Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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Something tells me that they'd look to the animated series with an armored Mandarin whose powers are based on that instead of the magical, mythical version. IF Thor does really well and fans like it though, you could see Marvel push for the original Mandarin pushed in since audiences are willing to accept a mix of magic and science as would have been seen in The Avengers.

But would he be an alien instead of magic? :lol
How bout if its the plot of Big Trouble in Little China, Tony is like Jack Burton and instead of a truck, he gets his armor stolen by Mandarin and just "wants his suit back."
:lol Awesome idea, Deckard!

I have some hope with Shane in the driver's seat. He'll most likely at the very least polish the script, or give it a good once-over. But chances are he'll want to write it himself.
by Edward Douglas
Mar 7th, 2011
An Ain't It Cool News reader attended a panel at the Omaha Film Festival on which filmmaker Shane Black was speaking and eventually he was asked about Iron Man 3, a movie he was rumored to be writing and directing last month, something that was never confirmed either by Walt Disney Pictures or Marvel Studios. Fans of Shane Black's directorial debut Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang should be excited about seeing him reunited with Robert Downey Jr. as it was that film that helped Jon Favreau and Marvel make their decision to go with Downey for the role of Tony Stark in the first place.

Black told the film festival audience that he's scheduled to meet later this week with Downey, who will be contributing to the story, and that Black himself will be writing the script as well as directing. Marvel Studios clearly must know that not everyone was happy with the previous sequel and Black said they've decided to focus on Iron Man and Tony Stark for the third movie, rather than bringing in other heroes from the Marvel Universe. And according to Black, they plan on going back to "self-contained single-character stories" following The Avengers.

Black also told the audience:

"Iron Man 3 will not be another 'two men in iron suits fighting each other' film. Instead, it will be more like a Tom Clancy-thriller, with Iron Man fighting real world villians."

This is certainly an interesting take on the character that's not too far removed from some of the better Iron Man comic book stories from the '80s, and maybe that means will be seeing the likes of Spymaster and Madame Masque in the third movie. Who knows? Maybe we'll even see Downey and Black reunited with their Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang co-star Michelle Monaghan in the latter role, even if that would be quite a drastic departure from the "nice girl" roles she normally plays.

Either way, look for a lot more developments on this exciting direction for Iron Man 3, which is currently set for a May 3, 2013 release.
I feel like War Machine should have a small cameo, but I don't want it to be a cameo for the sake of getting him in there because those usually seem forced and ridiculous.

I think the idea of Tony going up against real life bad guys sounds good and fits great with the first movie, but it seems a little weird following the last one and the formation of the Avengers since it makes the world so much more super powered.
Not sure I like that idea. Superman fighting Lex Luthor over and over again got lame quick. Super heroes need to fight super villians. Real world villians are for othe films to take care of :duh

If the Manderian is not the villian of Iron man 3, Favreau's departure will hurt that much more. He had a plan and now that seems to have been abandoned. Its almost as bad as if Christopher Nolan left Batman 3.
Interesting but I did like seeing War Machine in Iron Man 2. So they need to find a balance for all that. I personally really dug part 2 but am just excited to see where three goes.
Mandarin could still fit in, those terrorists were affiliated with him (presumably) and they were pretty real world. They would just need to tweak his character a bit.
Robert Downey Jr. Speaks about Iron Man 3
June 13, 2011

The Oscar nominated actor went on to joke that the most difficult part of filming Iron Man III will involve negotiating Jon Favreau's acting deal. The director left the Iron Man franchise to focus on other projects, and Lethal Weapon helmer Shane Black has stepped in for the third film. Although his acting role as Hogan isn't official at this time, Favreau will remain onboard as a consult to the new director. "Now that Shane is doing Iron Man 3, as he gets deeper into the process, he’s not asking “When can we go talk to Jon?” So, Favreau will consult with Black on the shaping of this new movie as much as Black needs him to," said Downey. Favreau stepped in with a few lighthearted comments,

"If Happy Hogan doesn’t turn into The Freak, I’m not doin’ it! I want a love scene with Pepper Potts with my shirt on and I want to be The Freak [laughs].

"If you want to get nominated for an Oscar, work with me and on your next movie you’ll get nominated. I’m the guy who sets it up. I am the Scottie Pippen of directors."

Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man, Iron Man 2) returns as the iconic Tony Stark/Iron Man along with Chris Hemsworth (Thor) as Thor, Chris Evans (Captain America: The First Avenger) as Captain America, Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker) as Hawkeye, Mark Ruffalo (The Kids Are Alright) as Hulk, Scarlett Johansson (Iron Man 2) as Black Widow, Clark Gregg (Iron Man, Thor) as Agent Phil Coulson, and Samuel L. Jackson (Iron Man, Iron Man 2) as Nick Fury. The star studded cast of super heroes will be joined by Cobie Smulders (How I Met Your Mother) as Agent Maria Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as Tom Hiddleston (Wallander) and Stellan Skarsgård (Angels & Demons, Mamma Mia!) who will both reprise their respective roles as Loki and Professor Erik Selvig from the upcoming Marvel Studios’ feature Thor. The Avengers is scheduled for theatrical release in the US on May 4th, 2012.
Well, I'm glad Favreau will still be involved helping with some directing and be back as Happy.
Im hoping to see Mandarin to be Iron Man 3 main villain.Iron Man and Iron Man 2 are good superhero movies.
I wonder if the Mandarin would be a villain in Iron Man 3. That was pretty much Favreau's idea to path into that and now with Black helming even though Happy Hogan is still involved I wonder if he'll go off into his own tangent.
I would think he'd stay the course with his own ideas. It would be more potentially damaging going off of where we were set.
The movement on this front is faster than I thought it would be...

PUBLISHED: JUNE 22, 2011 - 8:18PM
in Film Movie News Marvel Studios Action Adventure Comic Book Avengers
With it's lead, new director and screenwriter in place, Marvel Studios appears to be amping up production on their next Iron Man installment before The Avengers hits theaters.

Jon Favreau's departure from the Iron Man film franchise late last year caused fans of the Armored Avenger to became worried about the character's cinematic future after the 2012 ensemble film The Avengers. Marvel has recently signed Shane Black, who made a name for himself in the 1980s and 90s with The Monster Squad, Last Action Hero and four Lethal Weapon films, to helm the next film. Black has worked with actor Robert Downey Jr. before in the crime-comedy Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang.

Iron Man 3 also has screenwriter Drew Pearce attached to produce an original script in close association with Shane Black, but Marvel Studios has yet to establish a tentative theatrical release date for the project. According to actor Don Cheadle, who replaced Terrance Howard in Iron Man 2 in the role of Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes/War Machine, production on the project may begin early next year:

"We’ll probably do [Iron Man 3] in February and there’s talk of a War Machine spinoff, which I guess, unless I get recast, I would probably do. I have a contract to be in The Avengers but I’m glad they haven’t exercised that option yet. I need some down time."

Marvel Studios' The Avengers, starring Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston and Clark Gregg, is currently filming in New Mexico and New York
:lol And Hot Toys just wishes there were that many in the films to milk us dry!

I too think Vanko is toast. Otherwise you could say Iron Monger could have been saved at the last minute too. I personally wouldn't mind seeing Rourke and Bridges back, but I doubt they would bring them back. But if I've learned anything from Horror movies, unless you really see the villian die, he can always come back. And even then that doesn't stop some of them :lol

kind of like Halloween H20 and Halloween Resurrection.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Halloween 8 Part 1‬‏[/ame]
Some bits from Shane Black on IM3

On How His Grounded And Realistic Vision Will Effect Iron Man 3:

I think the approach is not just a visual or cinema-graphic approach. Iron Man is a different type of property, in a way, because Robert Downy is a different type of actor, number one. If you look at the first "Iron Man," the events of the story feels like the crossover between what's in a comic book and what's in real life. There's always been the tendency to make Iron Man the real-world superhero who deals with things a bit more rooted in geopolitical reality and then have comic book elements added. What's interesting to me about the first movie, and to some extent the second movie, is the character. If you're really paying attention to the story, the more people care about the character, the more people will care about the outcome, I think.

On The "Stylistic Stamp" He Intends On Putting On The Movie After Jon Favreau:

I believe in something I didn't make up; it's called the monkey bars approach. If you've ever been to a jungle gym, it looks on the outside very rigid and structured because there's all these bars that are locked in place and elaborately structured. But if you go inside the monkey bars, there's room to play around. So as long as the monkey bars framework exists, you can still play. What I wouldn't want to do is just play and that's it. Get the script first, get the script nailed down -- we're working very hard to ensure we're not writing the script as we approach production, that we actually know what we're doing so we can make production the process of enhancing and enriching and fulfilling the potential of our preexisting script instead of trying to make it up as we go along. I'm really thrilled to be as far along as we are, already.

On Once Again Working With Robert Downey Jr.:

Well, the great news is that Robert is a stand up guy. He sort of called me up and gave me this opportunity, in a sense, to launch a directing career. "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" was an ok movie, but I don't think it did very well; no one was clamoring for me after that. I think Robert was, on the one hand, very generous, and if I can be so bold, also very smart to return to someone who really understands and adores his voice. I just love that actor, I will write for that actor any day of the week. So he turned to someone who was very diligent about understanding and appreciating what he has to bring to the film, and to the extent that I can do that, I think absolutely in terms of success of this "Iron Man 3" movie. If we get Downey and tap what he does best, we can't lose.

On The Chances Of Seeing An Adaptation Of "Demon In A Bottle":

No, because if we go there -- it's part of Tony's character, but I think the "Demon In A Bottle" aspect, if you go there, you really have to go there. The film then becomes about that, because the journey that involves recovering from alcoholism is an entire movie. I mean, I want to keep it dark and interesting and edgy and spicy and all those things, but I don't think we want to go as far as to deal with Tony's descent into alcoholic madness. That's maybe not where we want to be.

On How Iron Man 3 Will Differ From Other Comic Book Movies:

I think it would be a return to the type of action movie I remember so fondly, which is less random carnage and more thriller -- less action, more suspense. More character-driven urgency that makes you want to find out what happens to the guy, not what happens to the building behind the guy. There's a certain retro vibe that I love which is the idea of taking modern technology and shot-making and even color palettes and injecting them with this sense of thriller-esque, 1970s stuff that makes it seem more edgy and accessible as opposed to just loud and obnoxious. That's kind of where I'm heading.