a movie, Black said that in “Iron Man 3” he hoped to make bold choices and planned to set up multiple payoffs and reversals. He suddenly quizzed the audience on what a reversal was, and one audience member said it was an event or bit of information that shifted your perception.

“I love the tinker toy approach, I love having a set…really I’m just playing,” added Black.

Rest of the very lengthy article:
I'd love to see Shane Black use Ultron as the villain this time. If Ultron were to get into Stark's system he could take over Jarvis, allowing Paul Betanny to portray a version of Ultron.
in Film Movie News Behind-the-Scenes Marvel Studios Action Adventure Comic Book Avengers
The upcoming third installment of Marvel Studios' popular Iron Man film franchise is prepping to begin production in North Carolina early next year with director Shane Black at it's helm.

It was recently revealed that production of Iron Man 3 will settle down in North Carolina after passing on several other principal photography locations including Los Angeles, Michigan and New Mexico. Scheduled for theatrical release on May 3rd, 2013, Iron Man 3 will be directed by Shane Black based off of a script by Drew Pierce. Robert Downy Jr will reprise his role as the title character; Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle would return as Pepper Potts and Rhoades, respectively.

Premier Casting has now let fans of their Facebook page know that the film's production is searching for plenty of help from local extras and crew members:

Iron Man 3 will use about 1,000 extras during the film and there will be over 550 crew jobs and will be shooting from May 2012 until January 2013 with a Memorial Day weekend release in 2013.

According to OnLocationVacations, they are looking for extras of all ages, shapes and sizes of all ethnicities; including kids, and adults. If you would like to register as an extra in the Wilmington area, visit
I liked the banter in IM2 but Favreau's self cameos were even more gratuitous than those of M. Night Shyamalan. The movie just didn't seem to go anywhere and was quite forgettable compared to IM1.

Looking forward to seeing how some new blood handles the franchise.
Could Namor be the villain for IM3?

This sounds like a pretty classic case of adding two and two together to get a thousand, but there's a new theory that the villain of the latest Iron Man film will be Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner. The main pieces of evidence appear to be the fact that the movie's North Carolina filming studios have a giant water tank, that there were maybe some very minor Atlantis-related Easter Eggs in Iron Man 2, and that it's been speculated — I'm not even sure I'd say it's been rumored — that the movie will adapt the classic "Demon in a Bottle" story, which features Namor. Honestly, it's all pretty shaky, and it seems to fly right in the face of director Shane Black's repeated statements that this will be a grittier, more grounded take on Iron Man, which seems to preclude a mutant, Atlantean villain. The one heavily qualified thing that I will grant is that the basic idea of Namor showing up in a Marvel movie, perhaps even initially as a villain, is far from impossible. However, I wouldn't say this is the argument that even remotely proves that's going to happen.

As we recently reported, sources have told us that production on Iron Man 3 is expected to begin earlier than originally anticipated. We’ve also been snooping around for any info on potential villains for Iron Man 3, but no one seems to have any official word yet. However, some things we have uncovered about the shooting location and the choice of production facility does lend itself to some rather interesting Iron Man 3 villain speculation.

While tax credits played a role in the choice of the coastal town of Wilmington, North Carolina as a filming location for Iron Man 3, the production facilities at EUE/Screen Gems Studios were also a factor. EUE/Screen Gems Studios has a 37,500 square foot sound stage that includes a special effects water tank. Parts of Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, which is scheduled to be released on February 10, were also filmed at this same studio, utilizing a water tank that was 80 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep.

Much of the initial online speculation about potential Iron Man 3 villains has revolved around Mandarin or The Ghost. With his martial arts skills and his ten rings of power, the Mandarin would certainly make for an interesting villain. However, at the Long Beach Comic Con, Iron Man 3 director Shane Black reportedly dismissed Mandarin as a “racist caricature.” Now, Black could have been making a calculated statement to throw fans off the trail, but the last superhero movie involving rings did not do particularly well at the box office. Would Marvel really want to chance including anything in their movie revolving around power rings?

After the Mandarin, The Ghost seems to be the most frequent Iron Man 3 villain name popping up online. However, most of the speculation around The Ghost is just geared around that he’s the type of villain that would fit well into a Shane Black film. The fact that The Ghost is a superhacker would give the movie a very timely and relevant feel, but The Ghost’s other powers which include invisibility and intangibility could be difficult to translate on screen.

So while the Mandarin and The Ghost are possibilities, we think there might be another possibility. As already mentioned, Marvel Studios is shooting in a coastal town in a facility that boasts a special effects water tank as one of its selling point. The location lends itself to a water-based villain, which got us thinking.

In Iron Man 2, there were several easter eggs involving Atlantis, which led to lots of speculation that Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner would be appearing in an upcoming Marvel Studios film. There have also been reports that a giant sea creature called Leviathan will make an appearance in The Avengers, which has led to speculation about Atlantis and Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner in that movie as well.

Of course, Loki is the main villain featured in The Avengers, so if Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner does make an appearance it’s likely in a supporting role. Knowing how Marvel Studios likes to tie their films together, it would make sense that they might want to lay the groundwork in The Avengers for the villain in their next big film, which is Iron Man 3.

Also, both Robert Downey, Jr. and Don Cheadle have dropped some revealing hints about the Iron Man 3 script. Downey, Jr. has described the script as the best script he’s read in five years, while Cheadle has described the script as being action-packed. For Downey, Jr. to rave over the script quality, it makes us think that maybe the story might revolve around the classic “Demon In A Bottle” storyline.

Since Justin Hammer was introduced in Iron Man 2, it would seem like a natural lead-in to “Demon In A Bottle,” since Hammer was the main adversary in that storyline. And guess who else was also involved in that storyline: Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner. In fact, the beginning of “Demon In A Bottle” revolved around a battle between Iron Man and Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner.

So you have hints of Atlantis in Iron Man 2, rumors of Atlantis in The Avengers, a coastal town filming location for Iron Man 3, a production facility known its special effects water tank, and a water-based character involved in a classic Iron Man storyline that also included a villain introduced in Iron Man 2.

Maybe, the storyline isn’t a straightforward adaptation of “Demon In A Bottle,” but it contains several elements from the storyline. Imagine Justin Hammer as the intellectual villain, who possible manipulates Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner into battle with Iron Man. The Sub-Mariner has been portrayed as both a villain and a hero in the comics, and he could always start out as a villain in the movie, before flipping to the hero side. In the comics, Sub-Mariner and Iron Man have fought several times in the past for various reasons. Such a plot would certainly make for both an intellectually stimulating and action-packed movie.

One more thing, guess what other Marvel character plays a role in the “Demon In A Bottle” storyline? The answer is Ant-Man, which is another character that Marvel Studios is rumored to be developing for the big screen. Remember what we said about Marvel Studios liking to tie their films together. Food for thought?
I'd be down with Namor. Loved Iron Man's and Namor back and forth in the comics.
Ben Kingsley Will Play ‘Iron Man 3’ Villain

Filming begins next month for Shane Black‘s Iron Man 3, and we still havent heard many details of what to expect in the next installent of Marvel’s popular movie franchise. We know that many of the regulars have signed on to return, including Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts and Don Cheadle as Lt. Col. James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes. But where are the new characters and new casting announcements?

Variety has learned that Ben Kingsley is in final talks to play a villain character in Iron Man 3. According to the trade report, Marvel declined to comment on the deal and insiders denied that he would be playing Mandarin. It has been known for months that the third film will be loosely based on Warren Ellis’ six-issue Extremis that introduced nanotechnology to Stark’s technologies. The trade thinks that Kingsley’s character will play a role in the spread of a nanobot virus. I’m sure we’ll learn more in the coming days.

Kingsley’s particpation in films as of recent has been a mix of smarter films/award contenders and worst of the year efforts, going from The Love Guru to Shutter Island, from Prince of Persia to Hugo. Lets hope this is not the next step in that chain.

Iron Man 3 is set to hit theaters on May 3rd 2013.

If the rumors are true and they are going Extremis it should be interesting to see if they also use a Ezekiel Stane option which wouldn't be too hard to fit in and bring it full circle.